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Everything posted by noddyaccount

  1. Westmiser council alone made 90 million pounds from parking last year , more than enough . Think of the savings to the economy as a whole , lost productivity etc, lost wages , lost parking revenue to the councils themselves , not to mention the cost in lives and injuries. It is a short sighted false economy , from the people who are meant to serve us , not themselves , the public servants have been at their masters drinks cabinets again .
  2. Thank you that is for 1st class post I presume . Would you agree it is bad English in the example given , as a lot of people could assume the 28 days commenced from the date of issue , and the council does not make it as clear as they could .
  3. Thats why I said 'some' councils , mostly the London ones make massive profits e.g,Westminster , Camden , Hammersmith and Fulham and a Surrey one Richmond ,just some examples , they have no excuses as we well know .
  4. I was told that the reason potholes 'pop' was that contractors no longer use Hot tar to seal the infill , as was the case in days of old. You know and i know from previous chats that some councils make substantial profits from parking revenue . If those councils were to be short of grit or whine about potholes with their expanded cash sums that would be in excusable IMO .
  5. On a notice to owner I have received it state "The penalty charge must be paid not later than the last day of the period of 28 days beginning with the date on which the notice to owner is served " It is not clear to me whether that is 28 days from the date of the NTO or 28 days plus the formal 2 or 3 days depending on letter class , that the law states to allow for Service .
  6. Is it that frozen drop thats causing all the potholes and chaos?
  7. Please can someone explain where all the money collected by the councils for parking fines that was to be used for road maintenance has gone ? We are told that fines pay for this so why are the councils whining about the cost of gritting and potholes , perhaps the fines should be increased .
  8. Sue them for at least £400 for a breach of the data protection act , that amount is a fair minimum to cover the cost of you reviewing your now compromised security details etc. Do not accept their free access to anything if it could seem that you are accepting that as a settlement for the breach . I am not a lawyer but sued in a similar situation , won by grudging default , based it on the advice given when the Govt. lost all the child data in 2007 .
  9. Could well mean no prescribed terms for example , that is a technical breach surely .
  10. They could not stop him marching in America due to the constitution , but he would have to learn to duck pretty quickly .
  11. With respect , although this petition is an appropriate way for people to show their disgust at this publicity stunt , we are damned if we do and damned if we don't . The leader of this group , although deluded is no fool , he wants a reaction to create division , we should not give him the pleasure. I do not believe he wants to march , the publicity and reaction are enough and if we ban him he wins ;Voltaire said and I believe he has been widely quoted by such as Churchill " I disapprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it "
  12. I take it to mean , If you take them to court to render an agreement unenforcable and written off , they can produce a mock-up . If they take you to court they had better be able to produce the real thing please someone correct me if I am wrong .
  13. Greetings Cerberusalert , am I correct in interpreting this to mean , that they can provide a reconstituted agreement in response to your S78 request , but not provide the same as evidence of an agreement , if they were to take you to court for the debt ?
  14. Have you thought about getting your mail redirected by Royal Mail , up to 2 years , that way you can see them but they cannot see you .
  15. We have a neighbour , the local busy body who does this part time , I watched him one night take off his high-vis jherkin around the corner . I am aware he"s on benefits I do not know if the benefits are aware . I say this to show the calibre of these jobsworths , he tried it on with the Aussies next door to meet his targets, who told him to shove off and later on stole his gnomes apparently .
  16. I am sorry that is not in their remit , their main concern is raising revenue to justify their jobs and pensions through parking and other penalties , non -profitable activities such as street gritting do not acheive this aim and as such would mean a massive increase in council tax to pay for it .Forget a big freeze ,The worst possible outcome would be a pay freeze ,your county Needs bureaucrats and quangocrats , otherwise there would be a rise in unemployment . Only joking , if you feel that injuries have been caused by a failure of a duty of care by our local leaders , perhaps someone on here can suggest how to sue the weasels .
  17. My way of dealing with it was to pay the bill less the charges , however their billing system catchs up with you in the end , take them to court they will back down like most bullies .
  18. I do not think the guardian were libellous they were just reporting that is their job , I saw no bias in the article in fact it has done us a favour by telling us their plans and exposing their spin . P.s I don't actually take the paper myself , as they are the party rag of our current noble govt. who protected us so well from the vultures of credit .
  19. That is so sad you have bought a statute barred debt you can't collect on , the laws against you , you should join a consumer forum .
  20. Laugh , I did a a jig , where do they get off with the moral high ground . Law and morality are two seperate issues , there is no equitable angle within the consumer credit act . Even on a moral level , if I borrow £1000 , pay back £1200 , and yet they want to keep me in thrall to interest for ever , who is the sinner , not me we are on a moral level if I read the contract and decide I do not lawfully have to pay back any more . I love a whining bully .
  21. Its never to early if you are communicating with them by other means , letters, if you are writing to them , surely there is nothing more to say .
  22. Probably more due to the missed payment , I do not know if they are smart enough to put 2 and 2 together that it is a cca issue . I would also send a data access request , see templates , to find out if there is an enforcable credit agreement on file .Send the telephone letter by all means if they are annoying you .
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