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Everything posted by kirstyo

  1. This isn't a debt question per say but its bothering me and I'm wondering if someone can help. I had to contact Scott & Co last week about my council tax. When they were checking my details they read out a mobile number that I didn't recognise and asked me if it was correct, I told them it wasn't. I thought it was odd since I have never had any dealings with Scott & Co before so they had no way to have a number for me. It wasn't till I got off the phone that I stated thinking it could have perhaps sounded like a number I had years ago I have had my current number for at least five or six years. I never thought anything of it. Around an hour later I got a message from MMF, I had a loan with them years ago. and judging by the fact that it doesn't appear on my credit file I assume its more than six years. I know of no way they could have gotten my number and find it suspicious that it was within an hour of getting off the phone to Scott and Co. I am going to send MMF a letter telling them to stop texting me but I am beginning to wonder if Scott and Co have given out my number then who else have they given it to and what can I do to stop it. I had payday loans years ago and got into a bit of a mess but they are all stat barred and/or paid in full now. I have had perfect payment record for the last five years and I don't want all this nonsense of constant calls/texts to start again. I have already had one old payday loan suddenly add itself to my credit file five years after the fact and I really don't want this happening with anything else. Is there anything I can do to stop scott and co passing on my details? I am sure it must have been them
  2. I phoned pretty much everyone I could think of today to try and sort this out and am now so depressed its unreal. We cannot go to an employment tribunal because its £1200 and we simply don't have it, right now I cant afford to do a food shop let alone pay out £1200 to get nothing back. His boss has dissolved his company every year since he started up and restarted a new one, as they are all limited companies the chances of us actually being able to get money out of him is slim to none so it would be a complete waste of £1200. The lawyer is going to try and deal with DWP. I called citizens advice who said they couldn't understand their refusal to pay ESA and that it should be straightforward to get the decision changed if we can demonstrate that he is no longer employed, but that's the problem. HMRC apparently will only ask them to provide a P45, they wont actually do anything if they don't. The only good news is that once they reverse their decision (assuming they will) he should get his money backdated. So now I just need to deal with tax credits. This whole situation is DWP's fault anyway, they were the ones who forced him to take that job in the first place. his mental health has been damaged to the point where he can no longer leave the house because of the way he was treated while he worked there, he has had no sick pay, no holiday pay, nothing the whole time he has worked there. been mentally and physically abused and all through this couldn't leave because he wouldn't be entitled to benefits if he did and I was a student at the time. The worst of it is that I know that they will send someone else and force them to work there now that he is not and that poor person will go through the same thing.
  3. Yeah I was thinking of getting the lawyer to write a letter explaining that he is representing my partner in his unfair dismissal and lack of ssp cases and hoping that would be enough to convince them that he is not getting ssp. Apparently because his boss cant legally fire him for being off sick the fact that he is no longer employed doesnt matter to dwp because as far as they are concerned he still should be. Of course it doesn't matter to dwp that that is exactly what has happened. I will contact hmrc tomorrow about the p45 and then the lawyer and see what if anything he might be able to do
  4. Its a tricky one because his employer has never told him directly he is fired. I went to collect his SSP after he had text to say I was coming up (I have picked up his wages before so didn't see a problem) without going too much into the whole thing his boss was horrible to me, refused to give any money to me and told me he never wanted to see the other half again. We called the lawyer at that point and he said that we could treat that as a dismissal. He applied for ESA a few weeks later because we honestly thought a lawyers letter would solve the lack of SSP problem. his boss is not from this country and we both honestly thought that he just didn't realise that he had to pay it and once he received a lawyers letter that he would pay but unfortunately not. The lawyer said he is entitled to ESA, everything I have read says he is entitled to ESA but they say legally he is not because he is still within the first 28 weeks of being off sick and should be getting sick pay. I didn't realise that I could contact HMRC about the lack of p45? I will do that tomorrow for sure.
