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  1. Some have been there longer than me some after. Its a small business (2 stores in different towns)
  2. I rang acas yet again today to clarify the bit on the flexi working hours req form about having worked for the same company for 26 weeks. The man at acas (who was different to the one bfore) said i cant do anything about anything! I havent been there long enough and could put in a grievence and they could sack me - but i cant do anything!! This is terrible that a member of senior management can lie about a verbal agreement made at interview!!! Its terrible when among other things: I have to say "im going now goodbye" to every supervisor there! - Everything i do i am told to take it apart and do it again! I am singled out to do the same job over and over. If im given a job then i am given a specific amount of time to comlete it in, or they say they will sack me! and i cant do anything about it, unbelieveable!!
  3. I rang ACAS today i have to fill in a form regarding my hours. They also told me that even though it states in my contract "no greivences can be lodged whilst working probation period" - i can put one in as what they state doesnt stand. So i will be filling in the form and writing a greivance, my guess is i will lose my job, but the man at acas said if they do then i will be able to go to tribunal. As for the heat, i had a word with health and safety, there are no hard fast rules for this, but staff must be comfortable! I feel sick at the thought of going in now, its constantly on my mind and i know each day brings a whole new problem with them.
  4. yes everyone has complained even the customers, especially the ones who have children/babies in pushchairs/prams. There is a small fan at the checkout and the themometer reads 30 deg there, the rest of the building is hotter.
  5. I have checked my contract and in the grievance part its saying that you cannot start a grievance if you are on probationary period (i am until next month)
  6. Hi i am new to this. Im experiencing problems at work. Ive been there 3 mths. There has recently been a management change. They have asked me to change my working pattern, which was set in place when i started, due to being a single parent. Ive been told if i dont change then i can either leave or just do till work (my contract lists me as a sales/merchandiser doing various things) When i questioned it i was told that i could fill up shelves around the till and that would cover merchandising. Another problem i have is hard to describe in writing but it seems a couple of staff pick on me. I am not allowed to fill certain area;s or go to the stock room which hold the stock for their area. I saw an empty space and decided to go and get stock to fill it. I was told to get out, i am not to touch anything in there it doesnt belong to me! This has happened on a number of occaisions, and i really dont know whats in stock if anyone asks. These people refuse to go on the till and are not asked to do so by management When a major display change goes on, i am the only member of staff not to be (or ever been included) - they have always told me to do the till. I have complained and told that "its not on and we will sort it out", but nothing changes. Once i was given an exciting job of putting together a cupboard, but then i was told to "assemble it by the till and serve" It ended up that it took me over 2 hrs to asssemble it due to queues and then i got told "im too slow"! This has been mentioned when they told me to change my hrs, I was told they are going to have set areas for people and only the staff who are fast and know the stock are getting the floor jobs, I can have the till. All this is making me feel very stupid (which im not - i gave up a manager job as i have recently become a single parent and needed less hours, the company i worked for could not accomodate me , so i found this one which fitted perfectly (until now). One more thing before i finish, the tempreture i am working in is over 30deg! there are no cooling systems. It gets so hot its now embarressing as my clothes are wet, even though i use 48 hr deodrant. Again nothing is done about it. Its got to the point where i do not want to go in, as everyday is the same, I feel useless, in the way and like i dont belong. I am searching on a new job, but this takes time and there isnt a lot around at the moment. I cannot afford to just leave as i have a child to support and dont see why i should as its my job and i want to work! I am getting worried now as they know i cannot change me working pattern, there answer is "we dont take into account anybodys circumstances"
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