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Everything posted by Placidbob

  1. Like I said Barry, not looking for a refund or credit at this point, it's now a matter of principle due to the fact they have refused to acknowledge my complaint, It's just a case of "oops we were wrong, nothing we will do about it, unlucky for you" or at least that's the impression I'm getting. Initially I wanted the issue to be fixed on the site, and an apology at the least. It's now a complaint regarding them mishandling my complaint on 2 counts by closing them as a claim for refund then refusing to provide any information on why they have closed the complaints as such. i'd also like to note that the link you provided for the BF4 game is considered "dodgy" as its concerning how sites like that can offer prices for as low as they do, I know steam doesn't allow you to add games from that site, and Origin has in the past blocked keys from a similar site.
  2. So got this email from the relations team: "I am sorry to hear about the issues you have had with this Graphics card. Although the product title states it is the BF4 edition, there is nowhere on the product page that indicates this item will come with a product key for Battlefield 4. I'd imagine the references to such were removed after the promotion expired, but the product title was left as is as it is still the same card. I am afraid that, as such, we are unable to offer any further insight into this matter." Is this classed as Amazon admitting liability for false advertising? Surely it does not have to be included in the product page if it's already in the title? Interesting to note that all cards that had the "BF4 Edition" in the title have since been rectified although they have not offered me any insight into this.
  3. complaints@amazon.co.uk was the email address used for the complaints and I chased it up through chat when it was closed down as a claim, so basically when i send a complaint they just close it down, and when I go on chat they stonewall me. Do you think sending a letter to HQ will get a better response?
  4. Hi citizenB, (sorry for the wall of text) Essentially I was sold a graphics card advertised as a "BF4 Edition"* yet it did not include BF4 (well rather it came with an expired promotion) and I raised this up as an issue as the expiry was March 2014 when the card was ordered on June 2015, I initially had an "A-Z" claim requested by an agent spoken to via chat which was rejected due to it being outwith the 14 days (fair enough). Now included in this claim was the fact that this was false advertisement and as it was automatically rejected no one had been made aware that this was being falsely advertised, so I raised a complaint to ask amazon to remove this from the title of the product. This complaint was immediately closed due to Amazon stating "we thought it was an empty email" even though it included text and an attachment. Okay, mistakes are made and while this is unacceptable, I was happy to raise the complaint again after speaking to the chat team, it should be noted that they provided me with the name of the agent who closed the original complaint( I raised a complaint against the agent for closing the complaint). So today I open my email and what do i see? Two "claims" have been rejected, so they have treated a complaint re false advertisement as a claim, and a complaint regarding agent behavior as a claim for a refund. So I go onto chat again, and effectively the first agent states that after reviewing my account she cannot help me further and cannot provide me with the agents name who had closed my two complaints as claims for refund because.... her "lead" says so, I told her I had this provided to me in the last chat, why can't they do it now, and surely they have some obligation to inform me of who has been dealing with my case, I also asked why she couldn't help me further and why my complaint has been closed as a claim. "Agent has ended the chat", Lovely!, straight back to the chat page then. Next agent essentially re-iterates the same as the last agent, refuses to give me any ID for the Manager or complaints agents unless i pay £10 for a SARS, I went onto ask why they can't help me again, then decided against it. I asked the agent to confirm if we had reached a deadlock. The agent ignored this. So i asked again, is this Amazons final response to this, they are happy to reject a