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  1. Dear evilstoat - I have read your posts on this and have to say I am amazed at the way your daughter - and therefore your entire family - has been let down by the system (camhs) to be particular. People on the autistic spectrum often have inter- related (even if subtle or hard to distinguish) mental health needs so this sounds like a real dereliction of duty, although as autism itself is a physiological condition of the mind (i.e. the way the brain is wired) rather than a disorder/or illness they might be using that to justify their decision to discharge her (even without having provided you with a diagnosis). I worked with young adults with autism and other challenges who had not received the understanding and support that they should have for a variety of reasons and were heading towards secure unit placements as their community placements had invariably broken down.In most cases after a lot of hard work and trust building on both sides we ended up working with much happier and fulfilled people who were empowered to make choices and decisions affecting their lives which were previously not possible - this was mainly achieved by a framework of support that suited the needs of each person and a VERY clear set of boundaries on each side. The main reason for me mentioning this is that the love and support you and your wife give her will be a thousand times more valuable to her stability and peace of mind than anything a psychiatrist could do (unless you feel now or in the future that another issue developes/ or manage to identify anything that would suggest an existing one). Routine and boundaries are highly important to people with autism as Im sure you are aware and sometimes as hard as it is especially as a parent you can use the things your daughter looks forward to to reinforce the things that are unnaceptable depending on the problems her behaviours are presenting at the time - i.e. If I dont hit 'James' I can go to the shop on Wednesday/ if Im nice to 'Charlie' I can have pizza on Saturday etc, this can soon be adapted to your childs speech patterns i.e. Im going to the shop Wednesday - yes you are if.. 'if I dont hit James. The talk of the shop or whatever should always be a positive thing - and praise/rewrad and positive affirmation is a much more helpful tool to all concerned rather than punitive measures as you have already found. Now for the hard bit - if your daughter doesnt hold up her end of the bargain then you must stick to your guns and reinforce why she has lost the treat she was looking forward to. This will undoubtedly cause a meltdown (and make you feel awful) but she should soon start associating nice things with nice behaviour and once you manage to get her through the trauma of her routine being upset you can immediately begin to establish the next happy thing that is going to happen or even say although you arent going to the shop on Wednesday because you hit James, because you helped Charlie with his colouring would you like to (insert something appropriate - a biscuit/ go and see nanny/ go to the park/do a puzzle etc etc). If I were you I would be tempted to lodge a complaint with your Primary Care Trust. And also recommend you get as much support as you can from the contacts other people have posted above, and most of all you are your daughters world and although she doesnt express her love and affection in ways that society in general understand, Its you who worry about your personal inadequecies/anxieties etc but all your daughter sees is her DADDY - who she loves dearly! Please give yourself a break and a pat on the back. All the best to you and your wife - and please dont let your bad experience with soc svs put you off asking for help from other organisatons - Best regards Scott
  2. Hi Delilah - sorry to hear you are having problems... If your son cannot attend school due to this as you say you cant work as you are on constant standby for him, or if he is provided with constant support at school then to me that would suggest a case for higher rate care. you should also if this is the case be eligable for carers allowance (which you probably already know). If this 'needle-phobia' is something that has been discussed and recognised by the clinic/gp/consultant they should include this information in whatever supporting material they provide. The CAB might be worth a try if you are banging your head against a brick wall. Good - luck Scott
