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Everything posted by kirstyo

  1. Came home the other day to a message on my answerphone from mhb saying that they were calling to arrange someone to visit me to discuss my debt and that if i didnt call them back by the end of the day they would just arrange it anyway. now i am not worried about them coming to my house, I know from reading these boards that it is highly unlikely and that if they were to turn up they have no rights anyway but i am livid about the message. How do they know who i live with? what if i lived in a shared flat or something? I know i shouldnt have done it but i called them and went mental at them. Told them how annoyed i was about it and they basicly said it is up to me to prove that i dont owe the money, i told them that i was fed up with telling the same story over and over again about what has happened with this and hung up on them. My question is now what do i do? quick quid pretty much refused to send me anything saying that they are no longer interested in the debt and as far as i know at least one of the other companies are still chasing me for this same money (mmf). should i just send them both a letter asking them to prove that they own the debt? Just to make the point again, I am not trying to avoid paying this debt, just want to make sure that I am paying the right company and i dont end up paying it twice
  2. Exactly! I was paying them 20 quid a week for months but i had an injury and wasnt working for a few weeks, i called them to explain this and they said it would be fine as long as i made up the payments when i returned to work. then all of a sudden the week i went back to work my boss tells me there is an earnings arrestment. they only get about 4 or 5 quid a week because i only work part time as im a student, my boss gave me a bit of hassle about it so i called them pointing out that i was paying them more and was happy to restart that arrangement and they were quite rude on the phone and told me once my wages were arrested it wouldnt be stopped unless i paid the balance. when i pointed out how much they would be getting a week they told me that wouldnt cover it and i would have to make extra payments. i told them the only way they were getting more was if they stopped the arrestment they told me no so i told them to take their 4 quid then because the only other income in my household is my bursary and they are not allowed to touch that. never heard from them again so yes it works out better for me i guess
  3. I have an earnings arrestment for council tax, i am sure its 20 percent they take. which in my case is daft of them because the payment arrangement i offered them before they arrested my wages was around 4 times what they get from arresting my part time wages
  4. That was the other strange thing, at the top it clearly says quick quid. And until reading these boards i had never heard of toothfairy let alone had a loan from them. They havent called me back since i told them that I wasnt paying until quick quid themselves told me who to pay so I guess I will just wait and see if I get any more threatening letters. Called trading standards and they told me to take everything in to them so as soon as I get the chance I will do that
  5. Thank you so much for your help, they have been calling my work and everything! I will get that sent off to them tonight. Still no clearer on who actually owns the debt though but trading standards said i could take everything in to them and they will look into it, only problem is they are miles away and it will be at least next week before i can get down there to see them.
  6. I found stirling park were not too bad at accepting my offer of payments, made me up it by a few pounds so maybe best to offer a bit less than you would actually like to pay. Word of warning: do not miss a payment. I missed one and managed to set it back up again but when i missed a second one a few months later, they arrested my wages very quickly even although they now recieve less from my wages than what i was paying them and i explained this to them. overall i found them much easier to deal with then the council themself (north ayrshire)
  7. this might sound like a silly question but how do i report them? i called the oft and they werent interested, just gave me another number to phone for someone else that didnt even work! Marshall Hoares keep calling me now, should I just tell them to stop calling me and write to me instead?
  8. couldnt figure out how to get them on here so i attached them scan0001.pdf scan0002.pdf
  9. Ok i think i know how to scan them into a pdf. I get them out just now
  10. I can post all the letters if you like, or the latest ones from each company anyway. The one from Marshall Hoares is particularly nasty. I will look for them and scan them in
  11. i dont want to avoid it though im quite happy to pay it and have made that clear since the start, I am not however going to pay the same debt to three different companies so somehow they need to prove which one actually owns the debt then i will pay it. I'm also not happy about being threatened with baliffs, especially since i live in scotland and am going to make a complaint. I have seen what they have been sending to other people and it would seem I am not the only one these companies are doing this to
  12. The problem is i have already told all three companies the story of what happened, so have i not already admitted the debt is mine? should i ask them to prove it? I phoned the oft and they just gave me another number to phone that didn't work. I will try trading standards today
  13. This happened to me with a different company a while back. They kept taking pretty much all my money every time there was any money in the account. I cancelled my debit card and refused to give them the new details. Never had any luck getting my money back although i complained to the bank several times and tried to get any future payments stopped. I dread to think how much money they got off me but my guess is it was a lot more than i actually owed
  14. Hi everyone, I took out a few loans with quick quid a few years ago, paid them all on time until the last one. I cant remember exactly what happened but i do remember i was having some sort of problem with the bank at the time and tried to resolve the loan with qq several times. After a while I started getting those "please contact us" letters from Mackenzie Hall but because i had never heard of them i didnt contact them. About a year or so later i got a letter from i think Motormille Finance asking for repayment of the qq loan, i arranged a payment plan with them and the first payment was taken from my account on the due date,. the next month the payment never came off so i conntacted them and they said it was a problem with my card details and they would set it up again. it never came off again and this time the excuse was that my repayment plan had been cancelled because of a failed payment, they set it back up and I thought that was the end of it. I then got a letter from National Debt Recovery demanding the same money so i called them and told them i already had a payment plan set up with another company and therefore i would not be paying them. i also called mmf and advised them of the second company, both companies said it was them i should be paying but i told them until i got confirmation from qq i wouldnt be paying either of them. I heard nothing until recently (around three years after all that) when i got a similar letter to what a lot of other people seem to be getting from Marshall Hoares bailiffs, but after reading the info on here about them decided to ignore it. today I got a letter from MMF saying they are taking me to court AND a call from Marshall Hoares about the same money. I toled marshall hoares the story and that i would not pay them until qq told me who to pay and i called mmf to advise them the same. mmf say my account is sttill on hold after me originally informing them about two companies wanting the same money and that they have not heard from qq and could not explain why i had recieved the letter from them. Marshall hoares said they will contact qq and call me back. I contacted quick quid and they said they only ever sold the debt to Mackenzie Hall and quote "the debt no longer matters to us" So my question is what do i do? should i just ignore all these threatening letters as other threads suggest?
