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Everything posted by sallywallywoo

  1. Indeed....and children tend to get hit by moving traffic when irresponsible people insist on parking on zig zag lines outside of schools.
  2. Update from the last couple of days... British Gas did not phone me so I spent the day yesterday running around trying to get the original guy to ring me back (no joy) ended up speaking to a lady in the complaints department who insisted that the whole debt was mine and I must be lying as it is logged on her system that I have lived at the address since 2007,I advised her of my tenancy agreement which states my start date and that I had mortgage statements from my old house showing I lived there in 2007....she requested I fax her my tenancy agreement,I informed her I had not seen a fax machine since the early 90s and she suggested I go to the library to borrow theirs. Got laughed out of the library and went and purchased a new printer/scanner (mine was broke) came home set it up,scanned said tenancy agreement,wrote very harsh email,attached tenancy agreement and sent to British gas complaints at 9.10pm last night. Teatime today British gas rang me to inform me my complaint was being handled by one person (not thousands anymore...I shall miss them) nice lady by the name of Jennifer,explained she had my email, tenancy agreement etc... and that the mistake lay with British gas and they most defiantly owe me money,this has had to go to another department to be calculated but apparently I only owed for oct/nov and half of December for 2009.....that was a very expensive two and a half months as I have actually paid £1659 in total (anothe debt payment had been sent to the meter so I found out today) Jennifer is back at work 9am monday and will be ringing me apparently with the figure that is owed and to arrange the refund. Anything else I need to do/ask? Do I be totally greedy and inquire about compensation?Am I entitled? I would not mind if they stumped up for the new flipping printer/scanner Thank you again to anyone that provided advice I think I quoted most of what was said to me by you kind people and it obviously helped as it seems to be getting sorted quite quickly Sal x
  3. Thank you Stu,I will do as you have suggested and will let you know how the phone call (if it comes) with the marvelous Mo at British Gas,goes tomorrow
  4. I see the BAYV guy is still "Trolling" about making as much sense as usual,I find it hilarious that they quite obviously spent a long time phrasing that post to look professional but failed massively as it still comes across as totally nasty and totally UNPROFESSIONAL! I myself am waiting on a call in the morning from my area manager,a phone call I am eagerly awaiting (cant actually sleep i'm so excited.....zzzzz) And seriously BAYV....no reply is needed
  5. I am a British gas customer,and have been since 2009 when I moved into my rented house,the house had a prepayment meter for the electric and a normal meter for the gas. When I moved in I informed British Gas that I was taking over and to put the accounts in my name,that was fine for the electric but for some reason they did not link me to the gas account or link the accounts together,this went on for a few months back and forth trying to get them to sort this,they eventually named me as the gas account holder and started asking for payment that was due....fine I thought I need to pay for what I owe (even though British gas held me up for months in doing so) so I ask for a balance etc....British gas then start asking for monies due from way before I even moved in.... Anyways to cut a very long story short we finally agreed that I owed just under £600 (still way to high in my opinion but I had lost the will to live by that point) and the landlord of the property owed just under £800...I agreed to have a prepayment meter fitted and my debt attached and to pay £20 a week (3 months later had to be reduced to £10 a week as I was finding it tough) Fast forward to today nearly 3 years later I decide to check the meter as Im still plugging away paying the debt (thinking I must be close now)so I ring British gas and a nice man tells me how to check and I find that I still owe £261,Im confused at this point and not understanding why and how I still owe so much?Ask for a breakdown of the account to be told by the nice man that a few months after they sent MY debt to the meter as they were getting no joy from my landlord they sent HIS debt to MY meter,it is on their system that it is his debt and that they sent the debts separately with months in between to my meter,had not sent any letters etc...and I knew nothing about it,I had cleared my own debt over a year before but just had not known I had! I struggled over the winter to pay the gas to heat the house,with 3 children one of them a baby,being a single mum and only working part time....I am livid but also totally devastated as we had such a hard time through the winter months trying to keep a float. The guy at British gas after telling me to chase the landlord for the money,which he was politely told to stop being so stupid is ringing me tomorrow after he has spoke to his supervisor and some guy from "metering" I think I am owed approx £500 and want the debt taken off the meter so I will have to wait and see what happens.He touched briefly on saying my meter would be credited with what was owed (that is also unacceptable in my book)I have also asked to him to look into the account as I know with key faults that I have had over the years that money went into no mans land as it did not appear on the meter and had to be topped up again,(British gas was also contacted about this but apparently everything added up and was fine) I tonight feel horrible,how someone can do that to a struggling young family,disgusting money grabbing company. Where and what do I do/go if he does not ring me...or I get no joy from this? Thank you x
  6. Thank you for all your replies and sorry for my quietness. Just a small update Jessica (Daughter)is doing well,after a long hospital stay and then recoup at home she's back at work and college and seems to be bearing up well,so thank you again for all your kind words. As for BAYV, crime number was given to the collector as requested via txt,loan TV for supplied by them a week later. Loan TV turned up with a crack in the screen and generally very tatty,sounds like the speakers are on their way out and not the same size as our original....as of today's date we STILL have that loan TV and I am still paying the same payments as before,have contacted them several times to ask when we will have a new TV but get fobbed off by both the office and my overpowering collector (he stills comes round)Washer dryer has also been broken for the last 6 weeks (still paying) Have given up trying to get the matter resolved and have pulled the washer dryer out and purchased a new machine (washer dryer stands unloved and forlorn in the garage) Have not received any paper work regards the claim,Money to be paid on meter jumped up by about £5 per week though this is denied by both office and collector.Always take the meter to Free running straight away but the last couple of collections were short (evq to about another week and a half)collector cannot explain why so I end up paying straight from my purse to him and getting a receipt. Now clueless to what is going on with my account......about given up to be fair
  7. Why did I expect more!? Gonna have nightmares about the head woman at rossendales working with the department of justice to try and reform the rules and regulations to do with bailiffs .......what the hell is the world coming to?
