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Everything posted by kirstyo

  1. The credit limit is the whole basis for my claim, they reduced it to less than I owed therefore making my payments unaffordable and causing charge after charge, that has been my complaint the whole time, well that and a discrepancy with the balance. I spent less than my limit but then they reduced my limit to less than what the balance was at that point
  2. I can probably prove that I would have been in credit had they not reduced the limit and applied the charges, dont think taking off the charges would bring me under the newer, lower limit but I will get all the stuff back out tomorrow and do the maths and see.
  3. I could have sworn I read somewhere that they had to send one. Like I say, not my major point I just wanted to know if it was worth mentioning which it clearly isn't
  4. That's not actually why I want to ask them to remove it (I don't think they will but I do know that some people have had theirs removed for similar things so it cant hurt to try) but I was under the impression that they have to serve a default notice for the default to be valid, I am not saying that they didn't send me one, I honestly cant remember receiving one but I don't know for sure that I didn't. what I do know is that I asked them for all the info they had on me and that a default notice wasn't included. Like I say that's not the reason I am asking them to remove it, I just wondered if it was worth including in addition to the other things im saying.
  5. Oh I forgot about that, that's what I get for trying to do these things at 10pm! Should I mention somewhere in the letter about the limited SAR? I don't necessarily want to pursue that, but I wonder if I should mention that I received no default notice in the SAR since I am asking them to remove the default?
  6. I had a look in the library for a letter that I could edit slightly to reflect my circumstances, am I going mad or is there not one for reclaiming charges other than for hardship which I wont qualify for? I am sure I edited one from there when I first started sending letters to shop direct over this nonsense but I cant find it now. If I am going mad and just cant see the appropriate letter could someone link me to it please? Planning on getting all the info together (what I have of it anyway) over the weekend a nd getting this letter off on Monday so far all I have is my spreadsheet but hey its something right? Mind you I assume they will just tell me that they already said no so i don't actually know what sending them a similar letter is going to do but i will do it and see what happens
  7. I have the Equifax credit checking thingy and have been checking it fairly regularly recently to see how a settled account is affecting my score. I pressed the button to update my score today and was pleased to see that it had actually came up a good bit but in looking further down the page the 'electoral roll' section was red, its always been yellow before because I have lived at my current address for less than three years. I clicked it to see that I am no longer listed as being on the register so I called them to dispute this and the told me this weird thing which I certainly didn't know and thought it might be of interest to others. Every year on January 1st everyone's file is changed to not being on the electoral register until such times as the council confirms that they are in fact on it. Apparently this can take till the end of January which I don't understand either since my council updates theirs in June each year. Its a system thing apparently as soon as the year changes you are bumped off the register until such times as they put you back on it. This doesn't seem fair to me, what if I was applying for credit right now and my file says i'm not on it when I am. Surely a fairer system would be to keep everyone on it until the council updates to confirm whether you are still registered or not? Am I the only one a bit confused by this?
  8. It might just be NHS Scotland, I am not sure but we definitely have one. Thank you, I have two essays due tomorrow so I need all the luck I can get right now.
  9. Yeah, I am a student nurse so as soon as I finish uni in September (hopefully I pass) I plan to join the NHS credit union. Hopefully by that point I will actually have money to save!
  10. I will keep this thread updated, wont be doing the letter till later in the week after I do these essays but I will post it up when I do. I will look for your thread, its always good to get ideas of how other ppl are getting on with their claims
  11. Yeah I will get something typed up once I get these dreaded essays out of the way. I am happy to go to court if needs be. I was worried about the idea of going to court without all the necessary info at first but I have now realised that at the very least, I can prove I did everything I could to get the info I needed, shop direct chose to either not send me it or to send it in such a way where it was concealed in all that impossible to decipher code.
  12. Thanks to the help of this forum and cleaning up my credit file I wont have to go to one again, I like most other people who use them had no choice due to not being able to obtain any other form of credit, seriously a £200 overdraft at the time would have solved a lot of my problems but I couldn't get one and had to pay the rent somehow while off sick from work. it was a desperate time for sure but I have learned a lot from it, especially from these forums.
  13. I haven't had a lot of time to think about it over the last few days, up to my eyes in essays but that's what I sent before, minus the spreadsheet which at that time I couldn't produce (I just asked for the £180 of charges thats on the statement of account from capquest) and the bit about stopping charges because they sold the account on years ago. I guess I will just need to put in another formal complaint and say something about not being able to produce the evidence due to the lack of info in the sar and the fact that I was unable to decipher their codes. I just don't understand why they wont refund me, people in similar situations have had theirs back but they seem to be doing everything they can to stop me from getting mine. This is stopping me getting a credit card from my bank so the underwriter told me so what other affect is it having on my credit? I feel something should be done about these people, they shouldn't be allowed to do to people what they did to me. I was actually thinking about going down the irresponsible lending avenue with them at one point but decided I would just claim the charges back.