complaint as a claim regarding false advertising on their site and agent behavior? The agent told me with enthusiasm!! that this was the case and we are now deadlocked! All I wanted was an apology, and for them to fix the issue, I actually stated on the complaint that this was not about re-reimbursement or anything, I just didn't want it to happen to someone else Okay, so you understand the basis of my complaint and why this was false advertising: "Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to inform you that as per my conversation on the 02/09/15 amazon has allowed a supplier and also been personally advertising the Sapphire Dual-X R9 280X card as a “BF4 Edition”, this is false advertising due to the reasons already stated, (copy and paste): "The item is falsely advertised. The customer advised the Seller You are advertising the R9 280x as a battlefield4 edition yet the offer is only valid until march 2014, it was sold to me in 2015. An R9 280x card is built with a Tahiti graphics processor, the difference between the variants of R9 280x stem from differences in cooling systems and also in terms of clock speed etc. There is no such thing as a card optimized for a game, the drivers that are supplied across all Radeon cards using the catalyst control center provide driver updates to optimize games but this is not exclusive or has ever been exclusive to the card you have sold. It is infact advertised as a BF4 edition because it includes BF4, if it does not include BF4 then it is a standard Sapphire R9 280x card” I would also highlight: http://www.sapphiretech.com/productdetial.asp?pid=169596D2-D495-4094-BD75-DEA745D05911&lang=eng This is the manufacturer’s website, as you can see there is no mention of it being a BF4 edition by default, and it makes no mention of enhancing BF4. It is the exact same packaging and product and is a standard Dual-X R9 280X 3GB. As above, the reason it was advertised as the BF4 edition was because it included a free copy of BF4, this was a promotional offer and this expired on March 2014. Now I appreciate this may have been an oversight and I understand this is the info provided by the manufacturer (at the time) but it has been falsely advertised for over a year now, and as a result of that I have ordered an item(s) yet not received the full advertised Item(s). I appreciate that I should have checked this within the 14 days, but to be honest, I bought the Card for the Card, not the game, I have been enjoying the card playing other games and for AutoCAD work, I assumed the offer for BF4 would be valid for a few months at least, if it had expired since I bought it, then it would not be an issue, but this was not valid at point of sale. I look forward to hearing your response in this matter. Regards"
  5. See Below for Details Can anyone tell me who is the regulatory body for amazon? Or who to contact that can handle a complaint on my behalf? Cheers!
  6. Security reasons so we're told, you might be hiding sensitive info in the pockets, we also had coat racks but they have since been removed. They have reintroduced the no keys policy. I don't mind leaving keys in a secure place but as stated its too easy to open the lockers with no cameras there at all so that's causing problems again, but its okay to have a locker key because... well.. logic. Edit: Grammer
  7. Pretty much as the title states, new policy in the handbook states we are no longer allowed keys, money, jackets (even worn) etc on the call floor and have been supplied with small lockers with repeating keys, no one is assigned a locker and its based on a trust system. The company is not accepting any liability for lost/damaged property and are sending people home AWOL if they don't take off their Jackets or putting Keys in the locker. Is this acceptable for the company to do this? It's a call centre Btw Cheers -EDIT- Right so apparently some guy got told to put his medicine in the locker downstairs or to leave and go home which caused a ruckus, policy has now been reviewed and some obvious conclusions came to (sick people need medicine and storing your house/car keys in a locker to then have a locker key on your person is a bit redundant) Only the jacket policy now- which I actually understand so all good:)
  8. Thanks for the quick reply CitizenB, what about when i was on my payment plan, Surely they should not have been applying a default when the bills were paid?
