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  1. Hi Edwin , thanks for your reply It's a pre POST problem, as per video, so it appears even if memory sticks are removed youtube.com/watch?v=QtTd9QBFEnY (can't post proper links yet) I can definitely rule out other components as they all work with another ,cheap motherboard I bought for a temporary use (Asus P8H61-m/USB3 ).There is not a common fault or popular bug with this motherboard . There also shouldn't be any compatibility issues as the bios is the newest, cpu on the market for a long time ( i7-2600) , the memory is on recommended harware list and definitely ok. I have OCZ SXS2 600W, I also checked the PC with another ,quality power supply as well as tested both (with multimeter ) for stability at 5V and 12V .Nothing was overclocked as the H67 + i7-2600(non K) are not up the job . 1st RMA - 'The alleged fix' - I just had Aria service contacting me that the mobo is fixed and they would be sending it back .When I asked how they fixed this : ' bios needed to be re-flashed'.I was a bit surprised since I was updating bios, but it did not matter to me at the time, I just wanted to have my mainboard working.Obviously, when it arrived, the first attempt to boot welcomed me with power cycling ( I am not sure if that's the best description of what is shown on the YT movie). Now, I have given Aria a bit more time to fix it as they contacted me (after posting on their forum) and promised to re-test the mobo.Although, their response time is just awful( I wait two weeks already without any further info) and Aria reserves up to 28 WORKING (!) days for a definitive solution, I bought the temp replacement, thus I can afford to wait a bit longer.If that's not going to get sorted, I will probably have to pay a visit to quality independent service and open a small claims court case in order to claw all these costs back. Yes, I also thought Aria would sort it out quickly.I will let you know how they dealt with this problem, hopefully will not wrote in order to obtain further assistance . (The motherboard MSI H67MA-E35)
  2. Hi everyone I am looking for some advice. I bought a computer motherboard from Aria Technology a few months ago costing approx. £55 delivered .The product was very 'moody' since the beginning (sometimes the pc did not boot) but recently it became really problematic.I used to fix and build computers, so I am familiar with pc servicing. I disassembled , disconnected everything , checked other components and confirmed that indeed, the problem is definitely caused by motherboard. I contacted Aria and sent the board to service (£6) .They noticed the problem and allegedly fixed it (as they informed me over the phone) but when I received it back, the motherboard still was not working properly, the problem remained. I immediately asked for another RMA number. I sent the part to Aria for a second time (£6) and I just received an email stating that this motherboard has been tested and ...it is absolutely fine - 'no fault has been found' ! Now, in order to get my board back I have to pay testing and return fees (~£17) . I ended up with a faulty motherboard , being left without my pc for almost a month and forced to spend additional £30 . I am more than sure, the components is faulty, it just wasn't properly tested..or was maybe even untested at all. I can't go to Manchester to show them the problem ( I sent them youtube video showing the issue, I do not think they were even bothered to have a look at it ). What would you recommend ?
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