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Everything posted by shortwoman68

  1. Thank you for your advice, I fully understand about registration and third party information.
  2. Thank you for the comments. I asked my friends what forms she received. She received a Notice of Seeking Possession S83 however she did not receive a s21 or s8. The court form is Form N5B Claim form for possession of property (accelerated procedure), (assured shorthold tenancy). The reason given is rent arrears. My friends hearing is on 24th September however she is planning to pay of the areas or the majority within the next 2 weeks and estimated that the balance would be around £400 outstanding at the time of the court hearing. Would she still be evicted if she continues to repay this or if she agrees to a payment plan in court or would they go ahead with eviction?
  3. My friend rents a home from a Housing Association and has lived there for 12 years. She was served with a Notice of Seeking Possession first and made arrangements to pay off the arrears. Unfortunately she fell behind due to the nature of her work and being self-employed. She then received a letter to attend court today.
  4. My friend is in rent arrears but is paying them off her housing association has served her with a Notice of Seeking Possession and now she has received a letter to attend court. The letter outlines the amount of rent to be paid weekly and their desired outcome is Eviction. Her current arrears is £1800 but she is paying this off weekly however as she is self-employed there are times when she is unable to pay anything. My friend is very worried about what will happen and wonders whether she is able to make an agreement at court or will it be straight eviction. She does intend to pay off alot of this before the hearing but is still worried. As I have never been through this process I cannot advice her. Any advice please ??
  5. Just a question, after sending off an ET1 to the Employment Tribunal, is it normal practice for them to email you to state that you have a preliminary hearing?? I have never heard of this before.
  6. I am making a query on behalf of a friend. She is a carer for her autistic sister and made her employers (local government) aware of this 5 years ago when she started work as a Registries and Ceremonies Officer. She was frequently late for work as she had to wait for the transport to collect her to take her to the day centre daily due to this she asked to start work later instead of the normal 9 am. During her period of employment she felt bullied and harassed by her supervisor who complained about her lateness consistently and belittled her by calling her 'Oi you' and not as part of the team. Through the stress of caring for her sister daily and harassment my friend put in a complaint about her supervisor on 3rd June 2016. The councils policy on complaints is stated as: complaint received, investigation and response - within 5 working days any investigation necessary - with 10 working days She did not receive any response to this complaint and there was no investigation. She was asked whether she could undertake a ceremony on 24th July 2016 at 1pm however due to her caring responsibilities she was unable to do this. She informed her supervisor of this on 23rd July whilst at work and it appears that there was a disagreement and her supervisor stated that ' she behaved in a threatening and intimidating manner' towards her during this discussion. My friend stated that she did not but was very anxious and stressed on this day due to the pressure of her caring responsibilities and has been supported by her GP but felt very unsupported by her employers and her supervisor. Allegations made by the supervisor were stated as correct by people that worked with her but not regarded as colleagues due to their exclusion of her. Anyway following the allegations she was suspended from work on 25th July 2016 and interviews were taken in September, November and December 2016 from my friend, the supervision and other witnesses. During this period my friend sent further complaints of harassment and bullying on 9th and 14th September bearing in mind that her initial complaint made in June was not investigated which she also highlighted. She was ill advised by a union representative to accept the charge of gross misconduct and was dismissed on 26th April 2017 and placed on the redeployment list for 12 weeks, in which she was seen weekly for any suitable positions. 12 weeks was also her notice period. The documents state that any complaints made during the periods of disciplinary will be dealt with within the hearing but they were brushed over and the initial complaint has never been discussed or addressed. She has appealed against her dismissal citing that she was wrongly advised, she had a nervous breakdown and they refused to re-schedule the meeting as she was unable to contribute and agreed to everything, she worked with the local authority since 2002 and had a clean record. It was recommended by the Investigating Officer that she was transferred to another role not dismissed or redeployed. She now needs to write another appeal and after seeing a solicitor she would like to still list the above but also add associative disability discrimination as she has caring duties which have been confirmed by the local authority in writing and also been supported through this ordeal by her GP, harassment as they refused to allow her flexi time to attend to her sister and also the behaviour of her supervision by calling her 'oi you' and the conduct of her employers. (The later has been suggested by a Solicitor who looked over the papers). Can anyone advise as she needs to write an appeal to hand in on monday:sad:
  7. Just a question, does anyone know if any company that conducts pre-interviews by webcam or skype before offering a formal interview? I have never heard of this before.
