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Everything posted by noddyaccount

  1. I got done for parking in a cobbled mews on a single yellow line during parking restriction hours , that's what the council said . However the yellow line that I parked on was knackered , worn away and broken by wear , I.e it is not a continuous line . What are my chances , I thought that was a breach of regulations .
  2. I'm down to the hardware shop , do they also sell pitch and feathers , a pulley and a bucket .
  3. Thank you , so they can push you out of the way to gain access in an open doorway ? What happens if you push back ?
  4. Could you give more detail please , "criminal liability ' seems pretty vague , it infers they can do whatever they choose , in whatever they consider their duties , that can't be right .
  5. I put in a data access request plus £10 to my council , and although the information is available and they have confirmed receipt of the request , they are now several weeks over the 40 day timescale , what action can I take , and even if it does turn up soon , can I take action regarding their tardiness ?
  6. Thank you , Was that when your woolwich card became b/card , or when woolwich became Barclays , is the woolwich still with us ?
  7. I have a credit card in dispute with lloyds , as Halifax is now part of it , can they pilfer my halifax acct. to get payment , how seperate are the entities .
  8. Thank you I am just the impatient type , I am also aware at any time the defendant may attempt to have my claim struck out . I suppose my point is I never specified a paragraph in the cptur in the first place , so why now , could I not get specific closer to or at a hearing ?
  9. I have a claim with a dodgy lender for unjust charges , how do I apply to have the stay lifted and at the same time amend the P.O.C to highlight the new paragraph 5 argument . The claim did include the old penalty argument , and the Consumer regulations argument , in the cptur I did not specify para 5 or 6 so do I have to now specify it . Shall I wait for them to challenge a lift of stay ?
  10. I have been reading about Mediation , I did not previously understand that it referred to a pre- litigation procedure , or an alternative to litigation . Any thoughts as to it being applied to disputed cca agreements . Could we mediate with our creditors where there is no valid cca in order to get a legally binding full and final settlement , removal of data etc.? Could it apply to Bank charges ?
  11. I agree locutus , I just want to point out the illogic of Virgin arguing about T&Cs that they have never shown you .
  12. Thank you Raymond , but as a bought in from Ntl at what point would I have been shown /sent these famous T&Cs that virgin likes to brag about , seems like old beardy jumper bloke wants to bully me .
  13. I am having an arguement with Virgin about late penalty charges , they say that it is all in the terms and conditions of the contract , however never have signed a contract , so how can I have agreed to the terms ?
  14. Is This what is going on in Manchester , do you think , are these the type of issues being thrashed out , or is it more about the claims companies actions , rather than the current solid defences ?
  15. But has not the precedent been set by Wilson et al ?
  16. I read now that several test cases , I think in Manchester are to be ruled upon to clarify the unenforcability of ccas etc .Bearing in mind the stitch-up in the Bank Charges , does anyone think that the Law can be changed . I was under the impression pre-2007 agreement law was cut and dry , due to the Wilson precedent and others , can the Law now be changed ?
  17. I have done it for parking , no problem , there is a data control officer in most councils . It helps to be specific , so you may want all information in housing foe example , ask for your councils freedom of information officer/ data controller and try and narrow the search with them , adapt the data access requests on here and elsewhere to suit . For parking they go by your reg. nos not just your name by the way .
  18. In my opinion , the BBC have probably backed off once their legal team realised the implications for them colluding in fraudulent and illegal behavior with some of the parties featured . They repeat the series all the time and its all on youtube so was more popular than they admit . I suppose for Tarquin and co at the Beeb it was all a bit of a laugh in the boomtime ,not so funny now , I always watched with a fascinated horror at how the enemy behaved , it was like a nature programme studying **** .
  19. Hang on , push the boat out send both the finance company and the council data protection letters , keep the copies of postal orders as will be £20 well spent and reclaimable with interest when you sue the socks off them . If the finance company don't comply or try and cover their tracks sue them again either consecutively or seperately , I suggest kicking them heartily when they are down .As previously stated this needs nipping firmly in the bud .
  20. IT was on "the Bailliffs" programme , JbW had a numberplate recognition camera set up at night in central Westminster, if it got a hit for an unpaid pcn the police would pull the vehicle over and hold it until the driver paid JBw . It might be on Youtube , but others can verify it on here , having seen it . It was approx 2006 , some shameful shinola
  21. Considering that Jbw and westminster commited one of the most revolting attacks on civil liberties , by setting up road blocks in collusion with the police and council , where they pulled over drivers and extorted payments for civil fines , I am very glad . When thieves fall out its always messy , no honour amongst them .
  22. I am glad , to be belts and braces there is nothing wrong for your own piece of mind attaching to your next correspondence some of the points in your first post . they do make sense .The no. of times when i did speak to corporate phone jockeys they tried to put words in my mouth "so you are REFUSING to make a payment etc." or by badgering tried to get me to conform to their points was most irritating and in fact incorrect , but you can bet thats what was in their screen notes . To reiterate , no need in itself but no harm done if appended in some way to your next response , no need for too much detail however on that point . From my own experience , unless I am repeating myself , I like to bat a letter back enclosing photocopies of my previous correspondence and copies of recorded delivery receipts, showing by track and trace they had my previous replies whenever i get a letter . This way I feel in control and on top of it and my folder sleeves can demonstrate chronologically that no parry goes unanswered .
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