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Bunty Rothsay

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Everything posted by Bunty Rothsay

  1. Hi just a quick note - I hope you are keeping a diary of everything that is going on as its sooo easy to forget things. Also re the heat has anyone else mentioned this - or have you mentioned it to others to see how they are feeling? B
  2. Does any body have a model/draft SD74 questionnaire or a good one they could direct me to please? In anticipation B
  3. I forgot to add - and did include it on another thread. I completed my schedule of loss but the respondent has come back saying it is incorrect - Im not sure what was wrong with it if anythign except that it was gross instead of Nett? I included all losses to date, losses going forward to carry it to 12 months (taking into account redundancy pay that had been received) and the defecit in pay from gaining employment including loss of pension, loss of healthcare etc. Injury to feelings etc Does anyone have any idea why they consider it is incorrect? The respondent have advised they consider I would only be eligible for a fraction of this? Thanks in anticipation, B
  4. Hi All I have recently completed a schedule of loss in regard to a Sex Discrimination case which was submitted to the ET and the respondent. I have included all losses including loss of pension, private healthcare, and difference in earnings/defecit in earnings from when I was employed with the respondent to date and until the post I am currently in willl end (as I am now earning less money). The respondent has advised that they contest this calculation advising that it is a)gross rather than net b) that I received a redundancy payment however I was unemployed forjust over the number of months I was paid redundancy for so I do not understand how they can take this into account?) Can anyone please advise if I have done anything majorly incorrect? B
  5. Help. The respondent has sent me their draft bundle late, fully aware that I was going on holiday that week and after me chasing them for it it was sent over some weeks late -almost a month. I requested an extension of time given that the other party had hung onto their bundle for so long and also that I would be out of the country (which I had previously made all parties inc the ET aware of) this has now been refused so I am now 'late' with my draft bundle. How should I address this would I reiterate that the othe rparty was late or will this not look favourable? Also the bundle does not contain anything I wanted to be honest! I would appreciate any advice on asking for particular emails etc - do I have to know of exactly what exists or can I ask for time periods and say I would like all emails between X and Y from this date to this as surely they will just not include items? B:-(
  6. I agree with MariefAB - I would activate my maternity leave early and call their bluff - they will probably have some other trick up their sleeve but why make it easy for them. As for ACAS yes I have had a few odd conversations with them - they seem to call when least expected and the chap is quite abrupt (I know I am not experienced in employment matters but he spoke to me like I was a bit stupid). ACAS were coming back to me to see if the other side would be interested in trying to sort things out amicably - that was in January.
  7. Hi Darkobird, Are you not in an 'unfair position' given that when interviews are taking place you will be very pregnant/possibly giving birth. HOw can you be expected to come to an interview and compete for a role - would anyone be able to comment on this Plus the distress when you are in this position and having a baby! Have you asked what happens if you cant make the interviews due to imminent baby? B
  8. thanks TinyTot Yeah they dont make things easy. I felt like they were just taking my details and not getting back to me. Which is a worry that they are trying to put you off and some policies only give you a certain amount of time from occurrence to maiking the claim - Im not sure if occurrence is the actual redundancy dismissal or when you go to/claim under the employment tribunals. Turns out the insurance company only has one firm of solicitors on their panel (great) who are 'very busy' I managed to speak to them last night and they have advised I just need to get my solicitor to write to the insurance company - so fingers crossed. My friend is a solicitor (but not in employment) she has been sending me links where you can get law students to represent you under the supervision of a trained person its sort of a like a clinic you go to (I imagine a lot of you already know about this but I didnt). I know a lot of the universities do them but only up until around march - as they must be getting ready for exams after this.
  9. It it legal to announce redundancies and the procedure that will be followed for selection only to announce soon after that the company has acquired part of the staff of another company due to a business deal. Then to announce that some of these people will be included into the redundancy pool due to their level (as particular levels of staff were being losing people) But then to have the criterion as previous performance and reviews (when these people do not have any history with the company?) And for these people to be scored by a different person to that doing the scoring in the main office? Strangely enough none of these people were selected for redundancy following the scoring!
  10. I have my tribunal date set for 6mons time - the respondent is bringing 4 witnesses - I have none! I cant really think who would come from the company for me as they are all under the axe as it is just one round of redundancies after the next with them just keeping it under 20 each time so no 90 day consultation! Will this impact on how I am viewed ie not having any witnesses. I know that the four people will lie - which is sad but they will.
  11. I agree with Elpulpo write everything down, dates, times who with. Whether they treated meetings as being informal or said you could bring someone in with you etc etc - you may think it overkill now but in future you may wish you had done it! I do! I dont know what everyone else thinks but is there any way they would order a special chair for you? At least then it would be record too to show you are having difficulty with your current situation and seating situation generally 9so you are creating an audit trail for yourself. Dont let it keep you awake at night (I know its easier said than done) just keep everything noted! Maybe with your expenses keep your bus or train tickets so as to give yourself evidence and also good way to check you are claiming right amount. Good luck
  12. Hi can anyone advise me how much my house insurance is likely to go up they keep fobbing me off re making a claim and saying I have to have more than 50% chance of winning also they keep putting me through to their panel who take all my detaisl and never call back Im on my fourth call out to them now! I have contacted my initial solicitor who I have been paying out of my own money which is costin glots to see if he will help out while I try and activate the insurance!