  9. So finally found my account details in an old email account, called again as I did not want another default on my credit report and asked some questions regarding this amount outstanding. It seems as if the main problem here was that I made a verbal agreement with the DCA, which they did not fulfil so this has been passed back to Vodafone and they have been applying the default so agrred to make the final payment just to clear that matter up. However, the matter that I am now concerned about is the default’s attached to my credit report. I will need to get more info in writing but I have had a default applied every month since failing to pay (and surpassing the reminders to pay) now this was passed to a external 3rd party DCA (firstline I think). Now should Vodafone be applying their default on my credit file when the debt has been passed to DCA. Also I was on a payment plan for 3 months with the DCA, should the defaults not have stopped during this time? Finally, when returned to Vodafone should I have received a notice of assignment for the remaining balance? (The reason the Collections manager gave me for not receiving this is that the DCA was merely acting on behalf of Vodafone and the debt was not actually “sold” to them???) Lee has still not got back to me but I did not really have account details to send to him from the link provided. Could I have you guys input for the defaults as this is damaging for my credit file. Many Thanks, Placidbob
  10. So just checked my Noddle credit file and see that vodafone have been defaulting my account for the past 1.2yrs. Now i got myself into debt bother a while back and vodafone got left unpaid. So it went on for a few months where i cancelled (or let if terminate) and eventually i was contacted by a debt collection company (i forget the name). I eventually settled with them over the phone, to pay off the OSB without the charges (this was over a year ago) and since then ceased to get correspondence from them. Now i have since got my finances in order everything and last year staged a bit of a bonfire with my debt letters. So i phoned vodafone today and I gave them all previous address's to which nobody has any record of, and got repeatedly told to find my paperwork which each time I explained I did not have any. So firstly- is it possible for vodafone to be defaulting my account even though passed to a debt collection agency (could have been one of these "internal" ones though) and Secondly- where do I go from here? The wee collections dude could not even rub two sparks together and advise me to write in so phoning ever again is off the cards and even still no idea how i can confirm DPA with a letter if i don't know what address details/password to include? P.S. the default shows on my current address on the credit file
  11. regarding any payday loan company?, how do i apply (do i need to have an existing payday loan)
  12. Basically, i had issues with my car (which i need for work) and had to get a new one, had a lot of bother with "contact issues" i'll post the email jargon, long read(TLDR also): sorry for that fact , help is appreciated (READ FROM BOTTOM UP): My most recent emai ((included in TLDRl (i was on holiday)), TLDR: "I tried to arrange other repayment, this was there response: Thank you for the email. Your cancellation request of continuous payment authority is not lawful as this is a financial agreement. Please note that a continuous-payment authority is not covered by any bank guarantee and can only be cancelled by the business that holds the authority. Please note that the cancellation of continues payment authority does not free you of your obligation to make the payment and can be cancelled only when you have an alternative payment method in place or in case you have already made the payment. No payments have been wrongly collected nor disputed. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that even though you have contacted us prior your due date, it does not change the fact that you must have had funds available to repay your loan on the agreed date. Your loan is overdue and we are not obliged to provide you with any discounts at all, however we are still willing to settle your account with £50. If this is not suitable for you or we do not receive funds by Friday 12/07/2013 latest, offer will not be valid any longer and additional charges will be added according to our Credit Cycle until your balance is cleared in full or debt is forwarded to a debt collection agency" : My respnose: I am now making a formal complaint as i have tried to contact yourself regarding a payment that was due on the 1st June 2013. As i would not have then funds available on the card registered contacted your company via the "Contact us section" of your website to explain this and to arrange alternative payment via my second bank card as i was unsure a bank transfer would be quick enough, and i could not get an agent over the phone. Your company decided not to contact me but instead let the payment default, to which my response from the collections team was "We would like to draw your attention to the fact that even though you have contacted us prior your due date, it does not change the fact that you must have had funds available to repay your loan on the agreed date.", this breaches multiple OFT guidelines and by ignoring my request to gain profit from a lack of response (To which i have still had no explanation as to why i was not contacted) If