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Everything posted by leigh04

  1. Thankyou HB, Well after having four kids I dont find much embarressing so a smear test is easy for me to do bit I do understand that for some they find it awkward but as I have said never have and never will miss my test I want to be able to see my grandkids ( none yet tho ) grow up Unlike my mum.
  2. Exactly HB , im high risk both my mum and aunt died from cervical cancer and both uncles have had bowel cancer, I have never missed going for mine I cant take the risk. Yes its unpleasant but for a few minutes I dont care if it saves my life.
  3. Im quite happy to go for a smear test every year luckily I have a great nurse that does it.
  4. Im on this page aswell although I havent posted on it, Ive been giggling at some of the things that people have posted in replies. Im not much cop at law but I do know that some of the things they say I wouldnt do. I know where to come if I need advice or help and thats CAG it certainly wont be that fb page.
  5. Update Just spoke to LL and hes not very happy as we are not the only ones to complain about the property manager so hes having words. We are being given two months rent for free due to the situation/mix up and I am not being charged the 40pounds for not giving contact details as I have. I am waiting for an email confirmation to confirm this, he did state we are in the top ten for being good tenants so hopefully its now sorted but if anything changes I will update the thread. Thanks for all the advice guys x
  6. Caro They want my tel number which they already have got as the property manager phones me on it!!
  7. Email recieved today threatening me with a £40 charge if I dont confirm my contact details, do I legally have to give them my contact details, they know the address and my email address. When first told rent was going up they stated a new tenancy agreement now they are threatening me with a charge of 125.00 for it.
  8. Mariner You havent asked for the rel sections of AST what is you want know from it pls.
  9. Thanks for that ray will try and find out if it is. Well I emailed The property manager and basically she isnt answering my questions just keeps replying that 161 a week is the confirmed new rent!! And I must inform her when we change the SO amount.
  10. Hi mariner. Our current rent is 600 a month but we pay 150 weekly as requested by LL. Our T.A is a standard one so what is the STAT info? They want the first new rent by 12 oct even tho my rent goes up from today, so wont we be in arrears or something?
  11. Deal with his property manager but shes hopeless, I can contact him as he is approachable but he will probably say deal with her, but you never get a straight answer from her and she ends up giving confusing answers.
  12. That is unknown Caro, it states on the tenancy agreement from 2012 ( when we moved in) deposit xxx amount paid but they are verbally saying its not a deposit but for the last months rent if we decide to move out!!
  13. Thats how they prefer rent to be paid and its in the tenancy agreement aswell.
  14. Hi caro Thats the thing the rent increase starts from Tomorrow but the first payment is due for oct we dont pay monthly its weekly we pay, thats why its confusing. As I have already said if the rent increase is from tomorrow 12 sept shouldnt the first rent payment be either from tomorrows date or next friday not oct . I cant even say that they have given me one months notice for the increasement because its due to take effect from tomorrow, as we pay weekly wont we be in rent arrears if we continue to pay the original amount until the oct date? As thats when they want it paid but its like they are working it on a monthly payment and not a weekly payment Oh I am confused lol
  15. Hi fletch. No it states rent to be paid weekly and the LL said we will have a new tenancy agreement. Thars why I have said about a rent book and new tenancy agreement. But from what I have read because we are on a periodic tenancy and the rent has gone up we have to have a new tenancy agreement as its a new contract at new values!! I will try and ring shelter tomorrow but I will see if I get a reply from LL first to see if he can explain whats going on. One more question tho is rent increase notification allowed by email or does it have to be written on paper?
  16. Hi fletch Im not in arrears with rent we dont get chance to be hubby gets paid on a friday and rent goes straight out with out us even seeing it. But my thing is as we pay weekly the rent increase should be from oct not from tomorrow as LL has stated. They are doing the rent on a monthly not a weekly. So this is the confusion rent goes up from tomorrow so really I should pay new rent value next friday but we have been told to pay by the 12 oct which is a sunday but I have read rent has to be paid the same day as when first tenancy started. I havent got a problem paying the new rent im trying to work out why it goes up tomorrow but we dont pay until Oct. And dont we need a new tenancy agreement? And because we pay weekly we are meant to have a rent book but dont. On the original tenancy it states deposit and nothing about the final month payment.
  17. We have lived in our rented property since jan 2012 1 year contract , now a periodic (I think thats what its called). My LL informed us a few months back that our rent would be going up from sept 2014, since LL informed us the rent prices have constantly changed one minutes its 685 then its 650 , but today I have been informed that its now 646 a month from tomorrows date. We pay rent weekly as requested by SO and its at the original amount from 2012. We havent had a new tenancy agreement to sign which from what I understand we have too. Also we dont have a rent book either. As our rent increase is from tomorrow we have to make the first payment by 12 oct and this is what confuses me our rent is paid weekly so its paid in advance Yes so if our rent increase starts tomorrow why do we pay by the 12 oct? On our tenancy agreement it states deposit paid but LL says its not deposit its for the last months rent can any one try and explain whats going on and if it states deposit is it deposit Many thanks
  18. Hi slick Yes the balance is reducing and No interest or charges are being added. Just seems like santander are passing account to different DCAs but I pay direct to santander.
  19. Update again Right so far my account has been passed from wetcloths to moorcr*p now with robinson way and I am still continuing to pay santander directly!!!!!
  20. I understand that thats why I said realistically nothing legal can be done unless its 8wks or more , the landlord cant do court before then ie eviction. But the way the OP has written it they have until 1st sept to clear the arrears or he will go to court. My apologies if im wrong . I know the landlord can chase for payment from either tenant or guarantor but I have read that its 8weeks rent arrears before any legal action can commence.
  21. Any tax left over after selling vehicle and dvla informed they will do it automatically instead of us having to fill forms in and send the tax disc back but the tax has to be a month or more from what ive read. Anything under no refund is given.
  22. As far as im aware it has to be 8weeks or more in arrears before anything realistically can happen. Others will be along later to advise more but im sure its 8weeks as ive seen it written on cag a few times.
  23. I have had dealings with B&S in the past and found them to be ok, the office staff have always been polite and if I wasnt able to pay one week I doubled up the following (after speaking with someone). I know many people who have had problems with B&S but not me. Before any one jumps down my throat in the past I have had different dcas that have been absolutely vile but B&S ok. Can I also say I paid my debt to B&S online and not once did they try and take more from me , when debt was paid they sent me a letter confirming debt was clear. I think you will be ok but if not come back here and im sure the guys will help.
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