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Everything posted by MrHat

  1. I tried to find this out but cannot find. Is there an explanation of the different member types? i.e. Basic, Classic etc If there is a sticky, would someone pls post the link ta
  2. Along with a separate SAR, this is my first draft for the main letter. Words not flowing on this lazy Sunday Any thoughts/input? -------------------------------- I received a call from Churchill Insurance at approximately TIME on Friday 16 July stating that a claim had been made by a third party for a road incident which took place on X December 2014 in Oxford. No further details were disclosed. My Involvement in the alleged incident is denied. My car’s (reg) involvement in the alleged incident is denied. On the X December 2014, I was in xxxshire (approximately 160 miles away from alleged incident) and so was the car (reg). Furthermore, my car has not been driven to or near Oxford at any point since it was purchased in MONTH 2013. Based on the limited information provided so far by Churchill Insurance, I believe this claim to be either mistaken or fraudulent and do not consent to a settlement in the claimant’s favour. With concern, I have read articles in the media about insurance companies paying for false or incorrect claims without taking the necessary steps to be satisfied that their client was responsible and liable. I advise that a similar action in this case will be contested via the Financial Ombudsmen Service or by bringing a court action. As a company regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Churchill Insurance and its underwriters are required to treat me fairly and to communicate openly and fairly (ICOBS). As such, please send me the particulars of the claim together with any relating evidence you have on file. It would be a breach of your statutory obligation to settle this claim unfairly or to not provide the information requested. A record of conduct will be filed for the proposes of cost assessment, should this matter be heard in the County Court. I hope this is not necessary and look forward to a full response within 14 days of this letter. ----------------------------- One question I do have: If a court action was launched later on, I assume we would need to be able to prove a financial loss (e.g. due to increased premiums). In terms of a complaint, I assume they could just get a slap from the regulators (in theory). i.e. mum's claim would not be 'for not following their statutory requirements' but for financial loss??
  3. Great reply. Thanks. I'll get on it...
  4. My mother has had a call from Churchill insurance (her insurer) saying that a claim has been made that she was in an accident in dec 2014 and the other person is claiming. She has not been in an accident, or driven in the city where the accident supposedly happened. It's a log way away. Also on the dates, i was with her as i was visiting for Christmas holidays. They are saying she has to prove it wasn't her or her car. Dhe is worried that they will payout on the say so of the claimant. 1. How could this happen 2. Who is the burden of proof on 3. Any other advice I would appreciate any input from the cag community Thanks
  5. I'd redouble your efforts to find what you are looking for then. Also, there is nothing wrong with taking a job somewhere whilst continuing those efforts. Emmzzi is spot on imo
  6. Thought I'd update and close this one off. Mother Hat recovered after 24 hours but husband got it too. Wasn't food poisoning, was a nasty bug which some others had too. In the end, they recovered and made the most of their holiday. Must say that after I alerted thomsons, they were very proactive and helpful without being chased. Also hotel were great. Amongst all the bad publicity companies get online, it seems right to say well done to them. Thanks again for the advice guys. It was useful
  7. Hi - i wonder if anyone can help. My parents are on holiday in Majorca on a Thomson holiday (I am back in UK) My mum has become very ill, vomiting 6 times overnight and bedridden and unable to get up. My stepdad let me know. So far, I have called the helpline and they got in contact and a doctor came - charged €180 and said he suspected gastroenteritis. She has some medication and some isotonic water. It is only 2 days into a 1 week holiday. Has anyone been in a similar situation, especially with a view to: 1. making sure she gets the right treatment 2. possibly getting her home 3. once, the important bits above are done, what can be done with regards to exploring whether the hotel/Thomsons is/are liable So far, my stepdad has kept a log of everything, has food receipts etc. Thomsons have filed the incident, asked them a load of questions: i.e. does she drink a lot of alcohol (answer = she barley drinks and has maximum of 2 unit with food occasionally), did she swim in the pool (yes), did she swim in the sea (yes). I assume these questions are for evidence later should we claim. Also, the person in the next door suite said 'Oh no, not another outbreak, we have had similar problems here before and people were dropping like flies' but I guess that is just hearsay Any advice would be much appreciated thanks
  8. I prefer the american system. 18% is about average and 25% for exceptional service is the top end. Service is not built into the price, the tip goes to the server, and you get much better service in my experience. Tips should be an incentive for top service. I dislike our 'system' of adding service automatically to bills.
  9. Reviewing this thread and see I promised to post the results as so many similar student loan threads tail off and are no use for readers. I think many now may have the same doubts I used to have due to incomplete stories on forums. I guess it might be helpful if the site team mark this thread 'confirmed statute barred' or something similar. Case closed.
  10. Yes it is. Wow, how quickly time goes and how different I am now in terms of being scared. I never did send a statute barred letter or any other info. The threatograms stopped a long time ago. So wondering why such a letter arrives out of the blue so was checking on here to see if it is a standard letter sent to many others
  11. Hi, I received a letter from erudio saying: "We are writing to inform you of the results of our investigations into your claim that your account is statute barred. "Our findings show that your account is statute barred" Goes on to say that the account is now closed and that I will receive no further contact. Here'sthe thing. I never wrote to them and did not 'claim' the account was statute barred. I just wondered whether others have received this letter and if it is the result of a mass audit, albeit the wording of the letter is odd. Seems strange to me that they would take such a proactive step. If anyone can enlighten me, pls do.
  12. Typical pseudo legal spoofing. Fine them back for £1million for blinking
  13. Thank you citizenB for your help over the years. This site changed my life and you are one of the main reasons why CAG is so wonderful. You will be missed.
  14. If Brexit would trigger a Scottish referendum, will the SNP be voting out? Just a thought.
  15. Thanks. To sign off this thread, I would like to thank everyone who took the time to contribute. All very valuable. X asked me to pass on thanks too. Over and out.
  16. Thanks emmzzi! Very happy with the outcome. Appreciated your reservations but each case is different i suppose. Think X's good character helped. Not a trouble maker and easier for them to do the right thing imo
  17. X has now received the outcome to the appeal. X has had dismissal overturned and the sanction changed to a final written warning. X will be reinstated. Also, two people who were involved in the process are no longer allowed to be involved in future disciplinary issues and have been relieved of that specific duty. I will read the letter properly tonight in full. could we get the thread title amended to "Gross Misconduct hearing - dismissed - reinstated after appeal WON" or something similar ?
  18. Perhaps the ticket was taken as evidence that the op has therefore agreed to the t&cs and they will get him on a byelaw such as the one posted by oldcodja?
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