  5. I am hoping someone can give me some advice. My partner has been signed off work since September and has all his sick lines etc from doctor. His boss has point blank refused to pay SSP, has threatened us and has said he doesn't want him back but not given him a p45 or SSP1 form. We are dealing with a lawyer with regards to the refusal to pay SSP and unfair dismissal and the cases are progressing. However we have just been told that he cannot get ESA because he should be getting SSP and we have no way of proving that he is not getting it. His ex employers are not nice people, I don't need to go into the details but they will not give us anything believe me and after spending at least half an hour on the phone to ESA helpline they will not change their decision without either form SSP1 or a letter headed letter from his old employer - neither of which I can get. I don't even have anything to prove when his employment ended. They advised claiming jobseekers which shows how much they know about their own system since you cannot get jobseekers if you are not fit to work. We don't expect him to be fit for work in the near future. Surely there must be something we can do?
  6. I am so angry right now! This has now appeared on my Equifax file! It was taken off noddle but is now back on there too (with a different default date that would make more sense), according to myjar its an accurate representation of the debt. I haven't bothered disputing whether the debt exists since I am in Scotland and its already stat barred but I did dispute them reporting the default five years after it allegedly occurred and it was taken off noddle. Its now reappeared on noddle and appeared on Equifax. I queried it with Equifax and they don't seem to even understand my complaint they seem to think I'm complaining that its over six years old and shouldn't be there which isn't what I am complaining about. Can anyone point me to the guidelines that say they are supposed to put defaults on within six months or so? Have done loads of searching and cant seem to find it, going to get more letters off about this asap.
  7. This thread is going way off topic now. people have tried their best to give you advice, and I am sure will continue to do so but you need to stop being so dismissive of it and argumentative. There is no way out of paying council tax (unless you get benefits), that is all people have tried to explain, people here can help you work out the best way to handle the situation if you let them. I think you have done the right thing offering them a payment plan, in my experience its all you can do really. I agree that the extra charges are unfair, I thought the same when I had to pay them, but certainly I couldn't find a way out of them, others may have advice on perhaps getting them reduced but it didn't work for me.
  8. The problem with council tax is that if they don't get any money from you they eventually arrest your wages/bank account and get their money that way, it happened to me twice. I genuinely couldn't afford to pay it (I was off work sick and not even paying my rent the first time), unfortunately once it gets to that stage they seem to stop caring about anything other than how much money they are legally entitled to take off you. However what I have found is that if (before it gets to that stage) you offer them a payment plan and stick to it, you are unlikely to ever hear from them again. I am still paying a fiver a week for a bill from three or four years ago and the only contact I have had with them is when I contacted them to change my address.
  9. I see that your sister pays the RCN so she (or you on her behalf) should contact them. I don't know what you know about the RCN so please don't think I am being patronising if I am telling you things you already know. The RCN is one of the nursing unions (they actually do more than that but its one of the things they do and the one that's important here), they have helplines that you can call for advice and can send someone to advocate for her at the meeting, I assume they could attend on her behalf if she is unable. They can also advise on the financial side of things, and I am sure they run a debt help program of some sort. They would be the best people to advise I think as they are used to dealing with similar situations and regularly represent nurses at meetings such as the one your sister has been asked to attend. This is a link to the support section of their website http://www.rcn.org.uk/support As sillygirl1 said above, there are also a few charities out there that may be able to help but personally I think you sister has paid her union fees for however long and now is the time to use them.
  10. My Noddle score is also 1/5, I always thought it was an two old defaults (both five years old too), it recently jumped to 3/5 which i was really happy about then it dropped to 1/5 again because i used my credit card. According to noddle 'the balances on my credit cards have increased recently, causing a lower credit score' even although I spent only a small proportion of what I have available I honestly think noddles credit score is rubbish, like you my equifax score is much higher and more like a true reflection of my circumstances than the noddle one.
