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Everything posted by quackquack

  1. I phoned lending stream and they were extremely helpfull so in some cases it can work but best to keep it by email
  2. They will normally pass to another dca so its up to you if u pay them or wait
  3. hi ur doin well keep at those emails and only pay what u can afford dont let them force u into paying more and remember u cant go to prison for a payday loan debt and if they wont accept ur offers and it goes to dca then u will be able to negotiate but u must remain firm at all times xxx:whoo:
  4. :playball:also please do not phone any of them ul get no where always by email never by phone where they can intimidate u so hang on in there and keep copies of all email correspondance
  5. :violin:hello and welcome please try not to stress ul get the help u need on here soon enough just repeat ur email sending requesting a payment plan and lending stream are notorious for ignoring customers but sit tight the right person will be along soon probably at work like me now lol so check back later and chin up ul be ok
  6. hahahah ur great well done to u ur doing just fab i know u can do this xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:whoo:
  7. hello how are u are u sleeping better now ..please hang on your best advice should be from asmilecostsnothing /sillygirl/brigadier on this one as they are fab in sorting these out
  8. I have just recently dealt with qq they will not i repeat not accept pre paid cards or standing order now if u dont want to believe this r go phone them up ok i give advice on what i kbow at that time. End of
  9. Quick quid will not accept pre paid card ever .nothing is totally secure but i use paypal have done for yrs with zero problems ever and qq will not accept standing order so pAy pal is the best option its as safe as a bank account im sorry u had issues ur self i never have but overall its the best way to pay
  10. good luck to the person above i hope u get sorted out asap all advice given is only that advice by all and cannot be taken as expert advice as the cccs and cab and others are there for that ...off for a few wks now take care hope u get sorted soon xx:-o:roll:
  11. ptpd are difficult they stick to there guns and can be obnoxious and arrogant but as for ignoring them i wouldnt if u want a plan in place or they will certainly send it to a dca within 8 wks from default:-x
  12. This is one of the most horrendous stories iv read on here please block that number by going on telephone preference services uk on ur pc report it on line and all callls will be stopped to ur home or mobile
  13. Hi blossom ur advice is helpfull as always ur a star but just wanted to point out its early days yet re above and im hoping we can all help to solve it in the way we have all started off and not scare people into thinking it cant be done our way as im testament it can be done with help from others first
  14. Thanks for above advice but lets not scare people about dca yet as many many of us on here have not had the need to go down that road and have dealt with the pdl ourselfs and sucessfully gained control as im absoulutly sure this will be sorted and confined to the person dealing with it themselves in the correct manner so at this moment in time its early days and hopefully payment plans will soon be in place and if we do get a difficult pdl one wel sort that out too as there are sillygirl a smilecostnothing and many others to assist with this issue
  15. Thats no problem sunshine u can do this i did and am free now but u can rest assured that the people on here will certainly help u get free xxx
  16. Also type in above the payday loan company names to see how others got out of the pdl trap to help u gain control
  17. Ps calculate how much u can easily pay each one per month and offer that amount only never offer more than what u can afford
  18. Hello and welcome and please stop worrying we will all help u in the right direction . you earn a good wage so we need to help u get back on track so u can enjoy ur money again so the firSt thing you do is email each one telling them u cannot pay on the next due date due to severe finacial circumstances explain how much u can afford to pay them individually and that you are sorry you will have to default but require a payment plan immediately now normally the pdl wont agree to a plan until 24 hrs after u default when again u should send another email repeating your previous request for a payment plan say for six months .. some will comply some wont some are arrogant so therefore please do not speak to any of them on the phone ever as they can be intimidating and rude and when u send ur emails you tell them that you will only be in contact by email so that email copies can be saved for future reference to you ..this is time your time to be in full control now and not them offer them ur payment see what they say if any refuse send a repeat of ur offer by email again and if they harrass you by phone then come back here and we will help u deal with that issue too so be very firm at all times with them dont give up and ensure all direct debits have been cancelled and u have a brand new bank card in case of raids and please dont worry u will be free soon enough if u take the correct advice issued on these forums so good luck and chin up u will be ok soon and come back and let us know how u got on and for further advice if needed xxxxx
  19. :-)Hi and i hope u take the above good advice for help and also if u need more help u can phone a mental health helpline who will put things into perspective and please please remember if u were declared bankrupt youl have all debts wiped so please dont worry sunshine u can do this be strong and seek help just talking to someone on the phone can help u loads and ifu need us come here at any time
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