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Angel Steele

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Everything posted by Angel Steele

  1. Thank you very much Silverfox for the update.
  2. Thank you for this information. I have emailed and received an automated response. There was a number attached to the subject of the email - is that what you refer to when you say the automated reply ref no?
  3. My 24 month contract with Vodafone ended in November 2011. I rang to say I didn't want an upgrade at the moment and was considering getting a PAYG SIM. I was offered a half price tariff of £11 a month which would include all the Minutes, Texts, Data etc as I had originally. The first month I was charged the full amount. I rang to complain, they apologised and said they would credit my account with £60 as a goodwill gesture. Ok - all fine so far. I now have had an email from them telling me my bill is available to view. I have not had a bill since December so rang them earlier to find out how much credit I had left. You do the sums - £11 a month - Jan-March = 3 months. I should have had approx £30 left. Wrong - I have £1.23. Erm - how. It would seem that good old Voda have been charging me the full amount each month. 3 calls to their direct Indian call centre (one I was left holding on for 5 minutes, the other cut me off, the last call I spoke to someone) it appears that no I am not on an £11 a month but £15 a month tariff. Hmmmmm news to me. God I hate these mobile phone companies. So my local Voda shop in the high street will be getting a visit from me because lord knows I CANNOT deal with any more Indian call centres.
  4. Hello Victoria My post a light hearted attempt to make Keith chuckle and realise that the situation is not as bleak as it seems.
  5. I worked for Severn Trent Water in their facilities department last year on a six month contract. They've obviously spent all their money on their brand spanking nearly new (it's been open about 15 months) Severn Trent Centre building in Coventry and need some extra from you
  6. Not at this point. I am still waiting for them to respond to my letter requesting their bank details so I can pay by Standing Order. I've not been in correspondence with them long over this debt. 3 or so weeks. However I will carry on paying Sains via online banking as I have been doing.
  7. Broken/Brigadier I am grateful for the advice offered, it was the wording that I found a bit OTT but yes I will be following this advice
  8. Excuse me but I don't care for your "some things are not sinking in here" comment. You have 25,000 posts so clearly know a thing or two. I have 37 - which is why I am asking for advice. Advice given in a courteous manner, not by someone suggesting that "things are not sinking in". I find that very rude indeed and quite uncalled for. I am asking for advice here, not comments such as the ones you have just made above. I have not spoken with Blair Oliver Scott over this - if you read my above posts you will note that I say that. I am only dealing with them in writing. I came across this site some weeks before I heard from Blair Oliver regarding this debt, hence me requesting my CCA from them and NOT speaking with them when they phone me. Whilst I appreciate any advice users might give I don't appreciate the first four lines of your above post.
  9. Is that something I could do? My letter to them of 12 February must have crossed with their's to me I think, either that or they are ignoring me. They have a PO Box as well which I have read earlier is difficult to obtain a signature from a Recorded Delivery letter.... I am more than happy to pay the OC BUT I cannot be doing with Blair Oliver's letters and phone calls any more. Thanks for your help in this
  10. I'm getting seriously fed up with this now. Another letter from Blair Oliver today. I have written to them on 12 February informing them I require their bank details so I may pay by standing order. They write a letter dated 15 February saying I have failed to respond to their request for the full balance blah blah and informing me that one of their door to door collectors may call or court action may be taken.... They want me to call of course but I am not going to. I've set out in my letter to them how much I can pay. What advice can you guys offer? Can I just say that the advice I've been given on this site has been a bit conflicting at times so I'm none the wiser really
  11. Well actually no it did not scare me into paying them. They said the debt had been passed over to them. At that point back in September I had not come across this Forum. Had I have done then I would not have paid dear old Blair Oliver a penny. I will try the other credit reference agencies this week.
  12. Yes it's free the first time but once you've had the free for a month you have to pay £14 the next time you want to check your Experian credit reference. I had a free month last year and have tried to log on again but cannot do so without paying first. When you say the DCA "spoofed me into paying" - I do have it in writing from Blair Oliver that I was paying £25 a month. I also have a record of the other amounts I've paid them. The thing I do not understand is this - WHY if I am paying the AA x amount off my loan each month do Blair Oliver suddenly get involved. Is this the AA finance (HBOS) thinking that scare tactics from a so called DCA will do the trick and scare me into paying the while amount? If that is the case it certainly won't work!
  13. Sorry I mentioned Sains in this thread but it should be the AA. I have another thread about my debt with Sains and got muddled with the two - ooops. So even though I have paid Blair Oliver about £140 since September you are suggesting I go back to paying the AA direct. I will check my credit file this week although it pains me to pay £14 for the privilege. I've already had the month free last year. thank you once again for your replies.
  14. Yes I can pay Sainsburys no problem because I was paying them up until December. What about Blair Oliver though, if Sains have passed this over to them? In another reply to my thread it was mentioned that Blair Oliver may have "bought" the debt....so the debt would lie with them wouldn't it? It's all a bit of a performance this malarkey I feel
  15. Thanks for your reply. I know they are not bailiffs. I haven't checked my CRA as yet. I don't understand in that case why I should continue to contact the OC, in my case Sainsburys Finance, as they have passed the debt over to Blair Oliver. It's only £2,000 actually and not £3,000 as I stated in the first post. I know they are the in house debt collecting department of Sainsburys Finance/HBOS. In view of your comment above I will wait to hear from Blair Oliver with their bank details so I can pay by standing order - or should I continue to pay Sainsburys?
  16. Thank you for your reply Oh yes I know who Blair Oliver and Scott are.....! I'm not refusing to pay them, I just want to pay by Standing Order .
  17. I had an informal agreement with Sainsburys to pay less than the required amount each month but a signed agreement with Sainsburys when I originally took out the credit card, but as Blair Oliver are now dealing I am keen to pay but only £5 a month and by Standing Order which I have written to request. I'm waiting for them to write to me but they keep phoning. Am I best to speak to them to tell them what I want to pay and how I want to pay it as my letters do not seem to warrant a response from them by letter. Their continual phone calls don't really affect me because I know their number so when I see it I just hit the ignore button.
  18. I wonder if I should wait for them to send me details of their bank account (Blair Oliver I mean) or talk to them next time they ring? I was paying them each month but by DD which I've cancelled and have requested their bank account details so I can be in control of what I pay them.
  19. I've requested the CCA which I have had - on Sainsburys Finance headed notepaper by the way. Blair Oliver tell me they are now dealing and all interest is suspended. I've replied saying my agreement was with Sains not them therefore they are not in a position to add interest. Again I've asked for their bank details and told them I will pay £5 a month and NO I will NOT be filling in an income and expenditure form. Do I just wait it out? They are ringing daily but I just press ignore on my phone. Any advice would be very welcome - thanks in advance
  20. More advice required please I requested the CCA from BOS, it was sent on letterhead from the AA finance *rolls eyes*. I've written to Blair Oliver asking for their bank details so I can pay them by Standing Order. not heard a word yet. They ring me every day tho! I've told them I will only deal with them by letter and say goodbye. Can anyone advise as to what I should do next? Wait for them to write to me with their bank details?
  21. Hi Pagan Pete I was just letting you know that in my daughter's case they did refund the charges. As for asking for your bank statements - erm is that allowed? Just pay the lower amount, tell them that is all you can afford to pay and that they are not entitled to see your bank statements. Muppets the lot of them.
  22. DX100UK - Maybe my new post on this thread today isn't clear. Never mind. Brigadier - The AA Loan would I imagine be backed by Bank of Scotland. thanks both for your help.
  23. Why do I need what? I tried to explain in my earlier post today above.
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