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Everything posted by richarddawkins

  1. I have received a letter from mortgage company that they are proceeding to take legal action and that they will proceed with it if there is no response within a week. The letter was received after this deadline. 1- They say that i will be sent a response pack to complete and return to court which will ask if i agree withe arrears and an income expenditure assessment. i cannot do anything to save the house. so what should i do when i get the response pack sent by court. Any suggestions on what to write and what not to write. 2- There will be a hearing, now i have heard that UK courts can issue contempt of court notice if you dont attend the hearing. I cannot travel to UK for several reasons, so is this hearing acomulsory hearing where both parties must attend. If it is a must then what if anything i can do to avoid the contempt of court charge. If there is anyother advice that will be welcome as well.
  2. I will appreciate if somebody can advice me on how to reach fulln final settlements. In addition Particularly useful will be if there any templates of letters avaiable.
  3. I have browsed the forums related to overseas debt, however i need some clarification. my creditor does have a branch in the city i am in. Now can the uk creditor simply transfer the debt to this branch to let them chase me or do they have to go through the reciprocal agreement route ref practice direction 6B out of jurisdiction actions.
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