  8. Thank you I am aware that you have to give a crime ref no.to validate a claim,the point of the matter is under the circumstances your employees do not have a right to come to someones house and demand it,threaten for it,scare children to obtain it.Im sure a couple of days was not going to make a lot of difference...or is there a specific time frame given by law that I am unaware of ie: days? I was keeping your company totally up to date with all that was happening,being completely transparent and helpful....(more helpful than I actually should of been) Maybe you should stop "talking" to me and question why vital information that was given to your office was not passed to the relevant manager etc...I have heard that computers do wonderful things these days Can I also stress that I am also aware that to be-able to "help me" you need my details,but I actually do not recall asking for your help,and to be frank if I had known that I would be ambushed on here by BAYV I would of never posted,I will make my complaint to your company when I am ready to do so,not when BAYV want me to. I would rather you did not PM me...but I see you already have...... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- can you try to not to cross that line?
  9. With due respect I will not be giving any of my personal details to anyone either on a post or via a personal msg as you are a complete stranger...dont know if you actually read my post but after going through what we just have we are not even opening the door let alone passing details out via the internet? *scratches head* But thank you anyway for being another BAYV employee asking for the crime number....... P.S Last night while I sat in the police station lobby for an hour waiting for the crime ref number to be issued to me my 8 month old son started to crawl........I missed it, god bless BAYV!
  10. Forgot to say that he actually stood and gave me a lecture "as I should of informed BAYV I was going on holiday" I was gobsmacked... And Mamamoo thank you very much for your kind words x
  11. Hello I am a BAYV customer approx 6months in ,I have a TV from them (which the meter is attached) and a washer dryer. Last week I went on holiday to Scotland with my family leaving my nearly 17 year old daughter at home (college and work commitments) Late on Thursday night I received a phone call from the police to say my house had been broken into and my daughter seriously assaulted in the process and she was in hospital in quite a bad way. rushed home.. straight to hospital etc.. and then home to check the damage, they had broken in through the kitchen window and my daughter who was asleep at the time had been disturbed had come downstairs to be confronted by the burglars who beat her up and left her unconscious (amongst other things that we will not dwell on) kicked our cat that hard it was killed and then cleared our house of anything valuable and left via our back patio doors.. .the BAYV TV being one of the items. Scenes of crime officers etc attended and I briefly made a phone call to BAYV to tell them about the TV, giving them the incident number and explaining the full horrible story before returning to the hospital to be with my daughter. On monday morning while I was at the hospital BAYV called, my son answered the door and told him I was not in and where I was and he left and said he would call again. Monday afternoon he called again (I was still at the hospital) Monday evening he called again, - - I was home picking up clothes etc.. .I expressed my surprise to see him and asked why he was there, I also asked if the office had explained what had happened, He said he knew nothing about it and that he wanted the crime number... it was explained to him that it had not been given yet as my daughter was still in no fit state to give a statement to the police and they were taking things very slowly with her because of what she had been through, he insisted I get it for the next day for him, I said I would ask but my priority at this moment was my daughter and the rest of my family and not their TV. He turned up at the house again 3 times on Tuesday.... really banging on the door (son said he just ignored him) today he turned up knocking 3 times, on the 3rd occasion my 14 year old daughter answered the door to him and explained I was at the hospital and didn't know when I would be back. When I did get back she was upset and had said that he had been round but refused to go into detail about what he said..... .it took myself and members of my family a couple of hours to coax it out of her, apparently he had been on the doorstep for about 10mins going on about the crime number, about removing the goods, about default payments and how serious that was and that he wanted the crime number by 3pm or I would be in trouble, she had got upset and was scared I would go to prison and is now jumping everytime the door knocks (so we already have children traumatised thinking people will get in and hurt them at night and now everytime the door knocks they think im going to be carted away to prison) I am to be fair too exhausted to even get mad by this, i really did not think that putting my daughter first ,supporting her through her ordeal was that unreasonable.. .but apparently I need to drop everything and deal with BAYV because they demand it.... I have told the police and they have told me to ignore them for the time being and not to worry (pretty difficult when he's pretty much camped outside my house and is scaring the children witless) Any advice? (I received the crime number tonight btw but feel a bit hacked off at everyone being treated like this) Thank you x
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