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Everything posted by shortwoman68

  1. Have you contacted Nat Debtline ? The National Debtline were the people that suggested bankruptcy and I also emailed them about my situation but am awaiting a response. What type of debts are these.. credit cards/loans ? The debts are a variety. The most comes from two bank loans which was taken out around 2000 when I was married and encouraged to by my husband at the time. They were both for £15000 at the time. I used some of the money for household goods and a holiday to see my grandparents who were unwell at the time but the majority of the money was taken by my ex-husband and I do not know what he did with it. As they were both in my name I am lumbered with the debt. Other debts include an overdraft, catalogue, credit cards and pay day loans which are the most recent. Other debts are to the social fund, rent overpayment which I was previously paying back quite well without an IVA and an open university course which I was paying for. Are there any default charges applied do you know? I know there are default charges for some and I also have a CCJ which I was paying for one of the loans. Was there any Payment Protection Insurance applied to any of the accounts ? There has been PPI taken out on one of the loans however as it was taken out in my maiden name and I am now divorced, they require my divorce certificate in order to apply it. I am unsure of the other loan. When did you take out this credit ? Credit was taken out from 2000 onwards. When did you first default ? Various dates Do you know if the companies had stopped adding interest to the debts ? I think that the companies continued to add interest but am unsure of some of them.
  2. Thank you all for your comments, however I do not wish to go down the Bankruptcy route as this may affect my current employment as I work for a private employer whose partners include Ernst and Young and other high profile companies and any future employment as I am seeking government positions and working within the NHS, If bankruptcy was taken then I might be jobless which would mean that I would not have any money to pay towards any creditors and it would be difficult for me to gain further employment. As stated previously I am also concerned as my health impacts on my salary which means that if my finances are controlled in anyway I may not have enough to live on which defeats the object in my view. Any further suggestions?
  3. Thank you for your advice. I do not have any assets, no property, cars etc.
  4. I have a large amount of debts which I have been trying to tackle for a number of years. I am currently in an IVA with Payplan which is failing as I am currently employed in a private company who only pay SSP when you are off sick. Prior to arranging this IVA I informed Payplan that I have medical conditions which are a left clavicle joint injury which means I have a screw in my shoulder to hold my clavicle bone in place to my collarbone. I also have Sacroiliac joint injury on my right side which causes me pain and immobility especially when I am under stress, cold and exert myself too much through walking. Due to this I have been issued with a freedom pass as I have been informed that there is nothing they can do as the tissues have worn away from the joints. I also have a suppressed immune system which means I am susceptible to colds and flu’s I have been off sick from work on a number of occasions since starting the IVA, which was only started in April 2012 and could not pay the money into the plan due to my low salary therefore I have been informed that I am in arrears of £244.00. They have advised me that a Debt Management Plan maybe the best option due to the amount of debt which is around £56,000. I am concerned that due to that if I enter into any plans that I might end up in a similar situation of being unable to pay especially if I am off sick and only receiving SSP. I am not entitled to any benefits as I can work but encounter bouts of ill health from time to time and am currently seeking another position that does not operate the same sickness policy. Does anyone have any suggestions as I need to make a decision as soon as possible. Many thanks
  5. My brother brought a television on a buy now, pay later deal and has nearly finished paying for his television. However, the credit for this television has come from Barclays bank and with the recent cases on loan rate fixing etc, he would like to know if he has been affected and if so, is there anything he can do. Many thanks
  6. I took out a loan with wage day advance and fell into financial difficulty and after alot of texts and emails, I arranged to pay them £20 per month (owed £197). I paid the agreed amount on 19th of this month, then I found out today that I had £64 missing from my account. I contacted my bank and they told me that wage day advance went into my account on a previous authorisation and first took £44, then two amounts of £10, all in two days without my permission. I am fuming and have asked the bank to cancel my debit card and re-issue another one so they do not have my card details. I have also now cancelled the standing order that I previously set up with them as they in effect 'stole' money from my account. Can I report them to the Financial Services Ombudsman for this as I did not agree for them to take any money from my account.
  7. Bankruptcy was discussed however I was not keen on the various restrictions and the stigma of being a bankrupt as this would affect and future employment plans.
  8. I have just entered into an IVA with Payplan. From the beginning I informed them that I work for a company who only pay SSP when anyone is off sick. I informed them that I have been off sick during various times of the year however they took an overall estimate of my salary based on my wage slips over 3 months. This meant that the estimate was higher than my salary that I have been receiving due to illness. I am currently off sick as I sprained my shoulder due to passing out from a sinus infection and may only receive SSP for the who duration of my sick leave which means that I will have to claim benefits in order for my rent and council tax to be paid. I have discussed this issue previously with Payplan however they have insisted that I need to stick to the amount they have set out. I know that if I only receive SSP for the month I will not be able to pay them and also afford to pay gas, electric or buy food. Any suggestions?
  9. Just to clarify matters I had a sinus infection where I was later informed that the infection was in the cranium, but went to work as I felt I had to due to financial reasons. On my return to work form I placed that I was NOT fit for work but had to return. I felt dizzy on the day of my return and passed out. When I hit the floor I landed on my left shoulder where I have a pre-existing clavicle injury and have a screw to hold the bone in place. Due to the fall, I have now sprained my shoulder and although the sinus infection has nearly disappeared, I am unable to return to work due to my sprained shoulder.
  10. I understand what you are saying however whenever we return from sick leave, we have to complete a 'Return to Work' form which asks you what you had and particularly if you are well enough to return. On my form I put 'No, however I felt that I had to return to work'. I do not know if Management has my form as I have not been back to work since and have now been informed by my GP that my shoulder movement is too restricted to return to work. If I decide to return it will be against her advice and I would have to wear a sling, which they would not allow.
  11. Unfortunately, as far as I am aware the company does not have any connections with a union and I do not know anyone that does. I do plan on talking to the Hospital Director when I return to work as I cannot afford to loose 2 weeks money.
  12. I currently work for a private mental health company who do not pay company sick pay, but SSP however company sick pay is payable with Management discretion. I have been sick since Monday 23rd April however took one day off sick despite having a fever. I was informed by NHS Direct and a gp that I have a sinus infection and due to having intense headaches on 28th April decided to take a rest and was off work for three days from Monday 30th April 2012. Although I felt slightly better but still experiencing headaches, I went back into work on Thursday 3rd May (this was due to being unable to afford taking more time off work). On the same day I felt dizzy, passed out and ended up in A&E. The doctors said that I should not have gone into work and could not believe that I was basically choosing to be paid over my health. I informed him that when you have bills to pay, you are not left with much of a choice. I fell on my left shoulder which is already injured and has a screw in the clavicle bone and was told that I have sprained this and am still off work. I am due to see my GP today to see if I am fit enough to return on Monday. Is there any claim I can make against my company as I felt that I HAD to go into work due to only being paid SSP when they were aware that clearly was too unwell to be in work.
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