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Everything posted by altcr

  1. Thank you. I don't suppose you know what the maximum the bailiffs can charge? the original fine was £40, ended up paying £340
  2. I would really appreciate some advice, long story my daughter got a fine -driving in a bus lane she did n't pay it, yes I know she should have but you may understand the pressure she was under if you read this. She had a bailiffs letter a few months ago, left sticking out of her letterbox, I wrote a letter on her behalf stating that she was a vulnerable client for the following reasons: She was a victim of severe domestic violence including being held prisoner in a house, threatened with being shot , said he would disfigured, her, he smashed the patio door and broke on to beat her up etc, it took a lot of persuasion to finally make her make a statement and go through with a prosecution and her ex is currently on remand, at this moment in time she is still saying she will attend court, despite threats from his family. Not surprisingly she is being treated for depression. she is also a single parent of a 4 yr old child. The letter that I wrote stated that she was in fear of violence a witness in a court case where her ex would be stand trial for serious offences, being treated for depre4ssion etc. They ignored that and turned up again , this time I wrote on her behalf saying that if they pursued it then I would complain to their governing body, I also wrote to the council informing them. Fast forward to today , I was at work and my other daughter got an hysterical call from her, the bailiffs had clamped her car and were demanding £340, my other daughter used her bill money to pay it. My daughter told them about the letters and the bailiffs told her they were aware but she had been rejected for vulnerability . I don't know where to start, do I complain to the courts ( think it came through Mc court) the bailiffs? The council?
  3. Thank you,, reason for not paying is although she is self employed its either feast or famine, also she was busy with other things, like injunctions etc. with ex
  4. Thanks, what's RD? I will write to the council on her behalf, she works she is self employed and a single parent, she does get working tax but not income support or JSA
  5. I am hoping some of you can help me, my daughter has had 3 bailiffs letters re a parking offence, she doesn't deny that she owes some money and she has good cause re not dealing with it, she is being treated for depression and is currently in fear of her life due to violent former boyfriend, she has made statements to police and is going to be a witness in the court case, despite threats from him. I wrote a letter ( on her behalf) to equita and explained her situation and informed them that the situation came under the vulnerable debtors, clause and asked them to send the debt back to the council, I have sent the letter twice, had an email acknowledgment , however all they did was write back, gave a breakdown of charges and ignored the vulnerable debtors bit and told her she could expect a call from them anytime within the next 7 days and they would clamp her car, she is frightened enough about knocks on the door ( with violent ex) Can anyone advise what to do next? Thanks
  6. I have had problems with no signal or poor/intermittent service for the past 2 weeks, o2 say there is a problem with the signal in my area, I have asked for some compensation ( I am pay monthly) and they tell me that as they don't guarantee a service and (allegedly) the problem is only in my area due to a transmitter fault then they cannot offer anything. I pay monthly for a service that I am only receiving now and again , Does anyone have any advice, its really annoying I have had to ask friends to call me on the house phone as they cannot contact me.
  7. It's definitely TV licence, What if court refers me back to bailiffs? refuses to agree to lower payments? (which they already have)
  8. I don't feel that I will get anywhere with them, I have looked through forums and it would appear the courts would refuse to deal with it, would tell me that it is now in the hands of the bailiffs, besides they (court) wouldn't listen when I asked in the first place to have payments set at a rate that I could afford
  9. I don't feel that I will get anywhere with them, I have looked through forums and it would appear the courts would refuse to deal with it, would tell me that it is now in the hands of the bailiffs, besides they (court) wouldn't listen when I asked in the first place to have payments set at a rate that I could afford
  10. This is the automated reply to my letter that I emailed a) disputing the amount they say I owe b) making a statement re vulnerable debtors Now I won't sleep tonight:( Thank you for your email which will now be forwarded to the relevant department. Please be advised that enforcement action will NOT be suspended whilst your correspondence is dealt with, we would therefore strongly advise that you contact us direct on 0845 074 3749. To speak to an operator please press option 2. If you have not already done so, please provide our reference number or the name and full postal address of the warrant to enable us to trace the details on our database, without these details there may be a delay in responding to your enquiry. In order to help us help you and speed up any response, please note the following: If you are writing to advise that you have received a letter for an individual who does not reside at your address, please provide a copy of a recent utility or council tax bill (no older than 6 months). These can be faxed across to 01992 803001 or sent as an attachment to an email (Word document, PDF or JPEG). If you are writing to advise that you have already made a payment to either us or the issuing authority, please provide evidence in the form of a receipt or copy of a bank statement. These can be faxed across to 01992 803001 or sent as an attachment to an email (Word document, PDF or JPEG). If your case has been assigned to an Enforcement Agent, your query/enquiry will be passed to them to deal with, the Customer Care Team will write to you advising of the name and contact number of the Agent assigned to your case. If you are making a formal complaint this will be dealt with in accordance with Marston Group’s formal complaints procedure. You will get a copy of this with the acknowledgement sent to you. If your goods/ vehicle have been removed, please contact our Goods Removed Department on 01992 803030. If none of the above applies, please await a further reply. Marston Group contact details are available from http://www.marstongroup.co.uk/customer-support/contact-us/ Please note: this email is from an unmonitored address. Do not reply to this email - it will not be read. You have received this email because an email was sent to customer.care@marstongroup.co.uk from your address. If you did not send an email to this address please ignore this response.
