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Everything posted by richarddawkins

  1. My computer has broken down unfortunately, using a mates pc to post this. some really refreshing posts earlier. we should stick together guys that is what matters. i have no idea what cyclamens are, just did a search and found a wikipedia article , hmm so that is what they look like. Nice. Well we have some in my garden that look exactly like them. anyways too cmplicated for me. Group leader ,me, well what ever you guys say. trying to keep hopes alive. had a bit of difficult morning. but now my cousins are around so feel better. blessings
  2. I hope the dog is found, bless you janie for helping out. It's cloudy here , no sun for me. I am sorry to hear you had a panic attack Rohannah. Some times things happen out of the blue , don't worry and don't fret about it. I hope you don't have that again. Had some awful thoughts circling my mind earlioer but then i started reading the forum , helped a bit. Thought of you guys a bit better now. I hope they invent a get well immediately pill soon. best wishes guys
  3. Thank you Lillibelle,janie and oldgirl, Hang in there lillibelle, we are with you. It is very difficult when you have ambivalent feelings towards some body. But you are kind and a loving person that is lovely to see. Do spend time on your self so that you can unwind. Do share with us everything you wanna share to get all the load off your chest. The garden where i live is of good size. My mum plants all sorts of flowers and shrubs and it is wonderful to see them grow. I have spent some very difficult moments walking in this garden. Today the life is being kind to me and i am better and sane. You are strong oldgirl with the courage you show even after losing your cottage. May god bless the landlords. he he .Will watch more TV today and more of the same music. best wishes guys hang in there
  4. So sorry to hear about your dad Lillibelle, May god give you the strength to pull through. Seeing your loved ones in pain is the most diffiicult sight in the world. All i can pray is that god takes away his pain. Feeliing a bit better now. Sorry for the depressing post earlier. Thank you guys for the support. Listened to some music and watched TV some of my favourites like top gear. I usually record my fav's so i can watch later. Also was reading some other posts in the debt forum. It's strange that when you read about people's troubles , you not only empathise with them but it also makes you stronger. Perhaps it's because knowledge is power. You guys are the best, very kind comments earlier. Hanging in there. best regards
  5. Sorry guys really depressed today and very stressed. Thoughts of my past failures kept on coming into my head and i just could not stop them. I have not been able to achieve much in life and i feel quite sad. I compare myself my old mates who are now in high paying jobs have families and a life to speak of. And here i am in debt, depressed, disabled living with parents. Some times life can be so unfair. I just can't come to grips with my situation. Why can't i be a healthy sane man who could hold a good job have a career and a family. Some times i just want to turn over and die. There is so much courage around in this forum but i still feel as if nothing will come of me. This is an awful post i know.
  6. Thank you for posting on this forum oldgirl. I am really sorry to hear what has happened to you. Losing home is the worst part. When i lost my home i couldn't sleep and had to take medication plus i felt so vulnerable. It was as if i had lost all control of life and was helpless. It was a big shock to my manly ego i must admit as i realised i could not support my family. Admittedly i was sick but still the pain was unbearable. I am happy that you have made it through so many years and have remained steadfast. If it has been 12 years and you have not communicated with the creditor halifax, your debt may be statute barred. The site team will guide you best though as i am still learning to walk in this field so to speak. That should bring a big sense of relief for you. Yes you are right i have a circle of friends now.Hey I am becoming a socialite quite quickly. Isn't this wonderful. Would you like to join us? best wishes
  7. Thank you Lillibelle for sharing all that with us. It definitely takes courage to do what you have done. I had to go to four different doctors before my illness was recognised and treated. What i wanted to ask you guys is how do you deal with DCA if they turn up at your door. What do you say to them. I have read that mostly they are heavily built like bouncers and are threatening. That thought really sickens me to death as i must admit i lack confidence and find it very hard to be assertive. Also the forums are awash with tales when the DCA's contacted debtors place of work. How embarrassing that can be and i wouldn't know the first thing on how to handle them. Have you guys any thoughts or experiences you can share. I am sorry that my posts are usually so depressing but hey if i don't ask you guys where else can i go. best regards
  8. Thank you Janie and Lillibelle and Rohannah. With friends like you confidence will rub off i agree. I think it's so important to support each other as it helps you as well. When you talk to somebody you get some weight off your chest as well. It's nice to be in the company of battle hardened comrades. I iwll keep in mind Janie advice on negotiation with DCA's. I slept OK thank you. Actually i look forward to the day so i can get to chat with you guys and read what you have added on to the forum. best regards