  13. Thanks Sidewinder. Sorry my team leader did not score himself. He did all the reviews of the people in my immediate pool. These reviews were used to score people. but another twist in the tale is that there wer another set of people at my level who were scored by a different person than the person who di the redundancies at my office - to add more confusion these people were TUPE transferred in a couple o fdays after we were told of the redundancy issue. yet they were in the pool. None of them were selected for redundancy! There are a lot of things which appear on the scoring (my) matrix which do not feature in the reviews but are straight from him He has also made comment in my appeal in his statement (as I have also been thro internal appeal)which describes me in a certain way - I cannot print it as if I do and anyone is reading they would know it was me! but it derrogatory. Re actual fact I do have a lot of examples but only rough dates and times. Thanks
  14. sorry elplupo Im new to all this and really rubbish and dont know what mods means - sorry
  15. Apologies all if I am wrecking the thread - I too am unable to create my own so just hoping someone will create one for me! My ET1 has been submtted - to which the ie former employer have responded. They have asked that name of respondent be changed to another sister company - presumably to take any bad publicity from the company should I have any chance of winning? I now have my contract of employment and it clearly states who I have included on my claim form - so would appreciate any advice on why they have tried to do this! On the advice of the employer I was using I have included sex discrimination but I do not feel I have illustrated this enough in my ET1 form and I have been asked to go away and provide evidence of this (admittedly I do not touch much on this in the form) what I was trying to evidence in the form is that I was treated less favourably by my team leader, which made my scores lower and when a scoring matrix was used I was therefore never scored as high I was continually told in my consultation meetings that this would not have made any difference. I have also been advised by a friend of a friend who is a solicitor that I hvae used too much jargon re the reviews and their acronyms and the tribunal will not understand this - so worried that the respondent and their legal counsel think (and may) walk all over me! Please SarEL if you are out there will you respond on the forum or email me direct?
  16. Can Honey Bee Help me I want to send an email to SarEL please? Can I do this or do I have to be allowed to be her friend first I have just tried to post a 'quick reply; about my own case and whether I have a sex dicrimination case but it seems to have gone into cyber space! I am desperately in neeed of advice as i have included sex discirmination on my claim form and the judge at my cmd said he could not see this in my claim form I ahve been asked to advise whether it is indirect or direct - I was asked in the meeting but just froze! As they had sent a hot shot barrister I need to get legal advice but my house insurer is not ringing back when I try and make the claim and I have already spent a considerable amoutn of my own money!
  17. Hi All sorry I am having great difficulty creating my own thread too - any chance someone could create one for me? Entitled do I have a discrimination and a se x discrimination case? Apologies if this is long winded! My story is a bit complicated and drawn out but running out of time. Basically I returned to a previous employer (at their request to come back to the company) all my reviews were good until my team leader left and was given a new team leader. From then on all my reviews and development reviews were controlled by him. He has made numerous comments over the past years to me about being stupid, my weight, my bottom, size of my arms. Giving me different targets to my male counterparts. Not letting me do certain things at work other people in the same role were doing He has also refused to escalate things when I have disagreed with my progress review scores. (I am aware that one of my male colleagues had his review changed after he was allowed to escalate it when he was unhappy with his score - which feeds into pay rises etc) there have been occasions where he has shouted in my face swearing when we got lost on the way back from a meeting using the f word - the next day he said shall we just forget that happened. Other people who were all men were allowed to manage their own time I had to be measured on being in for certainhours despite having caring duties for my sick father. He has been generally resentful of my interaction with some staff above him and when I have attended events he has always made a hoo har about this and said that despite it being for the greater good of the company it has not helped him (when that was not the company policy) I have recently been made redundant and my score for the redundancy matrix was based on my performance review scores - carried out by an 'independent' member of staff - I and another person scored the two lowest scores and I was dismissed in August. My team leader was also in my pool for redundancy and scored himself and I am advised he only gave 'general' feedback on me . I do not believe he should have given any! What I am trying to evidence (but so far have made a total mess of) is that he not only had a discriminatory attitude towards me and did my reviews - he was involved in some way (which is now denied in the feedback process) but actual comments which do not appear in my reviews (so how could the person doing the selection know this if he had not spoken to my team leader) My case in my Employment tribunal form states unfair dismissal and se x discrimination ( I was advised to include this by my solicitor at the time) - but at the case managment discussion for the tribunal the judge said he could not see where I was coming from with the se x discrimination comments and has asked me to clarify these in the coming weeksand give evidence of comparators and events. I believe I have been unfairly dismissed but can anyone see where I am coming from re the se x discrimination feeding into this - as I dont think I have illustrated this at all well in my claim form Cheers B:-(
  18. Hello I am involved in an employment tribunal - and it does seem to be the case that I have been advised that the respondent has agreed to settle half hour before the case is due to be heard. I do find this remarkable My friend was involved in proceedings last year (which never made it to court) she too had the problem of the respondent not submitting and having to be chased. I know that the solicitors employed via insurance policies always seem to be from a panel of not the most dynamic. I have insurance through my home insurance for legal expense but I am having trouble acitvating this - I am due to submit the rest of my reasons for my case following the case management discussion which is due to be submitted by 28th April and the insurance have still not rang me back so I have no legal representation - meanwhile my ex employer is sending barristers and solicitors! I am wondering is it worth going to one of these law clinics Would anyone be able to advise how much your house insurance is likely to go up after you have made a claim for legal expenses as everyone is telling me not to do it! I know that a lot of people represent themselves but Im worried I will get torn to shreds Thanks
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