  11. I am hoping that someone can help me, long story cut short, I got made redundant a while ago and TV licence direct debit bounced and I got a fine, I am now working. I ran the courts who said £50 a month is the least I can pay, they would not accept any less, I managed to pay a couple of months but then could n't pay ( I am also catching up on rent/council tax) I have had a letter from Marstons saying that they will visit to levy distress and remove my goods by auction. As I have a heart condition I have written to Marstons re vulnerable debtor etc, however is there any template letter or legislation that I can quote to the court, all I want to do is come to an arrangement that I can afford but I know that the court will refer me back to the baliff who will add additional charges on, its making me ill and the insomnia ! hence I am writing this at 1 in the morning, any advice would be appreciated,
  12. Thank you I will call them in the morning, is there a template letter anywhere on here?
  13. yes it was direct from a retailer via the internet from Virgin Mobiles
  14. Thank you for your ( non judgmental ) reply, will ring them in the morning, I paid £39 towards the phone , will I get that back? and if they are difficult when I phone do I quote the distance selling regulations?
  15. No its for my son, he has nt even been on the internet, just wondered what my rights are that's all, could hardly understand the person in the contact centre but basically her advice was to put internet on and off to save data, just wondered if anyone could give any advice so that when I ring customer services I am armed with the right information about my rights
  16. I have taken out a mobile phone contract a few days ago, not impressed as its gone through lots of data. My question is am I entitled to cancel under the distance selling regulations> I took the contract out online. Thanks
  17. He is an apprentice, I rang Inland Revenue, as he is 19 and has completed the first year of his apprenticeship he is entitled to NMW. He has been going to college ( skills solutions ) and has passed everything but needs to have one the job training.
  18. Loads of things , for a start he feels he has nt had any training at all, then the boss sent a text about the disciplinary and accidently sent it every employee, so they all knew his business, he asked what it was all about, list of silly things including 'lack of enthusiasm ' not following instructions, this followed the boss asking him to transport some wood 30 meters long on a little van, he thought that was unsafe and that he would get pulled by the police so he asked a driver with a transit to do it, think they are just looking for an excuse to get rid, it escalated when he made formal request for National Minimum Wage, although they paid up, but he had to follow it up and ask for it to be backdated,
  19. Yes he has a contract of employment, basically he dreads waking up each day having to go there, shame as he was student of the year at college and really wanted to learn a trade but feels he can't face it any more, he has not had any training whatsoever
  20. I would appreciate any advice on behalf of my 19 year old son, briefly: He is an apprentice, has been trained in any skills, used as a labourer. Has had his days cut down from 5 to 4 Was told he had a disciplinary meeting 2 months ago it was cancelled at 15 mins notice, told him it would be rearranged but it was n't , he has had this hanging over him since then. Was using company van told to hand keys and sat nav back, and had to travel about 8 miles to a job ( he is an apprentice joiner) He says its making him ill and cannot face going back, Has anyone got a suitable letter template for this? Thanks
  21. My daughter has told me that she took a log book loan on her car Grrhh! She borrowed £100, has so far paid £600 and reckons that by the time she has made the final payment she will have paid £3000, Can this be challenged ? Are there any template letters? Thanks
  22. Could we start a group action against these idiots?. I have sent letters but they just keep ignoring my letters ad sending threats to come and 'assess your finances standard of living'
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