required i can state the necessary guidelines breached as a result of this and can forward the full conversation with the collections team highlighting the guidelines breached (As you may be aware speedcredit recently lost its credit license due to following such practices) Furthermore your company refused to provide me with bank details to make the payment (which has been refused) and a letter of final response (which has been ignored) which I am BOTH STILL REQUESTING as i am NOT refusing to make payment, only that i can pay what i know is due and to pay in a manner that i am comfortable with. Finally, you may be aware that a CPA is still active on my account and that you have taken APPROX £130 from my account even though i have requested for this to be cancelled. As a result of this, i will be issuing a charge-back with my bank to recover the funds unlawfully taken, as i stated would happen if this was not investigated and resolved to my satisfaction, i now request that you either resolve this matter and provide a paper letter stating my amount to pay is £32.50 or you send a letter of final response so i can take this further with the Financial Ombudsman Services (F.O.S.). Failure receive a letter of final response or a resolution i will be eligible to take my case to the F.O.S. at the end of this month, as the 6 weeks default period will have passed: or you can arrange a court date with myself for a date i will not be working as this will further reduce my funds. I have already reported your practice to the OFT and shall continue to report on malpractice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL FULL EMAIL (READ FROM BOTTOM UP) To whom it may concern, I am now making a formal complaint as i have tried to contact yourself regarding a payment that was due on the 1st June 2013. As i would not have then funds available on the card registered contacted your company via the "Contact us section" of your website to explain this and to arrange alternative payment via my second bank card as i was unsure a bank transfer would be quick enough, and i could not get an agent over the phone. Your company decided not to contact me but instead let the payment default, to which my response from the collections team was "We would like to draw your attention to the fact that even though you have contacted us prior your due date, it does not change the fact that you must have had funds available to repay your loan on the agreed date.", this breaches multiple OFT guidelines and by ignoring my request to gain profit from a lack of response (To which i have still had no explanation as to why i was not contacted) If required i can state the necessary guidelines breached as a result of this and can forward the full conversation with the collections team highlighting the guidelines breached (As you may be aware speedcredit recently lost its credit license due to following such practices) Furthermore your company refused to provide me with bank details to make the payment (which has been refused) and a letter of final response (which has been ignored) which I am BOTH STILL REQUESTING as i am NOT refusing to make payment, only that i can pay what i know is due and to pay in a manner that i am comfortable with. Finally, you may be aware that a CPA is still active on my account and that you have taken APPROX £130 from my account even though i have requested for this to be cancelled. As a result of this, i will be issuing a charge-back with my bank to recover the funds unlawfully taken, as i stated would happen if this was not investigated and resolved to my satisfaction, i now request that you either resolve this matter and provide a paper letter stating my amount to pay is £32.50 or you send a letter of final response so i can take this further with the Financial Ombudsman Services (F.O.S.). Failure receive a letter of final response or a resolution i will be eligible to take my case to the F.O.S. at the end of this month, as the 6 weeks default period will have passed: or you can arrange a court date with myself for a date i will not be working as this will further reduce my funds. I have already reported your practice to the OFT and shall continue to report on malpractice. Many Thanks, James Thank you for the e-mail. If You have a complaint, We will investigate it and give any redress to which We feel You are entitled. In order for Us to investigate Your complaint please send it to our info@peachy.co.uk. If You are not happy with Our final response, You have a right to have Your complaint dealt with under the Financial Services Ombudsman Service at: The Financial Ombudsman Service South Quay Plaza 183 Marsh Wall London E14 9SR Website: http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk Consumer helpline: 0800 0234 567 (from a landline) 0300 123 9123 (from a mobile) Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk Switchboard: 020 7964 1000 Fax: 020 7964 1001 -- Kind regards, Daniel Erma Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk collections@peachy.co.uk Actions James 7/10/13 To: Peachy Collections Picture of James Clearly you do not have an understanding of the law, i have not refused to pay and the bank does have the authority to cancel a CPA as well as applying for a chargeback. It is not your decision as to whether the debt is in dispute but the debitors, you have stated that even though i have contacted you it does not matter...it does, because you have refused to allow me to resolve