  8. My partner has been working for the same employer for nearly a year but is an agency worker as a Forklift Operator. He is allowed annual leave but not sick pay. His role involves moving pallets of soft drinks and loading and unloading them. A few months ago he was asked to pick up a pallet but as it was not balanced properly due to the way it was originally placed he dropped it when trying to pick it up. It was reported to the Manager who asked him to complete an incident report and asked what happened during the incident, at no point was he informed that he has a warning or anything just a discussion about the accident. A few days later he was retested on the Reach forklift and was allowed to use the machine again. On Monday he was driving the Reach Forklift again and a trainee was also driving a forklift, the trainee was in front of him but did not honk his horn to let him know that he was coming, as he was meant to do, as my partner briefly turned around to check that no pallets fell, he hit his Reach forklift into the trainees but no damage was caused. He was taken off the Reach and asked to complete an incident record again and placed on another machine. On Tuesday he was called into the office to discuss the incident, he was then informed that he has a Final Written Warning. My partner informed them that he didn't know that he even had a first warning and was told that the first incident was placed on his record but he was never informed of this. I am sure that this is not the correct way to do these meetings. Please could someone advise and does he have any rights?
  9. I have had a short talk with a duty doctor today who admittedly did not know anything about my ongoing illness. I explained my problem with travel to my job and the implications on my health however she stated that although the GP's and neurologist may agree that my job is far and may impact on my health, I would need an occupational health assessment to confirm this as they would not be able to as they would need to request further information from my GP or neurologist. As I do not know anything about this as I have never been in this situation, I do not know what to do. My employers outsource the OH and I have already had an assessment which did not consider the travel implications at the time as the focus was on the actual job. The duty doctor has now given me an extra 2 weeks off sick so that I can discuss this in depth with my regular GP. I really don't know where to go from here
  10. I am currently employed on a full time contract at a doctors surgery as a receptionist/administrator and started March 2016, however since May 2016 I have had Bells Palsy and this has now led to a condition called Functional Neurological symptoms Disorder and I see a neurologist for this and have been referred to a speech therapist. The condition leads to severe migraines that in turn leads to speech problems so it appears that I have had a stroke but I have not. Anyhow due to this condition I have been hospitalised 3 times and been off time in total probably 7 months. The condition is caused by stress, humidity, cold, tiredness and hunger. It takes me a hour and 30 minutes to get to work and 3 modes of transport which was not previously an issue however my GP told me that I need to find a job closer to home due to the stress of having to get to and from work and that I might need to return home quicker when I have an episode. Currently I take a cab to and from work paid for by the DWP due to an intermittent mobility problem and my hours have now been reduced to 4 hours a day as agreed with my neurologist, GP and employer. Now my problem is this, I am due to return to work this week but the thought of returning to this role is causing me anxiety as I no longer think that this is the role for me. With anxiety and stress I am experiencing will eventually lead to migraines and inturn my slurred speech which means I will be unable to return to work. It is not that I do not want to work as I always have done but no longer have the zest for this job and it has now become a point of depression. I have to see my GP before going back to work but am really at a crossroads at what to do. My employers only paid SSP so I am now on ESA and I know that if I leave my job I cannot claim benefits for 6 weeks or so which will only increase my financial problems but returning will only increase my stress and lead to me being off work again. What can I do???
  11. Sorry to hear this I know after dealing with them for my father how distressing it can be. I wrote to them on his behalf but luckily he had receipts of his purchase and but it was different circumstances also as my father had never shopped in Lidl before and therefore was not aware of their policy. I hope that someone else on this thread will be able to help you.
  12. Thank you for your reply but I don't think that agreeing to pay a debt collector and receiving a letter stating thank you for the cheque which she has no knowledge of has any connection. She agreed to pay as she has never been in debt and their tack ticks frightened her so she agreed but has since cancelled this. As she has received a letter stating that it has been paid from HMRC but not received anything regarding the SARs I think that she should not do anything for now unless chase the SARs as she has already paid for this information.
  13. Please could someone reply to my question above. Should my daughter-in-law follow-up the SARs as they have not responded and what should she do about the letter she has received saying 'thank you for your cheque' which she has no knowledge about?