  11. Can anyone give me ideas of what to include in my letter? I have had a look at my other credit files and nothing else shows with this amount. Unfortunately noddle doesn't let you view previous reports so I cant see if it previously appeared there under a different name or not. So far I have just written that I don't acknowledge a debt to them and that the start date and default date are five years apart which cant be accurate.
  12. I have gotten nowhere with the ICO with another matter but I will absolutely complain to them again as well as the FCA. I am going to view my old credit reports to see if it was perhaps there before but under a different company, I know there was nothing from txtloan before but it might have been another dca or something like that. If I can find it then I will have the original default date and I can put that in my letter asking them why they have moved it from the original date to five years later.
  13. I am in Scotland so it is already stat barred. I don't see how changing the default date to five years after the original one helps them to comply with any new rules. Surely the new rules are trying to make them be more honest, not less. I will be getting a letter off to them tomorrow about this, and the stat barred letter.
  14. Thanks, I will do that. I couldn't find a suitable letter in the library so will get something typed up and sent off asap. I hate how these companies do this to people its so unfair.
  15. Thank you, I will have a look in the library for an appropriate letter to send them. Is there anyone else I should complain to? Can I send the stat barred letter (I am in Scotland so its stat barred now even if it does still exist) and a letter of complaint about the incorrect date on the default at the same time, or should I deal with the two issues separately? I have never heard anything from these myjar people, but I have moved house since 2009 so that is likely why.
  16. I have just read a post with a very similar story to mine about a company called myjar. I have just checked my noddle report and see that this company have listed a default in 2014, I have never heard of this company but from the other thread on them it seems they may be txtloan who I did at one time have a loan from. I don't remember the specifics of the mess I got into with payday loans in 2009, mostly because the names seem to constantly change making it hard to keep up with them but I am fairly confident I paid this one off as it was taken from my bank. Even if its not paid, it originates from 2009 and should not be defaulted last year. Does anyone know anything about this company so I can put in a complaint? I have been working so hard to repair my credit file and next year all the bad info will be gone so I am really quite upset about this. It only shows on noddle and I have disputed it with them but experience tells me that they wont do much about it and will reply in a few months telling me to contact myjar directly. If it helps the details from noddle are: Account start date 08/12/2009 Opening balance £ 246 Regular payment £ £ 100 Repayment frequency Periodically Date of default 15/07/2014 Default balance £ 246 There is no monthly data before November 2014 and this is the first month it has shown up on noddle which I check every month.
  17. I am hoping that's all it is, just someone with a similar licence plate. Its not like its a big fancy car or anything - its a ten year old Renault Clio, not the sort of car you expect people to clone but I guess you never know. I will call the number on the letter on Monday at my lunch break just to let them know that I haven't sold the car and I will send off the form with the details they are asking for, hopefully that will be the end of it.
  18. Hi everyone. I have received a letter today to say that someone has applied for a V5 for my car, the letter asks me to confirm if I have in fact sold the car or if it is still in my possession (which it is). I called their main customer service number as the number given on the letter is not open on Saturdays and they told me that it could just be someone has applied for a V5 for a similar registration plate and its been mistaken for mine or it could be that someone has cloned my car and sold on the clone. I did buy my car without a V5 as it had just been sold to the place I bought it from a few days before and it hadn't arrived there yet. I applied for and received the V5 with no problems. I have had the car since November and have checked the VIN etc and I definitely have the right car (I had a problem with buying a car with an outstanding VIC check before so I always check and double check everything now). I guess what I am asking is has this happened to anyone else? what are the chances that my car has been cloned and what will happen if it has been? Obviously I will fill in the form DVLA sent me to say that I haven't sold the car but what happens after that?