this before the payment was due and are therefore using an admin error to profiteer from a debitor. You have also stated i do not have another payment method so you cannot cancel the CPA (which legally you have no right to refuse) however i have requested the company bank details so i can give a direct bank transfer, you have not provided this. Thank you for confirming that is company policy as it will only benefit my case when taken to the F.O.S As this is your final decision please confirm you are sending a letter of final response so i can register my complaint with the F.O.S. If you choose not to i will wait the 6 weeks required and the report it anyway. You have also yet to give me the procedure for registering a formal complaint, which i am still requesting. James Sent from Samsung Mobile Actions Peachy Collection​s (collections@peachy.co.uk)Add to contacts 7/10/13 To: James Picture of Peachy Collections Thank you for the email. Your cancellation request of continuous payment authority is not lawful as this is a financial agreement. Please note that a continuous-payment authority is not covered by any bank guarantee and can only be cancelled by the business that holds the authority. Please note that the cancellation of continues payment authority does not free you of your obligation to make the payment and can be cancelled only when you have an alternative payment method in place or in case you have already made the payment. No payments have been wrongly collected nor disputed. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that even though you have contacted us prior your due date, it does not change the fact that you must have had funds available to repay your loan on the agreed date. Your loan is overdue and we are not obliged to provide you with any discounts at all, however we are still willing to settle your account with £50. If this is not suitable for you or we do not receive funds by Friday 12/07/2013 latest, offer will not be valid any longer and additional charges will be added according to our Credit Cycle until your balance is cleared in full or debt is forwarded to a debt collection agency. -- Kind regards, Alesja Tsernoseva Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk collections@peachy.co.uk James 7/10/13 Pleas confirm you are sending a letter of final response and that you hace removed your CPA from my bank card. Please also provide bank details so i can transfer the remainding £37.50 to your account Actions James 7/09/13 To: Peachy Collections Picture of James I contacted you 2 days prior to the debt being due via the contact us section of your website to which you failed to respond, I have explained why you were not able to contact me on the due date. As before i do not authorize any collections via CPA until this matter is settled, which by law you cannot refuse. Please sebd a letter of final response. Sent from Samsung Mobile Peachy Collection​s (collections@peachy.co.uk)Add to contacts 7/09/13 Thank you for the e-mail. Please note on 29/06/2013 you were advised the amount repayable on 01/07/2013. We also sent you a remainder email and a text message before you loan was due. You did not make Picture of Peachy Collections Actions James 7/09/13 To: Peachy Collections Picture of James You were unable to reach me as i was working, this is the reason i contacted you BEFORE the payment was due to try pay with an alternative debit card. As you have failed to even acknowledge this fact in any of your recent correspondence, have chosen to previously ignore this in order to profit from an admin error and as you are refusing to remove the additional charges, I am officially stating for legal purposes that this debt is now in dispute. As such, I demand that any CPA's (continuous payment authority's) are cancelled from my debit card and any method of collection from my bank will now be deemed as fraudulent. I will be sending a copy of this to my bank, and any moneys taken from my bank account will be recovered through a Charge-back procedure. I am also making you aware that any communication through door collection visits/telephone calls will be deemed as harassment and any correspondence can be posted or emailed to me. If you wish to pass this over to a debt collection company they will be informed with the supporting evidence that they have taken on a debt that is currently in dispute and requested that the debt is returned to yourself wherein a further complaint will be made to the OFT Furthermore due to your inadequacy, lack of empathy and failure to follow current guidelines I will be reporting your company to the OFT for this breach of guidelines. I shall also be making MP Stella Creasy aware of the way you handle your customers and request that you provide the correct information in order for me to make an official complaint to your company, as well as providing a "Final response/Letter of deadlock" (if this is your final decision) in order to make an official complaint with the financial ombudsman service. Merely ignoring the contents/evidence that I have provided within the emails and repeating "£50 settlement figure" as a reply is totally unacceptable. Below you will find exact guidelines set out by the OFT to be followed by all Consumer Credit License Holders for your consideration: Section 2.2: - treat debtors fairly – debtors should not be subjected to aggressive practices, inappropriate coercion, or conduct which is deceitful, oppressive, UNFAIR or improper, whether