  9. Your music taste is more varied than mine. I guess it says there are many facets to your personality.
  10. Well i listen to classical music and rock. I know they are exact opposites of each other but hey that's me. The other day i listened to jay z song "no church in the wild" , i know it's not rock but the beat is kind of haunting. do you enjoy music too, what do you usually listen to? best regards
  11. Hi Janie, Had an ok weekend. had difficulty sleeping at night. And because every one else was asleep horrible thoughts kept circling in my head. I did listen to my favourite music this weekend, felt a bit better. By the way the amount of vitamins you are suggesting i should take it appears you want me to become arnold schwarzenegger. Well i can then get a job as a body guard atleast. I have a bottle of vitamin supplements in my fridge. I have strated taking them. lets see what happens. regards
  12. Lillibelle hi, Thank you for your kind words. I hope things become better for you too. You have written about power and self belief, these two are the things i really need. Regarding the benefits it's a bit tricky but i will see what i can do. I have found such good and supportive people here that i think now i will be able to deal with most things. I think it's the fear of things that leads to so much physical and mental pain. Once you know what form the DCA threats will take and what you can do about it, then this fear decreases in intensity. I hope god helps you guys too, the way you are helping me. best regards
  13. Hi Rohannah, I have PMed you the name of my medications. I hope you don't mind. regards
  14. Hi Janie, I think it will be difficult for them to pay off my debts. Besides i am planning to look for a job in near future. One relatively good thing is that the creditors don't have my parents address yet. So i am relatively protected for the time being but it is not going to last for ever. So i have come to CAG to share my experience and to prepare myself for the onslaught to come. I have drawn some encouragement from the fact that you have been able to negotiate with the creditors on much lower payments. I will have to do the same and surely i will come to you guys for help. Right now i am just afraid to take the first steps. But i have drawn encouragement after reading your story. Thank you for your support. best regards
  15. Much appreciated Janie, thank you. I have been on meds for the past 10 years, a very long time i know. I have had many relapses of my illness. I have been on and off on disability benefit as i have been able to find some work. Currently i am being supported by my parents who do not want me to apply for disability benefit, they say if they can support me then there is no need to run after benefits. I am not in a state to argue so i am not on benefits right now. And yes the medications have a lot to do with the way i feel currently. They make me "slow" both physically and mentally. But still there are times when i can think lucidly and connect with lovely people like you. always in my prayers
  16. Hi CAG, I have a debt which has a CCJ against it.What i want to know is what happens after 6 years. Will the CCJ disappear from my credit file. Also what rights will the debt collectors have after six years. best regards
  17. Hi Janie, Thank you for your kind words. I pray that things get better for you and may god bless your kids. I have sorted out my mail and have a clear idea of what i owe and to whom. However, the problem is that i am presently not earning anything and the medication makes me drowsy and i find it incredibly hard to concentrate. I am being supported by relatives. But i am planning to deal with the DCA's, so that when it does happen i will be ready.
  18. Hi Rohannah But i would like to answer your posts. thank you for taking part in this discussion. I definitely need a lot of help and it's because of friends like you that i think i will eventually be able to deal with the DCA's and the debt itself.
  19. Thank you very much for your kind words. I really need friends like you on CAG as your stories give me hope. I can't even imagine what i will do if i had two little children. You are definitely braver than i am. Has any DCA rep turned up at your door, if some one did ,how did you deal with him. And how did you manage to deal with DCA's , are you paying back what you can afford slowly. I am sorry i am asking these personal questions but i am imagining myself dealing with DCA's so whatever you can share will help. best regards
  20. I am glad you remember me. I went back this year but had to come back because of ill health. Even though i am not there still the fear lives with me and the insecurity never goes away. I still don't pick up my phone. I wonder if i ever will be able to go back and start a new life. I must admit that i am petrified of DCA's and what they do to people. I have read threads here where they have been horrible. I think i am going to need all your help along with other CAGer's to muster up the courage to start again.
  21. Thank you for your kind words. I have changed my number but even then i still am afraid to talk to some body whose number i don't recognise. I am sorry to hear about your troubles. I will definitely follow these threads. take care
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