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Everything posted by freeofdebt

  1. Well done on making such progress. I am going to try and setup a repayment plan with One Month Loan and Payday Uk in a few weeks. Did you contact by email or phone to setup your plan?if so what email address did you send to? Thanks
  2. Hi, Currently I have £750 in cheques outstanding with these lot. I have been extending them for over two years now and enough is enough. I went into the shop today and I was told I must bring back my bank statement for the last two months which they will then send to head office who decide if I will be put on a hardship loan??I made it clear to the manager in the bank I am fully commited to paying the balance outstanding at a reasonable offer per month, I also passed a letter explaining this and to communicate with me only via email. Can anyone please advise are they likely to offer a repayment plan? do they constantly ring at work??I'm terrifed of this as I work in an open office. The seven cheques are due in the next few days/week should I tell my bank I lost them? I plan to go in again on Friday with my bank statements but I feel this is very personal. I just have a bad feeling about dealing with this lot, I have succesfully agreed repayment plans with Wonga and Quick Quid but I feel this bunch are a total nightmare. Thank you
  3. Hi, Please can anyone advise, I have successfully agreed repayment plans with a number of Payday companies now thankfully but I still have Lending Stream, Payday Express and PayDay UK to deal with. Can anyone please advise how difficult these companies are to deal with? do they add on extoriante charges? like other payday companies I am planning only to communicate with them via email. I am terrifed they will contact me at work. Any advice greatly appreciated. These are very tough times for me I can't believe I got myself into this mess. Thank you
  4. Hi, I am in a repayment plan with Wonga but can't afford to repay this month's as it will leave me with no cash. Will they just defer this month if I don't pay it or will they cancel the repayment plan altogether and pass to a DCA?? please any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks
  5. Hi, I have received back the relevant documentation from HSBC today, can you tell me what my next step should be now? apologies for my ignorance in this matter. Thank you
  6. Hi everyone I just want to update you on my progress after contacting QuickQuid, WageDayAdvance, Swift Sterling and Mr.Lender regarding repayment plans. Quickquid - Sent an email to them 5 days before defaulting and a support ticket was opened. After playing email ping pong with them I managed to secure an eight month repayment plan with them to my surprise! I have already made my first payment so seven to go there. WageDayAdvance - Sent an email to them 5 days before defaulting, the day after was sent an income and expenditure form to fill out which I did to the best of my ability. They also wanted last months banks statement, to my reluctance I sent them it also to show I am hiding nothing. After doing this they have agreed to a ten month repayment plan Mr.Lender - Sent an email to them 5 days before defaulting same as the rest asking for no phone calls whatsoever.I received no replay until the day the loan was due when I received 3 calls that morning! I bit the bullet and decided to call the person back who left the message. I told them my situation and being honest the person I dealt with was first class and really understanding. They called back later that evening with a repayment plan after I made a token payment. I now have a six month repayment plan in place with them Swift Sterling - Sent an email to them 5 days before defaulting same as the rest asking for no phone calls whatsoever. I have heard absolutly nothing back from them even though I send them an email everyday. I think they will be probably be charging the world's interest on my loan now and I dread to think what I owe them or should I say what they think I owe them. They are a disgrace in comparison to the other companies in my opinion as they have shown no effort on their part to meet a resolution in my matter. I tell them everyday by email I will make a payment according to the repayment plan I state but no reply??? can anyone advise what else to do with them to try and come to a resolution?? I just want to thank everyone for the advice I have received up to now it was not that long ago I was in a very bad place thanks to my stupidity with payday loans but I fell a massive weight is now off my shoulders. I am far from clearing them but this time next year they will all be gone. I now have repayment plans setup with Quickquid, Cheque Centre, Wonga, Txtloan, WageDayAdvance and Mr.Lender. Swift Sterling is the last one to overcome. I'll keep you updated keep fighting everyone.
  7. Hi congratulations on making progress with these companies hopefully sometime soon this worry will be gone from our lives. I have contacted WDA and they want me to fill in and income and expenditure spreadsheet and provide them with my bank statement from the last month. I am relucant to do this but may have to so I can get a repayment plan setup, have you filled in a form with them?any progress with an agreement? I have contacted swift sterling also by email but have heared nothing back at all.I will send another email to them tomorrow.
  8. Thank you quickquack on your reply I will take a look at your forum on quickquid, I have a loan outstanding of 1200 approx and there is no way I can afford to pay 300 p/m to pay it off i'm not sure what to do??can anyone advise please on WageDayAdvance who responded yesterday to my repayment plan. They want me to fill out an income and expenditure sheet and also send them lasts months bank statement. I do need want to supply them with this information but should I to get them to agree?they also stated they will call and text me if I default even though I stated I will communicate via email only. Any advice would be welcome
  9. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far, I haven't defaulted on any of my loans yet they are all due next week. WageDayAdvance responded today and want me to fill out an income and expenditure sheet and also send them lasts months bank statement. I do need want to supply them with this information but should I to get them to agree? I have told them I have no problem paying them off in full but I think they are being a bit awkward now. They also said on the email they will still try and get the full amount on the agreed date and I will receive emails, calls and texts after this! this is after me clearly stating I will only commincate via email. Any advice please would be welcome.
  10. Hi, This morning I finally got the courage to contact QuickQuid, WageDayAdvance, Swift Sterling and Mr.Lender regarding setting up a repayment plan with them to get rid of my payday loan hell once and for all and get on with my life. The replies I have got so far are - Swift Sterling calling and texting me, I have emailed them back stating I will only communicate via email as I stated in my orginal letter to them. WDA have emailed me asking why I cannot make the original payment? I do not want to tell them much and just want to get it sorted. What should I say?? QuickQuid replied and want me to call their collections dept. or use their live chat facility. Mr.Lender no response yet, I used the email facility on their website has anyone got an email address for them?? Any advice please on how to deal with above would be great, I feel much better now but I realise I have a long way to go yet and it will probably get very very messy.
