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  1. If i go into the letting agents and ask if something can be arranged is it likely i'll get a good result? Thank you for replying and your help!
  2. Hi! I recently bought a car I saw advertised on Gumtree by a 'private seller'. After test driving the car, and asking about its previous history, I noticed a section of poor paintwork on the front passenger side of the car. However was reassured the car had not had a serious accident and that it was in very good condition. Less than two months after purchasing the car it fell to pieces, with over ten faults. After having it valued it appeared to be over worth £1000 less than I paid for it, and I discovered it was a category C car. The log book I was shown when I purchased the car had no record of previous damage to the car, and also said the number of previous owners was half of how many the car actually has. After talking to the man who sold it to me it was obvious this situation could not be solved amicably no matter how hard I tried. After more research into the seller I have discovered he is actually a trader who buys cars from auctions, fixes them up himself poorly, and sells them on as private, lying about the history and denying that these were in fact written off cars. When confronted about being a trader he claimed 'I have many cars I keep at different peoples houses and that I get them to sell for me' therefore admitting he is in fact a trader. However he is claiming my car is the only car that wasn't a trader car. The situation has lead to a court case as the seller would not agree to discuss, nor attempt to resolve the situation, and I plan on reporting him to consumer direct. I was wondering if anyone had any advice or new anything about these kind of situations? Thank you all for your help!
  3. Hi! I am a student living with three other students in a house. Our contract started on the 16th September 2011 as a 12 month contract, however we all finish our studies by the beginning of June. After speaking to a few people I was informed that after staying in the property for 6months or more, by law, you can not be stopped from terminating your contract as long as 60days notice is given? I was wondering if this was in fact true, and if so, how I go about terminating the agreement? Thank you!
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