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Everything posted by blacksheep1979

  1. A male security officer searching a female suspect even more so an underage female suspect without a female present or parent in the case of an underage person could end up in vvv hot water if allegations were made. Maybe something you should point out to debenhams and suggest the person in question needs a spot of training.
  2. Ok finally got round to sorting this out a while ago and chased them up the other week. Found the account details and sent off to get a copy of the default letter - something they have failed to do in way over the allotted time period. Also asked for the fees back. They've come back with the standard our fees represent our costs blablabla and that we can prove we sent the default letter if need be. Now I was under the impression that they had to provide a copy of tha default letter and within a given time frame - am I wrong? Sort of need to know before I respond to them with a lba.
  3. No its not unreasonable to wash something - but if I'm washing something with water that is so hot as going to scald me I'm generally careful with said item. yes but does it say its designed to be shaken with scaldingly hot water?
  4. get a cheap hd caddy and put the hd in that and see if you can get the data off rather than trying to get the costs from pcworld - which aint likely to happen
  5. whenever I've had an upgrade from Orange (different co, I know) there has been a 30 day cooling off period so in that instance using the phone was acceptable I believe.
  6. ebay has guidlines over how long a buyer has to pay and its def far less than a couple of months - get your mate to point this out to the buyer and state that he is the one in breech of the contract - if one ever did exist.
  7. I'm afraid I'm with Mr Shed n Gyzmo here - enclosed spaces when heated pressurise and can spray water out. If you've put water in thats hot enought to scald you then it is sort of your fault - you're not using the product as reccomended.
  8. Absolute waste of time, although judging from the title of your thread you may be best posting here for help before mailing anything.
  9. If you have insurance on your property then it might be worth contacting them and stating that there is a risk to your property from the neighbouring house, due to its condition. The insurance company obviously not wanting to pay if any damage happens may set their legal team onto the owner of the property.
  10. tbh mate it might be time to play hardball and try keep the ps3 - although I'd def reccomend getting proper legal advice before attempting that.
  11. I beg to differ after seeing where you shop for your computer needs
  12. when did you buy the recorder? I'd also point out to the shop that a waranty is in addition to your rights under the SoGA and not in place of them.
  13. At a guess here its probably involving vets and payment? Probably best as said above if you give the full story
  14. overclockers are in stoke on trent so its probably the op's court. Btw - I've had replacements from them before for faulty goods (well hard drive and motherboard).
  15. or possibly try partition magic which can resize partitions.
  16. you can get your license number off the computer with utilities such as magicjellybean and then use any os disk as long as it is the same version and type ie xp pro and oem etc. You seem to be looing for problems rather than soloutions here tbh, this is something easily sorted.
  17. Can you get their phone number? If so get someone to call up, pretend that they are from a radio station and that their number has been picked at random. Go on to say they are in line for a £2k plasma tv or similar and get them to confirm their details, name, address etc......
  18. would have made more immediate sense if you said the seller and the buyer though
  19. I'd advise you to go through whoever you bought it from rather than panasoonic themselves.
  20. Sorry I may be totally off the mark here but I thought that if a financial institute failed in a cca request that yes the debt was unenforcable but not that you could reclaim any monies already paid.
  21. there is also the point that if people on benefits have the benefits paid to their account and then don't pay the rent if court action is taken they are more likely to be allowed to pay the sums owed back at a minimal rate ie £1 per week than someone who is working and gets into rent arrears.
  22. hmmm the only prob with the g'friend is that if she turns round and says they're not her dogs (which they're not supposedly) then the judge may just turf the case out - just more expense to you there. Maybe try the postie again.
  23. tbh they will find out v quickly that its not on its original owner and they probably won't offer anything, especially to a second owner. But nothing ventured nothing gained - good luck.
  24. there may be the possibility that its either a. a dodgy car stolen etc b. he's using someone elses reg to avoid tax, speeding fines etc of course it could just be a mates car. Is the address its reg'd at anywhere near you at all?
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