  3. Cheers for that M-D-B... will certainly try.Thanks mate...
  4. Although I cant work at present due to a physical condition (which Im finally getting a scan for) I have in the past worked very long hours when my mental health has allowed. I have what is termed a severe mental disorder, but have held positions of responsibility working with vulnerable adults and the elderly, I was supported to study and achieve nvq level3 in health and social care all while receiving dla and while also receiving support from my mental health team as required, I made a point of always telling my employers the truth about my condition and have only once come across someone with a bit of a neanderthal point of view. Where at other times I have been totally unable to function and normally spend 3 - 6 months in hospital not knowing what planet Im on. Dla is to support those with serious and long term health issues to deal with life in a way that is best for them and hopefully remove a few obstacles at the same time. If you cannot work due to the challenges you face - then that is fair enough, but nobody (including the dwp) will penalise you for working paid or voluntarily if your conditions allow. With the amount of fraud and fake claims going on then its no wonder these programmes are springing up, but if you are genuine you have nothing to worry about - except the limitations you are placing upon yourself to fit sociey's view of you. Try not to worry and if you are doing something with good intentions and a clear conscience and its beneficial to you and your family - dont let anyone stop you. Regards Scott
  5. Hi again Mikey - thanks very much for your help and kindness. Ive had quite a few dealings with the DWP/JOBCENTRE over the years in relation to me and the Mrs, my mum and people I used to work with (support worker in former life) and on the vast majority of occassions have found the people I spoke to very helpful and HUMAN. I think some of the negative attitude you guys get is because you are having to explain a complex set of qualification critera - alongside sets of pretty hard to fathom mathematical formulae to people that are already in a stressful state of mind by the time they actually get through to someone. I used to work in finance and think Im pretty good at figures but whenever I look at a financial breakdown letter from the dwp, I normally have to call and get it explained in a way I can 'get my head round' and although while they are explaining it I think I get it - by the time my goldfish has done one loop of his bowl - Im about as wise as he is on the matter! Anyway for someone like yourself to deal with this as a day job, and help people with these issues on your own time is pretty amazing, I cant speak for anyone using this site but I for one take my hat off to you, and wish you all the very best - regards Scott
  6. Hi Mikey Dabodee, Ive looked and looked at the directgov pages that made me think dis prems and sda were both changing thereby preventing anyone being able to claim what they should have been due and cant find whatever it was I thought I saw. Sorry to have 'muddied the water'. Im so thick with computers I dont know how to copy and paste links or anything like that - but from now on I will try and remember to say 'I THINK' rather than state something as a fact!! Take care mate - Scott
  7. Wow that WAS easy - thanks again Doubledeedonna, I will tell as many people I can think of that fit the criteria! Take care - Regards Scott:-)
  8. Thanks very much for that Doubledeedonna - will certainly give it a go! Cheers Scott
  9. Hi kk66yla, I must say it doesnt sound like your employer is escecially considerate when it comes to employee welfare - even more so if your accident was while working for them. Do you have a union, or a head-office or area manager that you could approach? when you had this accident was it recorded on either incident/accident forms or put in an accident book? With your employer being so un-cooperative in this matter I would ask if you have considered trying to claim damages on a no win no fee basis as generally 3 years forms a cut-off point to claiming (unless you can demonstrate reasonable grounds for an unavoidable delay). Have you tried getting advice from the citizens advice bureau - as they have access to people qualified in all areas of employment law who could really outline your rights/options and employers responsibilities towards you. Good Luck - regards Scott
  10. Actually from what Ive seen - Severe Disability Allowance claims will be unavailable from 31st of JANUARY - THIS MONTH! And all forms of Disability Premium (single/couples/severe/enhanced) will be unobtainable from April 2012! The fact that the name of the related benefits are changing gives them the right to refuse those that were missed and eligible.. Take it easy MDB - Scott
  11. HI M Da'B - No not from the people dealing with our claim - but it is attached to a lot of Govt pages in relation to Dis Prem (poss to help cover their backs if anyone discovers they've been missed after that date! Scott
  12. Hi Nystagmite - thanks again for your guidance on sev dis prem, just to say that thanks toyour insight and the posts you directing me to giving me a bit more hope and fight I persued it and they have agreed that it should have been paid since mid 2008. Not only are they upping our money but paying us back the whole amount owed for this period (four figure sum next week, and five figure sum week after!) The opportunity for people to claim this money ends in April and it really makes me wonder how many other cases are being 'unfortunately-overlooked'. Ive learnt quite a bit about the pros and cons of this now and if I can be of any assistance to anyone else who is questioning their eligability then I would be only to glad to help.. Thanks again, and best regards - Scott
  13. Before I got a landline line I had the same problem with mobile call costs to 0845 numbers (V expensive) found this for you - hope they can help you get this sorted Benefit Enquiry Line - info and advice for disabled people - FreePhone 0800 882200 (mon-fri 08.30 -18.30) GOOD LUCK!
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