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Everything posted by richarddawkins

  1. My house was recently repossessed as i was unable to pay the mortgage. I have longstanding depression and initially i was able to maintain a well paid job with medication. But then due to certain stresses i became too sick and was unable to work. This led to breakdown of marriage and i separated from somebody i deeply cared about. These stresses have left me a mere invalid. I feel so insecure that sometimes i leave the lights on at night when i sleep. I never pickup the phone if i don't recognise the number. I also have significant credit card debt. I live in terrible fear of the DCA's. I just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Is there somebody else like me out there?
  2. Thank you for the quick reply. Regarding mortgage shortfalls when does the 12 year period that the creditor is allowed to chase a debtor starts. Does it start when the repossessed house is sold? regards
  3. Thank you for your reply. Do the courts take into account if some one was in uk or not. I mean are they more inclined to give the creditors more time if the debtor was overseas. I hope i am making sense , if not let me know.
  4. Thank you for the reference. At one place in the thread it is written that once a legal action on a debt has taken place it remains indefinitely enforceable so somebody couls build a life abroad only to find some years down the line that he is being chased for the debt. Are there no statute barred limits for overseas debts? regards
  5. What are the laws if the debt is being chased in European Union, is it different from the rest of countries. Do the creditors still need to employ practice direction 6B service out of jurisdiction. Thank you
  6. raindrop you are one of the strongest person mentally that i know off, judging from your post. I wish you well and hope you and your hubby get it sorted. Don't worry as you are not alone, we all are here to help you. regards
  7. How long can debt collection agencies chase one for the debt. Can they continue to do that after the debt has become statute barred? thank you for your help
  8. Andy thank you, I had some discussion with cerberusalert and it seemed i may be able to have the ccj set aside by stating as you put it bad service. But after discussion with you it seems quite improbable that it will happen. As far as defence goes i am not sure what did you want to know, please excuse my ignorance. What i wanted to state on the N244 was that i did not receive statutory notice of demand and that practice direction 6B service out of jurisdiction was not used. I also intended to use E165 as i cannot pay the court fee and can get a letter from my doctor. regards, richarddawkins
  9. I have received a possession order which looks very similar to a CCJ. Is CCJ a separate document from a possession order?
  10. Thank you for your response. I was not aware that there was a ccj. I have a severe medical condition and when i left uk it was supposed to be a short trip as i was under treatment in UK. Due to my illness i lost my well paid job and tried to pay bills using credit cards which resulted in thousands of pounds of debt. After i left uk my wife spoke to me and told me that marriage is over. I was unable to return as i was dependant on my wife'd wages at the time. So my parents took over the treatment plan and i now live with them. The matrimonial home will soon be repossessed. A huge shortfall is expected due to market conditions. I am just trying not to drown. With regards to ccj , i was not in uk at the time and did not receive statutory notice of demand or summons. I became aware of it when i performed a credit search as my wife refused to communicate at all. So after disussing the issue with site team for example cerberusalert, i became aware that i may be able to challenge the ccj on the basis that i was not resident in uk and the summons were not served to me. If i have not clarified my self please feel free to ask. regards
  11. Thank you for your reply. I cannot afford a solicitor at present. I am under medical treatment overseas so attendance is impossible, Will it help if i can get a medical certificate from my doctor? regards
  12. I hope this frank post will encourage you to feel the fear and change it. Yes it takes time but your never alone here, that i can assure you. Jellycubes Jellycubes I cannot even imagine the pain you must be going through. At least i am alone and do not have children to worry about. May god bless you and your children. And don't worry we are here for each other. The site team is fantastic. Please donot loose site of hope. Hope is not a dangerous thing, it keeps us alive. As for keldavmet thank you for sharing heartfelt words with us, you are not alone either.
  13. The house will be repossessed soon. Can somebody tell me if the house is immediately sold or is there some due consideration given to hold the sale to decrease the shortfall. thank you
  14. Very inspiring indeed citizenB. Life stories like these humble you. But i do wonder if i will have the same courage as they have shown. thank you
  15. Than you for your help. The house will be repossessed in a month's time. That is why i am being careful and asking you guys to help and for your opinion. The house was in joint both me and my wife's name. Any further comments that you may have will be appreciated.
  16. This is a shot in the dark but someone may know about "clean break order". My wife's divorce solicitor has sent me this order along with the consent form. It states the following UPON the Petitioner and the Respondent agreeing that the terms of this Order are accepted in full and final satisfaction of all claims for income, capital and pension sharing orders and of any other nature whatsoever which either may be entitled to bring against the other or the other’s estate in any jurisdiction howsoever arising. AND UPON the Petitioner and the Respondent undertaking and agreeing the neither of them will institute proceedings under the Married Women’s Property Act 1882 or Law of Property Act 1925 or Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996. AND UPON the Petitioner and the Respondent agreeing that the contents of the former matrimonial home and their personal belongings shall remain the absolute property of the party in whose possession they now are. AND UPON the Petitioner and the Respondent agreeing that neither of them has any legal or beneficial interest in the property or assets of the other expect as provided for by this Order. BY CONSENT IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The Petitioner’s and the Respondent’s claims for financial provision, pension sharing and property adjustment orders do stand dismissed and neither the Petitioner nor the Respondent shall be entitled to make any further application in relation to their marriage under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 S23 (1)(a) or (b). 2. Neither the Petitioner nor the Respondent shall be entitled on the death of the other to apply for an order for provision out of the other’s estate under Section 2 of the Inheritance (provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975. 3. It is ordered that the Petitioner and the Respondent shall each bear their own costs insofar as this application and the negotiations ancillary thereto are concerned. I am not familiar with such orders and donot have access to a uk lawyer. So if somebody can help me i will be grateful. Q1-More specifically i shall be thankful if somebody can shed a light on the financial implications as i cannot pay any court costs? Q2-What will happen to mortgage shortfall if i sign this order? Thank you to you all who have helped me in past and those who continue to do the same.
  17. Please, please do not feel you are on your own with your problems, whatever time you post on this site - there will be someone with similar problems. We all help each other and never judge, people get into debt for all sorts of reasons, the most important thing is to share the worry and learn from each other how to deal with it. Kbowledge is strength and you will get stronger Thank you so much. It is because of people like you that a person like me can feel that there is somebody he can share his problems with and is not alone. Everybody who helps others has inherited the virtues of the saints, May god bless all of you.
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