  14. She followed the advice regarding the SAR's however was awaiting information from her employer and requested an extension. She did not receive a response to this letter and has yet to receive the information requested under SARs. She only received a telephone call regarding payment and she will be cancelling their direct debit and a letter saying thank you for the Self-Assessment cheque which she has no knowledge about. They have not stated that they have cancelled the SA penalty and yes the Self Assessment form does not apply to her but she was told she had to complete it for some reason. As stated she has been employed by the same employer for over 6 years and has never been self-employed. Therefore, I dont know where she needs to go from here.
  15. Thank you all for this information however despite sending off a SARs request on 7th October, she has not received any information she has requested. However she received a telephone call from a debt collector stating that they were acting on the behalf of HMRC and as she was worried she agreed to payments of £155.12 per month starting from 26th December which she can ill afford. Confirmation of this agreement was sent to her in a letter dated 15th November 2016. This letter states that she owes HMRC £1861.40 despite the fact that she has never been self-employed or had a second job. Then on 16th November she received a letter from HMRC saying 'Thank you for your recent Self Assessment payment which you paid by check sent through the post'. This letter goes on to outline the many ways in which should could pay eg. Bacs, CHAPs, online etc. This is very coincidental considering this was the deadline date for the SARs. My daughter-in-law has never made a payment to HMRC so this is all very confusing. Advice please:???:
  16. Thank you everyone. My fathers received 3 letters stating that his parking charge is cancelled!
  17. I started a job on 9th March as a GP receptionist which is a role I wanted to do for a while. Unfortunately I fell ill with Bells Palsy a few months later and have not been to work since 2nd June. I currently receive SSP from my employers and send in regularly Fitness to Work certificates as I have had another condition brought on by Bells Palsy. Anyway to cut a long story short, I previously went a Welfare Meeting at work and it was agreed that I would return to work for 4 hours a day when I was well enough however I have now seen a neurologist who has diagnosed me with a condition called FNsD (Functional Neurological symptoms Disorder). Basically I get very bad migraines which affect my speech. The migraines are triggered by the cold, heat, humid conditions, stress, hunger, tiredness and over exertion...yes alot. My speech becomes slurred so it is difficult to speak but also difficult for people to understand me. I saw my GP today who although said that I could try to work 4 hours a day but recommended that I try a role nearer to my home (my travelling time to and from work is between 1 and a half to 2 hours each way) and a role that does not require me to talk constantly. Although I would like to return to my role, I am conscious that I may be off work again due to migraines or would have to leave work if I experience one. I was thinking that if I had to leave work, I would volunteer for a few hours a week in a role of interest but in terms of entitlement to benefits, what would my options be???
  18. Unfortunately I am appealing on the behalf of my father who is in his 70's and very anxious about this situation. If i told him not to worry, he would worry more about any further letters he would receive requesting more money.
  19. Is it ok to email the letter and a copy of the receipts?
  20. Thank you very much for this response. I will make the changes. I have now changed it to this. Dear Sirs, I, as registered keeper, wish to invoke your appeals procedure. The driver, although noticed the signs stating 90 minutes of free parking for Lidl customers at the Lidl in Lewisham, they did not notice the information stating that drivers need to register their vehicles registration number at the store. It is not the drivers usual store and as this is not the requirement of other stores in the area they did not notice this unusual request. There was no breach of conditions as the driver was a customer and can prove it by way of the attached receipts. Should you continue to make unfounded claims I shall initially make a complaint to the owners of the site and then take the matter further.
  21. I want to send off my fathers appeal letter today, please can anyone let me know if this is ok. thank you Vehicle Registration No. XXXXXXX Incident Date 20/09/2016 Parking Charge Notice No.X XXX XXX XXX Parking Charge Issue Date: Dear Sirs, I, as registered keeper, wish to invoke your appeals procedure. The driver, although noticed the signs stating 90 minutes of free parking for Lidl customers at the Lidl in Lewisham, they did not notice the information stating that drivers need to register their vehicles registration number at the store. It is not the drivers usual store and as this is not the requirement of other stores in the area they did not notice this unusual request. However the driver did shop instore (copy of receipts attached). In any event your charges are penal in nature and not a genuine pre estimate of loss. I am under no statutory obligation to name the driver and will not do so. If you reject my appeal please supply a popla code. Yours,
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