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Everything posted by quackquack

  1. :-xlisten to this one you wont believe this about quick quid,i recently posted my issue about them raiding my account when i had an agreed extension in place and i honestly thought i could finish paying them off in 2 months but i unfortunatly couldnt,so today i sent them an email saying i cannot afford the 514.00 payment in full and i said because of there actions them raiding my bank account more than the agreed extension i thought it was only fair they helped me again with another payment plan and requested a 4 month plan,well to my shock they agreed and said as a curtesy to me the plan is for 4 months at 123.00 per month until paid off in 4 months,have they finally realised how they treat there customers at long last ,hurrahhhhhhhhh il be free by xmas and good riddance too so keep trying folks it can be done and good luck
  2. what an amazing bunch of people on this forum,your all like a little team who work together ,gather all your knowledge and use it effectively to help all these individuals like my self who made mistakes and have learnt from your valuble advice,thank you xxxxxxxxxx:madgrin:
  3. this is to really thank all you super people on this forum .after reading all your post on how to claim back unfair fees with credit card companies i got stuck in for the price of a few stamps ,got rejected,got paltry offers made .i rejected them etc and four months later i got refunds paid back on to my cap one ,mint.tesco.and nat west cards totalling one thousand two hundred pounds back.cheers u lot ur fab xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:evil:
  4. what an excellent idea thank you a pre paid debit card ,will quick quid take the money from this do you think and where do i get one from ,thanks so much:-x:whoo:
  5. they have forced me to pay them to equal amounts for august and september and come rain or shine i will find this money to be rid of them at quick quid:lol:
  6. t hello i owe quick quid 514.00 in total ,yes they took out 700.00 pounds in full when i had an agreed extension in place and i phoned them to ask why they did this but no explanation given ,total zero response and they seem thick at customer services as they dont understand what your telling them.i reported them to my bank for fraudulent activity and the bank stopped the full payment but i had to wait 7 days for it to be put back in my account therefore i had no money .quick quick then defaulted my account even though this was there fault as i had always paid on time and was reducing the balance good,they slapped on a charge of 12 pounds which i will not pay and was forced to enter into a payment plan as they said because my account was in default they wanted the full amount immediatly so i refused said i couldnt pay that and reminded them they ignored the agreed extension in place forcing this on me,anyway eventually i got the payment plan and as you can tell i do not trust them one bit ,this recently occured andhas shown me never ever to trust any pay day lender even when you have an agreement in place with them they will still raid your account.i think i know now what to do after reading one post on here.i will transfer all my wages to another account and just leave the amount in my account and just pay that then they cant with draw any more then in september its one more payment and im rid of those ****.i thank you for all your comments and hope this post serves a purpose to others not to use any of them
  7. helo please can anyone tell me how to pay off quick quids debt .i dont trust them with my debit card details so i cancelled my card but does anyone know how i can send them payment as they point blank refuse to give me any way to pay them other than my debit card .i need this help fast thank you then il owe them one more payment but i dont trust them because they took out all the money i owed them instead of the agreed extension in place thus forcing me into a payment plan ,help:-x:violin:
  8. call the fos immediatly and report them for harrassment in your work place
  9. brilliant you cancelled ur dd thats good now carry on with your life and if they get in touch offer payment and if they refuse tell them you have recorded the call and will take it to the fos ,fingers crossed they may have cancelled all contact with you but they may have passed it over to adebt collection agency but no worries your free from quick quid ,good luck
  10. cancel all direct debits to any payday loan companys and get a new bank card and if you have the facility to pay through your bank account on faster payment method pay them this way as i did to poundstillpayday.they got bits and bobs sent to them as andwhen i had the money ,i had to be in full control with these evils otherwise i would never of had the chance to get rid of them .as the other good people on here say stand ur ground with them i did and paid as and when ,good luck:mad2:
  11. hi this ismy experience from 2 months ago with quick quid.i had been using them for over a year with no problems ,i used the extensions id built up in place on occassions and paid them off in full lots of times with no hassles until 2 months ago. i applied for one of the 5 extensions i had with them and recieved an email confirmng an agreed extension was in place for the last working day of the month my pay day but on my pay day i checked my bank account to find they had taken seven hundred pounds instead of the agreed roll over amount thusleaving me with zero in my bank account and no money for food etc.when i phoned qq up for an explanation alls i got was americans who did not understand plain english ,it took me several more calls to make to them before one person actually understood what qq had done to me and i had to agree to a payment plan for 3 months to pay it off but mean while they put my account in default with them .they dont understand or maybe i should say do not want to know you when you roll over and reduce your loan like i was doing as it appears they lose out on gaining more interest from you so deliberatly default you and deliberatly raid your account fraudulently breaking there terms of agreement.i reported them to my ban for fraudulant activity and told them they were being investigated but they couldnt of cared less ,so my experience should be a big warning to any one using quick quid for a loan ,dont do it again .i for one will never ever touch a payday loan ever in my whole life again as these are just pure and utter **** and one more payment finishes me with them thank god as the stress has nearly killed me ie suffering panic attacks which iv never in my life experienced before and its just not worth the health of anyone taking out a payday loan with any one of them .good luck to all of you who are trying your utmost to be free of these sharks i wish you all the very best and in one and a half weeks time il be completely free of these **** .take care
  12. if you have faster payment with your bank just send them the money like i did in bits and bobs and they cant refuse that ,good luck
  13. well done im going to be free soon too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  14. hello im new to this group but this forum has helped me so very much over the past few weeks so il tell you my recent experiences with quick quid and poundstillpayday .like most people on here i too have got my self into such a mess financially with payday loans and my family have no idea either.the stress was killing me ,going to work each day was killing me as i could not concentrate on anything for the past 2 yrs.i took time off work saying i was ill to try and find more money ie payday loans and after having 2 panic attacks recently which i have never experienced i decided enough was enough after reading peoples posts on here.first thing i did was i phoned ptpd and told them i was about to default on the due day as i couldnt afford to pay the full seven hundred pounds,before this id always managed to pay on time for months by robbing peter to pay paul .the man i spoke to at ptpd was an account manager called stephen who kindly gave me 2 months to pay them off in full but he only arranged this with me because id always paid them on time.within the 2 months i scrimped and scrapped where ever i could to find this money and sent it by installements by faster payment method until on the very last day it was the dead line i sent the final payment but asked stephen if he would waiver the late payment fee as id let them know prior i was going to default.he agreed and he wiped it off the account.this was just recently and the very best thing ptpd ever did for me was to block the account so i couldnt borrow ever again from them and i owe them zero now. so you can do it sunshine if i can anyone can and you can but be warned if you dont pay within 8 wks to ptpd then they send it to a debt collection agency which is what i did not want,so go for it phone them and take full control of your situation and good luck to you
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