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Everything posted by noddyaccount

  1. I agree ,which round did Adam Crozier learn the ropes on ? years ago I worked in a factory and if management wanted to tame a fierce union man , they used to promote him to middle management , that's why we are in a mess , Crabs in a barrel .
  2. Try not to speak to the Dcas at all , as they lie and cajole you , everything in writing from now on . As you have found out once you talk to them they ring more , to be brutal they do not care for any problems you have , they just want money , so they can high 5 that your money goes on a board . Cca and Sar them as soon as possible , templates on here , Remember there is no obligation to speak to them , if I answer the phone at all Just say nothing , frankly its very disconcerting for the bod on the other end , and as I never verify any security details , there is no point in recording it . To be frank I don't care if they do record it , who are they ?
  3. I will not pay for an offence everyone knows I am not responsible for ,I was not even there , I have the moral ground here , the law is an ass how can the registered keeper be liable for the actions of the driver , if my friend had had an accident , he was on the insurance , I would not be responsible , please tell me the difference Mr Kafka. For the record I happen to believe my identity is my business and your problem ,
  4. Forget that car it's long gone , I have full use of a friends , and yes I am insured .
  5. I am testing your theory , By the way what if any are the statutes of limitation on a parking ticket/bus lane fine ?
  6. It is not the" only reason " , that is the assumption of the autocrat , another reason could be that the OP does not get paid by government unlike you , so therefore not his business . Following your logic if when the body issues the Nto and the Op is correct , he would have been wasting his time doing their bidding, as the agency would be able to get the details from Dvla and see from it he was not linked at all to the vehicle at the time of the Alleged offence .
  7. This is how it starts , sneaking is as sneaking does . As Winston Churchill said;"Where you have 10, 000 regulations you lose all respect for the law . "
  8. While I would not wish to provide misinformation and get the OP into trouble , my problem with this is the onus of the Op to sneak on a fellow citizen on behalf of a government agency for something they are aware is not his responsibility , if they are so government why don't they check with the Dvla and leave this man be . Its like the blinking gestapo , if you don't give up the name you are in trouble . I got a bus lane ticket for my car even though I was not in it , my friend wrote a letter stating the truth that i had lent him the car and he was driving it . They still held me responsible and I have still not paid it , nor will I .
  9. Run into ruin by self interested , shinyseat trousered middle-management types , management consultants and the like , its all Pr sizzle these days . My great uncle Paul worked for London Transport all his working life , it was simples like running a train set , people over complicate things for their own ends and interest , sack all 163 , it would probably work better without those messers IMO . P.s G&m has not repied , he's not on the clock , strictly a 9-5 man .
  10. Well a tube driver has more responsibility for peoples immeadiate safety than a jumped up middle management office jockey or an it worker , so aside for a concession that maybe six upper echelons of management deserve more money for their strategic overview skills/experience , I should say the other 158 Bods deserve £50 k at best maybe in a boom , how much rubbish can you talk at a watercooler in a tie ?
  11. Yes I have and I was being facetious in part , I do not think there is any obligation to give this information to these jokers , however I believe your latest comment to really be pique on your part for exposing your interest on this site as a paid representative of the authorities the rest of us are challenging .
  12. You may be in breach of the Data protection act iF you give these clowns any information .
  13. Alternativeley , you could resign your consultative role at TFL ,G&M and save us the £100,000 plus per anum you bill them for PR services . Did you know 163 people at TFL earn more than £100 ,000 /year ?
  14. Watching all this with interest , they have just done Exactly ! the same to me .
  15. Is it possible to sue them for harrasment , under the Law?
  16. Thank you , I am minded to , however what about the restitution argument recently posted on here , to insist upon restitution to take into account the profits , if any , made by the bank with my money . I always back date the interest at 8% to the point they took the money out of my account . With credit cards I charge interest at their overlimit rate from the date of the charge plus 8% from the point of claim .
  17. I have written to these blighters asking for my bank charges back , received the standard blah on hold reply . I have had success before with my previous bank , HSbc , but that was before the stay . My question is , Due to the stay is it possible and/or pertinent to put my claim in now before the ruling , accepting no progress will be made on it , either way , before any ruling ? Any tactical thoughts appreciated , thank you .
  18. I am no lawyer , but I would tell them to whistle for their cancellation fee and any percentage , and formally request the cessation of any activity , making it clear you deny any agreement exists between you . They can sue you if they like , but I doubt it and anyway you could defend and counterclaim vigorously.
  19. So perhaps , if you can show they were operating without your permission , they have breached the data protection act somehow. Surely if there is no written contract with the dca , no problem , was it over the phone or by email the perusal proposal ? They are just trying it on , its what they do for a living .
  20. Lie down with dogs , get fleas . Sue them , although I don"t know where you stand with the data protection act , passing on details to a third party .
  21. Yes they do , they sit in their vans waiting for you to return to your clamped car , making model kit form aeroplanes , they know all about airfix
  22. What does "subject to the powers of the court " , mean in this context please
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