unlawful or not. -exercise forbearance and consideration, in particular towards debtors EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTY – we would expect businesses to WORK WITH debtors with a view to providing them with reasonable time and opportunity to repay debts and, where appropriate, to signpost them to sources of free independent debt advice. -establish and implement clear, effective and appropriate policies and procedures for engaging with debtors and other relevant parties, including having appropriate mechanisms for RESPONDING TO REASONABLY QUERIED and DISPUTED debt. These are the guidelines from section 2 of the OFT guidelines in which you are in breach, further breaches in guidelines within section 3 can be highlighted on request, however if you are struggling to find the information please refer to: http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/consultations/OFT664Rev_Debt_collection_g1.pdf Or you can got to the OFT website and manually search for the guidelines, Yours sincerely, James Actions Peachy Collection​s (collections@peachy.co.uk)Add to contacts 7/08/13 To: James Picture of Peachy Collections Thank you for the email. We have been trying to contact you on 02/07/2013 (the next day after your due date) and unfortunately were unable to reach. As was stated previously, the minim repayment amount we are willing to accept is £50. -- Kind regards, Alesja Tsernoseva Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk collections@peachy.co.uk Actions James 7/08/13 To: Peachy Collections Picture of James As previously stated you chose mot to contact me until after the bill was due even though correspondance was sent on the 29th of june. As a result of this you have allowed me to default and applied charges INSTEAD of contacting me prior to the payment which would have resolved the issue. As this is the case i refuse to pay any additional charges the amout due to be paid back was £62.50 I am unwilling to pay a total of £75 when you have deliberatly ignored me in oder to gain profit. Please either agree to drop ALL additional charges on the account or provide a letter of final response so i can register my complaint with the FOS and OFT Sent from Samsung Mobile Actions Peachy Collection​s (collections@peachy.co.uk)Add to contacts 7/08/13 To: James Picture of Peachy Collections Thank you for the e-mail. The £25 that we have been able to collect is already reduced form the balance and the remaining balance is £89.50 and as stated before we are willing to accept £50 to settle your account. -- Kind regards, Daniel Erma Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk collections@peachy.co.uk Actions James 7/08/13 To: Peachy Collections Picture of James Please confirm that i am only due to pay £25 as a settlement figure as you have already debited £25 from my account Sent from Samsung Mobile Peachy Collections wrote: Thank you for the e-mail. Please be so kind and provide us with the exact date on which you will be able to repay your loan and we will then be able to calculate the exact amount to be repaid. Please be advised that we follow strict policy procedures determined by our Credit Risk Committee and therefore we cannot freeze your loan, additional charges and interest. However, we are able to make an exception this time. Once you have provided us with the date on which we can expect the payment, we can negotiate with our Credit Committee to see if we could write off some of the additional charges. Until that, our system is automatic and still tries to collect the full amount and also additional charges and interest will be added. -- Kind regards, Alesja Tsernoseva Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk collections@peachy.co.uk On 3 July 2013 17:15, James To whom it may concern. > I have used the contact us section of your website on the 29th to inform you > i cannot access my online account nor can i text the 5-digit number to > retrieve the password. I have a screen recording program and have video > evidence of this being sent as companies tend to 'lose' these > communications. You have failed to contact me and have instead allowed a > default on my account which breaches OFT guidelines, as you are using an > admin error as an excuse to apply charges and gain a profit. Please provide > information on how to reset my password without texting the 5-digit number. > I also do not deem the additional charges applied as justified due to your > lack of response and request that they are removed immediatly, failure to do > so will result in an official complaint being made to both your own company > and the OFT. James > > > Sent from Samsung Mobile Actions James 7/05/13 To: Peachy Collections Picture of James As you have already taken £25 from my account i am under the impression that i am only due to pay a further £25 Sent from Samsung Mobile Actions Peachy Collection​s (collections@peachy.co.uk)Add to contacts 7/05/13 To: James Picture of Peachy Collections Thank you for the e-mail. The current outstanding balance is £76.00. As an exception, we would be willing to accept £50.00 as the final settlement payment. Please confirm if this is suitable for you, in order to finalize the arrangement. Until that, our system is automated and still tries to collect the outstanding amount and also additional charges and interest will be added for the overdue time. -- Kind regards, Karen Randoja Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk