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Angel Steele

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Everything posted by Angel Steele

  1. Thanks both, I am not giving up on this!!
  2. Yes Martin2006 they did. They state it was because I was earning too much and should not have received any Tax Credits but on the forms I submitted for the years in question I had added my annual salary where requested.
  3. Yes it is somewhat frustrating to say the least, especially when they respond to letters in riddles. Despite me writing to say I want to appeal they tell me I am not able to due to the length of time that has elapsed. The length of time has a fair bit to do with their complete lack of anyone seemingly knowing what they are doing. I will though keep on plodding, and yes I have told Past Credit that I will not be dealing with them. Thank you for your response.
  4. I sent in a letter of complaint dated 6 November 2015 which they state they received on 18 November. Their most recent letter says as the end "Our fact sheet (C/FS) entitled "Complaints" describes what to do if you are unhappy with the way we have dealt with your complaint". Then says where I can get a copy from. I find this so frustrating as they continually refuse to acknowledge my letters, or say they have not received them and do not respond to questions I have asked them. I also get letters from their in-house debt collectors, Past Credit Solutions, who I have advised I will not be dealing with.
  5. Sadly this is still rumbling on hence this post. I requested a SAR from them which I received in February this year (2015). It contained print outs of transactions but no copy correspondence between myself and HMRC over the years. I wrote to them way back with the change of my circumstances but they simply failed to act on this. Since February this year I have written numerous letters to them, and phoned as well. I have sent a letter lodging a formal complaint at the way my case has been dealt with and finally on Friday (04 Dec) I received a response form them which was written in riddles. They told me they would not consider my appeal, totally disregarded the letter I sent advising them not to harass me any more and seemed to think a phone call I made where I was passed from piller to post with no positive outcome constituted a successful phone call. They also stated that they had not received correspondence from me. They answer questions with questions, fail to address issues I raise and I feel I am going round in circles here! What can I do to resolve this? Phoning is a thankless task - you are left on hold for absolutely ages and then after all that you are told they cannot help you.
  6. Can anyone else offer any advice pls? I am going to phone them but what about the fact that they didn't contact me for 4.5 years.
  7. It is the fact that they did not contact me for 5 years that I find amazing then suddenly they write demanding over £4k!! Despite me writing to them they still act as though they have no correspondence from me.
  8. Hello all, I received Working Families Tax Credit (as it was then called) while my daughter was at college 7 years ago. When she left college I informed the Tax Credit Office of this. In 2009 I received a letter informing me that an overpayment had been paid and that I owed the sum of £4,600. I disputed this and letters between myself and the Tax Credit Office went back and forth all to no avail. Then all went quiet so I assumed they had realised their error. This was in 2009. Suddenly in October last year, some 4.5 years down the line I received a letter asking for payment. I wrote to them, disputing this - again - and asking what sort of department they run as it was over 4.5 years since they last contacted me. Heard nothing from them. Another letter from them asking for payment. Wrote to them again, with a copy of my previous letter. Ahem - today another letter demanding the money and an attachment about how a representative of theirs can take possession of my belongings. Did they not get my letters or are they just being difficult? Any suggestions? I may have to ring them but I am loathe to at present. Fortunately I have all their correspondence from 2006 onwards, plus my replies to them. Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions
  9. Absolutely shameful behaviour by BG. At this is ongoing I am sure you have already done this if I ever have an issue with BG (which trust me I do) and never ring them as their call centres in India do not really have any idea about how to deal with customer issues. I always go online and lodge a complaint on their site. They then have 3 days I think to get back to you. Someone from this country has always got back to me as promptly as they have to answer all complaints within a certain time frame. Now I am sure you have by now exhausted every avenue trying to get the incompetent money grabbing so and so's to get this shocking matter sorted out but I thought I would mention the above just in case
  10. Hi DX100uk I don't have a printer at present so am unable to scan but I don't have any idea of what else you advised below.
  11. Update on this. I have had a letter back on the HSBC PPI saying in their opinion the PPI was not mis-sold. I guess they would say that.
  12. The amount I pay each month has been agreed when Blair Oliver were dealing. It is the same now with df. The forms they sent wanted to know everything about my including email address, mobile phone no, partner's name etc etc. I had no intention of responding but wanted to double check on here. thanks.
  13. Had a letter yesterday from drysden fairfax enclosing an Income and Expenditure form and basically wanting to know what I had for breakfast. Is this any of their business?
  14. Issues? I do hope I don't get any of those, but if I do then I will. Thank you again.
  15. Ok. Thank you. So that will provide me (or should do) with all information re PPI payments I made to them. Once I have this information can you let me know where the spreadsheets I mentioned above come into play (if at all). As I said in my first post I have looked on the Forum but would like to know what the process is.
  16. In that case can you advise how I go about it - I've seen a selection of spreadsheets and have no idea whether I would need to use them. Is the first step to send a SAR?
  17. Update for information : I had a call from the AA this week. I was told that the monthly interest amounts on my statement were for information only as the interest was calculated at the start of the loan. There was £80 in late payment charges that had been added since and they agreed to credit this to my loan. They also confirmed this in writing. I also meant to say that I haven't so far had anything back from the email the AA rep on this site suggested I send.
  18. My PPI question is this - I had a mortgage with C&G from 2004-2007 and paid PPI. Please can anyone advise if (and how) I should go about seeing if I can re-claim the PPI? Similarly from March 2007 until June 2008 I had PPI with HSBC when I changed my mortgage to them. Again can anyone offer advice re re-claiming? I have checked stickies and threads on the site but am unsure whether I can apply for the premiums paid to be refunded or not. thanks
  19. As a Sky customer it would not have cost you anything to ring their 0845 number from your landline. A bit late now as you are no longer a customer of their's but worth noting.
  20. I have written to the AA direct with a cc to drysdenfairfax. Have had a response from Df saying they only apply interest if I fail to make the agreed monthly amount. They have clearly misunderstood the contents of my letter to the AA. Nothing from the AA so far - either in response to my letter or email.
  21. Reading this has brought tears to my eyes. Poor poor BlessedGuardian having to go through so much stress and actually being hours away from the Bailiffs coming round. Reading the part where you wrote about putting your possessions in the garden in case you got back from Court and the Bailiffs had been was absolutely awful. I am so pleased that with the help of this site and your determination and strength you have had a positive outcome - a well deserved one as that. Best wishes to you
  22. Yes it is, and I will be emailing as suggested by the AA Rep.
  23. No, as I have explained my earlier posts, each month anything between £28-£35 is added hence me querying it.
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