  19. So just change it to 'interest calculation sheet' or something similar? Thanks I will put in the dates etc and get this sent off recorded on Monday afternoon
  20. One of the spreadsheets says at the top its for ppi. Oh I actually didn't know that I could claim interest after they stopped charging it. Do you think that letter is ok? I am not too good at these things
  21. Ok i will post what i have so far of the letter, i still need to put in the dates and totals but i can do that between now and monday. Shop Direct Limited 1st Floor Skyways House Speke Road Speke Liverpool L70 1AB Date: 06/01/2015 Dear Sir/Madam Account number: (Littlewoods Account Number) I am writing to reclaim all charges on my account since the (date of first charge) I am unhappy that these charges have been applied to my account and in this letter I am registering my complaint In my previous complaint I outlined the reasons why I feel these charges are unfair and I do not feel that this has been taken into consideration. Also at the time of my original complaint I did not have all the necessary information due to the nature in which my Data Subject Access was answered. I was unable to decipher the information I was sent and had to seek help in doing so, I also believe that I have still not been provided with all the requested information. However I have been able to retrieve the total amount of charges contained within the information I was sent which totals (total). I believe these charges are unfair as after missing a single payment my credit limit was decreased causing me to immediately be over my limit. This caused a spiral of charges due to my not being able to bring the account into order in a single payment. It is my belief that had these charges not been applied, I would have been able to bring this account into order within the new credit limit and no default would have been applied. This has had a dramatic effect on my credit file and I feel that I am being unjustifiably punished for missing one payment due to the unfair charges making future payments unaffordable. I am also still awaiting a reply about an insurance charge which was added to my account which I have no knowledge of. As my original complaint was some time ago I would have expected a reply before now. I attach evidence to show a spreadsheet of charges and compound interest. I therefore request that you repay all my charges since (date of first charge) and compound interest on the charges which total £(Total amount of charges and compound interest). I also request that you remove all my defaults on my credit file as I believe them to be unlawful. Under the FCA guidelines, Shop Direct Limited has 8 weeks to resolve my complaint. I trust that you will deal with my case within this period. If not, I will refer the matter to the the Financial Services Ombudsman. I look forward to receiving a full response to this letter within the stated time period. Yours Sincerely Sign here Print name Thanks for the spreadsheets i managed to get them to open with some weird formatting but i am sure they will open ok on the uni computers, i am a little confused by the ppi one though i am not (as yet) claiming the insurance back and the date would be sometime in april 2010 wouldnt it?
  22. Sorry for my late reply, I didn't get an email notification. I will try to get your attachments to open just now, if not I am back at uni on Monday. hoping to get the letter done tonight so that I have everything ready for Monday and can print everything off in uni
  23. Yeah I knew it would be because thats too high an amount, I havent been able to open it, files from here don't open on my laptop and im on study leave just now so not been able to get on a different computer I would need to get the stuff from the sar out ti get the exact date but there has been no interest or charges since capquest took over the account in April 2010.
  24. Ok I have all three files up just now, on Equifax it shows Default: 12/04/2010 There is a default marker for april 2010 but its not got any monthly markers - its not been updated since 03/09/13. On Experian: Default date 12/04/10, markers every month, last updated nov 2013 On Noddle: Default date 12/04/10 with markers every month last updated in December 2014. I tried at the time and many times since to point out to them that they were causing the problem. at the time I asked could they please just stop the charges to allow me time to get under the new credit limit (would have taken me two payments to do that). They maintain that they did nothing wrong, they say they were not charging me for being over my limit which technically may be true but they were charging me for not paying enough to bring it underlimit each month which in a way amounts to the same thing. they also admit to charging £12 every time they sent me a letter telling me I was over my limit so in a way they were charging me for being over limit, all be it in a round about way. To be honest I don't mind how this gets sorted out I just want it to be over that's why I have just focused on the charges up till this point because that would more than cover whats still owed on the account and it seemed easier to just go down that road than try and sort out this complicated scenario.
  25. I cant see the post numbers on my phone. I agree they can reduce credit limits, but my argument is it is unfair of them to reduce it to less than whats owed then slap almost 200 quid of charges on the account for the privilege. They caused all but the first charge - that has always been my complaint. If they reduced the credit limit and didnt charge me every month for the privilege then there wouldn't have been an issue I could have brought the account back in line.
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