collections@peachy.co.uk Actions James 7/04/13 To: Peachy Collections Picture of James The paymebt can be made immediatly on the condition that the charges are removed and any additional charges are removed Sent from Samsung Mobile Actions Peachy Collection​s (collections@peachy.co.uk)Add to contacts 7/04/13 To: James Picture of Peachy Collections Thank you for the e-mail. Please be so kind and provide us with the exact date on which you will be able to repay your loan and we will then be able to calculate the exact amount to be repaid. Please be advised that we follow strict policy procedures determined by our Credit Risk Committee and therefore we cannot freeze your loan, additional charges and interest. However, we are able to make an exception this time. Once you have provided us with the date on which we can expect the payment, we can negotiate with our Credit Committee to see if we could write off some of the additional charges. Until that, our system is automatic and still tries to collect the full amount and also additional charges and interest will be added. -- Kind regards, Alesja Tsernoseva Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk collections@peachy.co.uk he paymebt can be made immediatly on the condition that the charges are removed and any additional charges are removed Sent from Samsung Mobile Actions Peachy Collection​s (collections@peachy.co.uk)Add to contacts 7/04/13 To: James Picture of Peachy Collections Thank you for the e-mail. Please be so kind and provide us with the exact date on which you will be able to repay your loan and we will then be able to calculate the exact amount to be repaid. Please be advised that we follow strict policy procedures determined by our Credit Risk Committee and therefore we cannot freeze your loan, additional charges and interest. However, we are able to make an exception this time. Once you have provided us with the date on which we can expect the payment, we can negotiate with our Credit Committee to see if we could write off some of the additional charges. Until that, our system is automatic and still tries to collect the full amount and also additional charges and interest will be added. -- Kind regards, Alesja Tsernoseva Peachy Collections Department http://www.peachy.co.uk collections@peachy.co.uk Actions James 7/03/13 To: collections@peachy.co.uk Picture of James To whom it may concern. I have used the contact us section of your website on the 29th to inform you i cannot access my online account nor can i text the 5-digit number to retrieve the password. I have a screen recording program and have video evidence of this being sent as companies tend to 'lose' these communications. You have failed to contact me and have instead allowed a default on my account which breaches OFT guidelines, as you are using an admin error as an excuse to apply charges and gain a profit. Please provide information on how to reset my password without texting the 5-digit number. I also do not deem the additional charges applied as justified due to your lack of response and request that they are removed immediatly, failure to do so will result in an official complaint being made to both your own company and the OFT. James
  13. Hi tinkerbell, MHB (apparently a certified legit company) is asking if you would prefer to pay a company that no longer has a CCL? Do they not realize Speed Credit is unable to accept payments as a result of this? I would expalin you are taking this to the FOS, request a final response or failing at that wait the 8 weeks, (must be close to that now) Explain he has to date refused to acknowledge any requests to investigate the debt as you have informed him it is in dispute, no letter of assignment, suspected breach of the Data protection Act and you are still receiving unreasonable demands. Been following this thread for a few months this has gone far enough, the FOS will sort it on your behalf:)
  14. Do you not need to wait 8 weeks of having a dispute before they send a letter of deadlock before you can take it to the fos?,
  15. Can anyone clarify the difference between a "Granted" and "Current" CCL? Refering to MHB, *may have been looking at something else for the Granted Status though* P.s. Does anyone else have an error every few clicks or so on the public register?
  16. Tinkerbell: Your right would be a good idea to continue collecting the info and sending it to the OFT, but if they play nice and offer the correct reduction as well as a payment plan suitable, then you've won. They've came across as a bit more polite, send that (would include that the debt was in serious dispute before they bought it as well#) see what they say, if they decide to turn nasty, then we can take it from there:)
