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Everything posted by Jimbobaroo

  1. Thanks guys. Think l'll send them another copy of the death certificate, inform them that any further correspondence from them will be treated as vexatious and harassment and their actions reported to the appropriate authorities and newspapers, carry on keeping copies of all correspondence and tell them l will be happy to produce it all to the judge if and when they take me to court. oh and this time tell them where the drivers ashes currently reside at.
  2. Hello again. Said l would keep you posted with any developments so here we go :- Posted letter informing them of deceased driver back in August as above. Received a letter mid October saying their client required a copy of death certificate, which as l had one, sent to them beginning of November asking them to update their files. Received another letter last week from BW Legal offering me a 40% discount on the PCN ! This is now turning into a joke. How incompetent are these people ?? So now what do l do ? Send back another letter with another copy of the death certificate and informing them that anymore correspondence received from them will be treated as harassment etc , or, just ignore and see what they send next ? Any advice much appreciated.
  3. Hi and thanks. All points noted and letter adjusted. Will keep you posted.
  4. Hi dx100uk. Take it you mean don't write anything else after the late drivers name ?
  5. Hi. I've drafted a letter together and just wondering what people think before l send it of. Is it too much/over the top ? Too long ? Dear Sir/Madam. I am writing in response to your letter you sent to me dated 12th August 2016, re PCN issued XX August 2011. your reference No XXXXXXX As this pre dates POFA Act 2012 (Commencment No2) Order 2012 ( 1st October 2012 ), - driver responsible and not registered keeper - l can confirm that the identity of the driver at the time was the late Mr XXXXX XXXXXX, who passed away on XXX December 2013. ( Please find attached a copy of the death certificate ) I therefore request that you delete this PCN charge and my personal details from your files and that of the claimant, VCS, and send a notice of cancellation for the charge. No other correspondence sent by yourselves, the claimant, VCS, or any other third party will be entered into. Any further correspondence sent by yourselves, the claimant,VCS, or any other third party will be treated as harassment and/or bullying and will be dealt with accordingly. Regards.
  6. Hi again dx100uk. Excuse my ignorance, but which one are you referring to ? The named deceased driver letter or the generic " l don't know who the driver was" letter ?
  7. Hi and thanks for feedback chaps. dx100uk what was the outcome of this one ? I really would like to sort this out asap rather than mess around with bw legal as naming the deceased driver might be upsetting to the family of the deceased driver having to remember back to that traumatic time. The deceased's property was sold on in 2014 and any paper work relating to the PCN back in 2011 has since been filed in a skip at the time of house clearance. I am in the process of drafting up a letter to send to bw legal and naming the late driver, but have been considering the following things :- 1. Will they then come after the registered keeper who was me at the time ? 2. As l knew who the driver was at the time of the PCN but never told them could they still hold me responsible ? 3. Could they still take me to County Court for me to prove l wasn't the driver and the deceased was ? OR, should l just do like everyone else has been told to do as regards these old resurfacing PCN's and tell them l don't know who the driver was at the time ? Also would l be best emailing the letter or sending by post. Many thanks.
  8. Hello again everyone. Unfortunately l have to seek help again on this site regards a PCN that happened in August 2011. I did open a thread about it in August 2011 but no longer can find it. Yesterday l received the now popular BW legal letter acting on behalf of VCS about an outstanding balance of £174.00,[ consisting of £120.00 PCN plus their clients initial legal costs of £54.00. ]. Back in August 2011, following advice from this forum and as l wasn't the driver at the time of the PCN being issued but registered keeper, we decided to ignore the threatening letters which, eventually, all threatening letters ceased. Until yesterday, 17th August, when a letter from BW legal and VCS arrived together in the same envelope dated 12 August, saying that if payment not received within 16 days court proceedings may be started. The driver of the vehicle at the time the PCN was issued has since passed away in December 2013. I have read on other posts of similar situations about sending a letter back to BW legal stating about the pre- POFA Act 2012, driver responsible and not the RK at the time of issue , but, should l also give the name of the driver at the time stating that they are now deceased and therefore can no longer pursue the payment and wish for it to be fully withdrawn ? Should l ring them and explain the situation ( which l don't want to as then they will have my phone number), or send a letter by recorded delivery ? Any help much appreciated
  9. Hi I've tried looking on Parking Pranksters blog but can't see anything. Have you a link please to what l need to be looking at ? Many thanks.
  10. Just wondering, is there anyway of finding out if PE cameras were faulty on that day, hence not registering both entrys and exits of the vehicle ? Or is this some kind of ploy PE use to make profit ??
  11. Hi. Just reading through this thread. If l was you quickly remove the PDF attachment as we can still see your personnal details through the marker pen ink . Use paint shop to hide your details.
  12. Hi all, Received a PCN today from Parking Eye as l am the registered keeper of our family car which was photographed entering a doctors car park ( Private land ) and leaving again about 15 mins later. The problem here is the vehicle was used to drop an elderly person of at the doctors ( who had that morning suffered a bad angina attack and needed to dropped off at the doctors door ) and then the vehicle went back about 15 mins later to pick the elderly person up again. The point here being that the vehicle did not park up in the doctors carpark for 15 mins but returned back, but the photos show the vehicle entering on its first journey in and then leaving after its second journey back into the carpark after picking up. Help and advice needed please as in the past ( 3 yrs ago ) l have had PCN's before and ignored them and nothing became of them. Do l ignore this one or dispute the fact with Parking Eye that the vehicle didn't park up and that their camera didn't photograph the vehicle leaving the first time and re-entering the second time ? I was not the driver by the way. The date of issue of the PCN was about 6 days ago. They're wanting £60 if paid within the next 14 days etc . Don't know which way to go with this one. Any help much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi . Whats the latest on this post as l might have the same situation coming up ? Cheers.
  14. Read this thread with interest. Just want to say well done to sam clark for sticking it out and playing the rip off parking companys at their own game. Goes to show that with the help of this forum and perseverance, these companys are just bully's and rip off merchants.
  15. Thanks for your replys guys. Gonna ignore the letter and see what happens. Besides which, since the "offence" took place in 2011, l believe the driver at the time has departed this world and is resting in pastures new. Keep you updated of any further letters. PS. Donation made.
  16. Hi havinastella, That was my initial thought, but read that charges can still be claimed up to 6 years after the PCN. Just that Rossendales seem to be a big company etc and not some PCN company's "of shoot" partner .
  17. Hi everyone. I first joined this website back in late 2011 when l received a PCN from Vehicle Control Services LTD for extented stay in a retail park. Back then l ignored all the threatening letters etc, and never made contact with the company. All threats etc stopped. Today l received a letter from Rossendales Collect, Professional Debt Collectors, saying that my PCN debt has been passed onto them by vehicle control services as l have ignored previous requests for payment. The outstanding amount is for £100. Only reference to the PCN is a reference number. I received 2 PCN's in 2011, which l ignored and don't know if this reference number is for either one of the original Charges or for something new that l don't know about. All original letters etc from 2011 have since been thrown away so l am unsure what this charge relates to. Question is, do l ignore this letter too, or make contact with Rossendales and question the charge. If l do the latter, will this open a can of worms, as Rossendales have their own baliffs etc. ? Any help/advice much appreciated.
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