  11. Hi, I am due to default on a number of Payday loan companies on the 15th November and most of them are known as notorious for calling at work, I am more terrified with each day approaching. Can anyone please give me some points to say to them to stop calling? I am going to send each one a standard letter offering a repayment plan and instructing them the only way I will communicate is via email. However I fully expect most to ignore this request. Should I state to them they are harrassing me and I will contact the police? should I state to them I will report them to the OFT? and advice would me most welcome. Please help, Thanks
  12. Hi, I feel so ashamed of myself taking out a number of payday loans and then taking out more to cover the interest I pay on existing loans every month. On the 15th November I have the following loans due which I cannot afford to extend anymore - Quickquid - £1295 Swiftsterling £500 Wage Day Advance - £375 247 Moneybox - £115 Mr Lender - £270 I have a template email made out to all, I am terrified they will add on extortionate interest rates after I default. I am also very worred about these lot calling me at work which I know will put my employment in jepordy. After doing some research I realise Quickquid, Swift Sterling and Mr Lender to be very awkward to deal with?? As Quick Quid seem only to agree to 3 month repayment plans there is no way I can afford to repay that amount. I have an overdraft of £1500 so I cannot close my current account, I am going to cancel my debit card this week. 1. How am I going to get out of this hell? 2. Should I let all loans go to debt collection agencies as they are easier to deal with? 3. On my day of default should I make a token payment to all? 4. Do they call at work and knock on doors? Any advice would be fantastic. Thank you
  13. Hi,I have sent the letter requesting my SAR and postal order this morning. Should I now cancel the existing PPI on my credit card or keep it in place until my process of claim is resolved?Thank you,
  14. Thank you for your help tonight it this the correct address I send my SAR request to - UK Data Protection Compliance HSBC Bank plc Griffin House 4-01, 41 Silver Street Head Sheffield S1 3GG I found it through Google
  15. Thank you I'll send a SAR to HSBC tomorrow using the template. Once I get this information back I will calculate what PPI I have paid them over the past few years and maybe ascertain also if I have a case? Cheers
  16. No unfortunately I have only can view five previous statements online, is it possible I can obtain all my monthly statements up to and including October 2007? how would I go about this? thanks
  17. Thanks for your prompt and informative response ims21. As far as I am aware it wasn't explained properly to me, I was not asked about pre-existing medical conditions or a suitability assessment was not carried out but I suppose it's their word against mine and they are a massive organisation. There is a link on the HSBC website should I use that to start the process off this week? Cheers
  18. Hi, After graduating from university I opened a credit card account with HSBC in October 2007, it was sold to me in branch by a bank offical after opening a graduate account the same day with them. Only recently I have noticed on my credit card statements 'INSURANCE PREMIUM - 79P PER £100 BALANCE' which usually totals to an average of £12 approx p/m. Being honest I cannot remember choosing this when I agreed to take out a HSBC Mastercard account with them on that day. At that time I had only recently joined employment and was then classified as a graduate do I have a case? I am also certain it was not fully explained to me by the bank offical the advantages of taking out a PPI on my credit card. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  19. Hi, Can anyone please tell me do this crowd agree to repayment plans? I have a loan of £900 and they are expecting repayment later in the month which I simply cannot afford. I really want to get my life on track again and out of the payday loan existence. What is the best way to approach this? contact them prior to defaulting? email them and ask for a repayment plan? do they usually agree? I am just worried they will hound me at work by calling constantly and add on massive charges. Wonga and Txtloan both have agreed to repayment plans and were quite helpful being honest. Please any assistance would be appreciated in this matter. Quite Worried
  20. Update on my situation! - Well I have some good news and bad news so far Wonga have been great in my opinion and have agreed to 8 installments of £152.40 pm and have frozen my current balance so I have saved money by contacting them early. Txt loan however have replied with the following - Thank you for contacting us. As you require a repayment plan for a longer period of time during which the Credit Cycle period will be exceeded, the full overdue balance needs to be cleared - £554 (at which point the charges are frozen). We are prepared to accept £60 monthly payments. Please be so kind as to provide the exact dates we can debit your card. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have no plans whatsoever to give them my new debit card details, hopefully they will accept a standing order payment plan. I did offer to pay them £60 pm until the exisitng balance was cleared (£351) however their response has been depressing. How can they add these charges I have been honest with them and yet they do this. Is there any way I can get these charges reduced in the time frame I proposed? any advice please. Thanks to everyone for being so helpful it was invaluable in making this progress so far
  21. Hi, Any advice would be much appreciated, currently I have the following payday loans - Txtloan - £300 (£57 interest due on 5/10) Wonga - £1000 (£318.81 interest due on 14/10) Swift Sterling - £450 (£134.91 interest due on 14/10) I have come to the decision to finally get this mess sorted out so I have cancelled my debit card meaning I will default on on Txtloan on 5/10 and the rest on the 14/10/. Through researching it seems Txtloan and Wonga do accept payment plans at a push but Swift Sterling are a nightmare. I will propose the following repayment plan to Txtloan - £60p/m, Wonga £164.85p/m and SwiftSterling £80p/m. Can anyone please advise are my planned repayment offers acceptable? will they contact me at work which I am terrifed about? Can anyone advise the best way to contact these companies and should I wait until my loan defaults or be proactive and contact them this week? Thank you
  22. Hi segway can you tell me please did you email wonga and to what address did you email? Should I wait until my loan is in default to contact them.Thanks
  23. Hi can you tell me the email address to email them with and should I email them before the date my loan is due?
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