  17. Hi Tinkerbell, found this letter on another toothfairy thread, I would send them this as an icebreaker, making your resolution clear then take it to the Fos after the 8 weeks if they don't fold (you will need to request a confimation of deadlock letter from MHB), fingers crossed they will fold though £xx is the loan plus the interest for either 14 days or 28 days To whom it may concern On *insert date you applied for loan* I applied for a loan of £*amount initially borrowed* on your website http://www.speedcredit.com which was accepted by you and due to be repaid on *insert date loan was due* and the amount due was *insert either £xx or £xx depending on if it was a 14 or 28 day loan*. Due to various reasons I was unable to meet this commitment. Despite multiple attempts to negotiate a payment plan with your company having failed I am still willing to repay the debt of *insert £xx or £xx minus amount of any payment made already*. In order to repay my debt and proof that I am in no way trying to hide or run from this debt I am willing to repay the debt of *insert £xx or £xx minus amount of any payment made already* by the following means: I will pay *insert amount* *insert how often, weekly, fortnightly, monthly* by *insert how you will pay, for example standing order* to your Barclays Bank Account Sort Code: 20-50-94 Account Number: 93462382 using the following reference number: *insert mobile phone number you provided in the application* starting on *insert date of first payment* until *insert date of last payment*. I do not acknowledge any debt above the amount of *insert £xx or £xx minus amount of any payment made already* and if you wish to pursue such debts above the amount of *insert £xx or £xx minus amount of any payment made already* be aware that I am prepared to report each such attempt of yours to the relevant regulatory outfits plus if deemed necessary I am fully prepared to take all legal action necessary to defend myself. “Below part only applies if you already made any payments” In addition to above I kindly request a formal acknowledgement that I have already made the following payments towards clearing the debt: 1: Payment of “Insert amount by means of “how you paid, ex standing order” on date “insert date”. 2: Payment of “Insert amount by means of “how you paid, ex standing order” on date “insert date”. And so on Regards, *insert your name*
  18. It's been sold to Web Loan Processing or Marshall Hoares, check out the letter send to another poster on this thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?358018-speed-credit/page8
  19. How do we stop them getting around these laws is there any legislation we can petition to be approved to stop this ind of practice?
  20. What would the legality be if "marshall hoares" or Toothfairy demanded the money but are using the same bank account details? could you not declare fraud against these guys as they are using banks account details( I know they were always toothfairys) that are the same as speedcheck/paycheck credits? Could you not claim you believe that they are a fraudulent company posing on behalf of speed/paycheck credit trying to take your money on behalf of this company claiming they are another company?
  21. Also, if they provide the same bank details, question why they're using the same details as speedcredit, : you could advise that you believe they are actually speedcredit are trying to pose as another company and you believe this to be against the law (i'm nopt sure if it is but it would be reason for suspicion, tried talking to your local CAB?) (Also like to highlight that nothing I say is verified fact, just my opinion, based on my own experiences and from other threads)
  22. Yeah, fingers crossed. Also ask them why they have taken over a debt when they are a loan company not a debt management company? Not sure on the legality of this either:S Last time OFT gave Toothfairy a slap on the wrists, the agreement was that Toothfairy may not: "Levy charges that are disproportionate to the main debt and which do not reflect the actual, necessary cost of recovering a debt" "Pressure debtors who have defaulted on an agreement to pay unreasonably large instalments when they are unable to do so" you might also want to highlight this to them
  23. Think the debt's have been sold to Web Loan Processing (AKA Toothfairy(they have they're own license number)) Maybe after all this they will start being more reasonable, doubt it tbh though
  24. When this gets confirmed as sold to this company. State that the you are disputing these charges as they are unlawful, and you will agree to pay back the original loan + 1 months interest, explain you have made more token payments than this and advise them that the previous company partly lost its license due to the unlawful charges applied, and that you would like this to be investigated/charges removed, as you wouldn't like to see a similar action taken against toothfairy (LIES) (offering settlement might help(last resort of coming to an agreement), but never tell them you actually have the money) Transmission Fee: Actually should state £4.90 in your contract(it did in mine) NDR acceptance fee: Passed from one desk to another (ask them to prove this was sent to an independent company) therefore not lawful Charge solicitors: Again passed to an INTERNAL LEGAL TEAM which makes it unlawful to apply this charge I'm sure most of the other charges aren't justified but I'm not sure why:( would need a more experienced cagger to explain that one. Let us know what happens
  25. @ Sillyboywyn, Anymore details on this? can you copy and paste or summarize key parts of the letter? and what company contacted you via letter and what company did you phone? is the call recorded?? @Tinkerbell, definitely wait until you get something in writing, but try get both email/letter. Get an email confirming they have bought the debt, what amount the debt is now due to them and a breakdown, who it was bought from, and ask them also how a completely different company now has access to your complaint with MCO. If anyone else can chip in with what to ask feel free, working atm so will be on and off this.
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