  15. I thought about doing that, I could always keep my easycash account open and use the faster payments to transfer money into my new account. I guess its just knowing which bank to go with that's my problem, but having just got accepted to uni I might just wait it out till september and apply for a student account then.
  16. Thanks for the advice, there is no credit union near me. It would take me the best part of a day to get to my nearest one and back. I guess I should have mentioned in my post that I am somewhat limited with whats nearby, having a think about it I guess the only banks nearby that are not part of lloyds banking group are RBS or Clydesdale, I think there might be a nationwide as well. I guess I could apply with one of them and see what happens or just keep on to HBOS about this collections thing, It's really annoying that they can't seem to fix it. I have been a customer of theirs since I was a kid, you think that would count for something
  17. Hi everyone, I currently have a bank of scotland easycash account, which is fine for a basic account but I recently had a problem with a direct debit not being paid because the money going into my account cleared the same day as the direct debit was due, something which has never caused me a problem in the past even though it has happened loads of times the direct debit has always been paid. I called to query this and was told that on the account I have the money must clear the day before the direct debit is due off (news to me) if however I upgraded to a current account I would be able to pay my money in same day and not have this problem. since I am paid in cash and the bank where I live is only open two days a week (small island) none of which is the day I am paid this would suit me a lot better. without going into the whole story they found some information on me from years ago on their computer an old credit card that was showing up as being in collections although it had been paid in full and closed in 2009. They told me that this was quite obviously a mistake but they couldn't fix it and they would pass it to whoever it was that could fix it and call me back the next day to sort out upgrading the account. no surprise they didnt call back so i called them and was told that i would need to have this thing removed in branch, i went into one of the main branches on the mainland and they had no idea what i was on about. To try to cut the story as short as i can, nobody seems to be able to remove this marker thing from my file so i cannot upgrade the account. so now i am looking to change banks, i have not had perfect credit in the past but all but one disputed account are paid in full and closed and i managed to get a credit card a few months ago so i would think i could get a half decent bank account. I am not really bothered about an overdraft, just the ability to pay my money in the same day as direct debits are due out as this is a position i find myself in nearly every month and i end up having to get someone else to transfer money the day before for me and give them back the cash the next day. the biggest problem i have is that my wages do not go into my bank, although i do have a college bursary that does. does anyone have any ideas of a bank that might accept me for a half decent account, or should i just carry on trying to get this collections thing sorted with bank of scotland? Sorry for my long post and thanks in advance for any help Kirsty
  18. It's only annoying as we had most of the xmas presents looked out and i didnt think they would be able to tell you you were approved and then change their mind without even telling you. i wonder what would have happened if i had just ordered a whole load of stuff straight away when the account was approved? Going to send them an email and complain but i doubt it will get me anywhere
  19. Hi everyone, this is the first time I have posted on here but have been reading these forums for ages and always found the advice very helpful. So heres the problem: My partner decided to apply for a catalogue account, he has never had credit before so we thought this would be a good way to start building his credit and spread the cost of xmas. I filled in all the online forms and it came back saying that he had been approved and had 150 pounds to spend, it was late at night so we decided to leave it till the next day to start shopping. when we tried to order something it came up with the only payment option was credit or debit card. I spend ages trying to figure out what i was doing wrong but couldnt find any information, called them today and they said he had been declined for the account after a credit check, but they gave him the account and his spending limit and everything. surely they cant do this? Im also annoyed that they never even bothered to inform him of this as we thought there was something wrong with the website or something for two days
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