  14. If you are all of a sudden getting loads of letters its likely it is either stat barred or very close to it. Someone with more knowledge can give you the more official wording than this but as a guide a debt is stat barred six years (five in Scotland) after your first missed payment was due as long as no more payments were made and no written acknowledgement of the debt was made. if you know you never made a payment after you first stopped paying you can use the default date as a rough guide so if its due to drop off your file in july you are probably very close to stat barred now. Having dealt with capquest myself I know they are pretty good about giving you info when you ask for it but I think you are at the 'don't rock the boat until you are pretty sure you are over the stat barred date' time. I would personally sit tight and do nothing till July and if letters carry on after that then look at making sure it is in fact stat barred and sending letters off to them to say that but others may advise differently I only know what I did with mine and the advice other people gave me here, I am certainly not an expert.
  15. Just to finish this off with an update saying that I received my 70 odd quid and nothing has changed on my credit file or anything like that Wonga is still marked settled (although it never was). Although it took a long time, the process was painless and I got 70 quid back that I never thought I would see again so I am quite happy with how things worked out.
  16. There is none of that info in what I got, the only thing is on one of the 'statements' and I use that term very loosely, there is an 'insurance charge' I have absolutely no other info on the insurance, I don't know what was insured or when it was applied to the account other than that it was definitely there at least for that one month where it appears on the sheets they sent. I would much rather concentrate on the charges, at least I can prove most of them (although not all of them).
  17. The woman called me eventually after I kept complaining that the explanation of terms wasn't included and then was incomplete when it did arrive, on the phone she was twlling me the rest of the codes which I asked for a written copy but didnt recieve and she said the code for insurance I said that I didnt have insurance on the account and she volunteered the info that it was in fact applied to the account for a period of time so she passed it on to the department that deals with it. The account was only open a few months so I wont get much back on it but something is a lot better than nothing
  18. Actually that was the one mistake they made, I had no idea about the insurance until I got the sar back. To be honest I am not terribly fussed about the insurance because I dont think it will amount to much and I dont have much info on it since I got very little back in my sar, basically I am looking at it as a bonus if I get it. I did my credit agreement online and I dont have a copy, again not included in sar although I didn't do a cca
  19. I never included one for bank or credit cards but I know things have changed since then. My basis for claiming is that all but the first charge were unjustified as they reduced my limit when I was late with a payment to less than my current balance was causing more charges.come to think of it I have never heard back about the insurance either
  20. This is the only thing I have outstanding so I dont think I would qualify for hardship. What I mean by leaving it too lomg is that its been ages since they wrote to me telling me I was getting nothing. Still going to get another letter off to them though with the spreadsheet, like I say it can't hurt.
  21. Omg how on earth did you figure that out? I have been through this stuff a hundred times and couldn't figure that out! Thank you so much, now I just need to figure out what to do next, still worried iv left it too long but doesn't hurt to try.
  22. Its not that I dont want to, its that I dont know how. I have no way of knowing what the interest rate was and dont even have half the info I should have got in my sar. I wont qualify for hardship and I honestly think I have left it too long since my last letter now.
  23. Mine didnt say anything about what the charges were for. I have given up with it to be honest, I have no idea how to proceed with it since they have already said im getting nothing. Probably left it too long now anyway.
  24. I just looked for anything that was £12, all the codes were the same for all the ones I found as it happens but it wouldn't surprise me if yours was different, there are also definitely some missing on mine because the total charges I found was different to the total amount of charges on my statement of account. I have done my spreadsheet but have no idea what to do next, have probably left it too long now but I just don't know what to do. I am considering just paying it and getting it out of my life, wish I had done that in the first place then I could have fought for the money back rather than sitting in this stalemate with capquest and littlewoods for over a year.
  25. There was nothing else to do, Vodafone wouldn't help me at all regardless of what I tried I wrote to them, called them, emailed them followed their complaints procedure, spoke to their 'escalated complaints department' well emailed them, they apparently do not have phones! I did however make sure to get a letter from Lowell saying the accept full and final settlement and the rest of the debt will be written off and not sold on before I paid it. if anyone else comes chasing it I will have that letter. It is not ideal by any stretch of the imagination but there is nothing else I could do, I had exhausted all avenues and gotten nowhere. I couldn't live with it for another two and a half years which is when it will drop off. In an ideal world I would still be a happy, loyal Vodafone customer but their loss is EE's gain I guess.
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