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Everything posted by taximan45

  1. Just to update the thread, after a few emails going back and forth, a threat of legal action and an angry phone call to a 'manager', the finance company finally agreed liability and refunded me my full costs. A happy ending.
  2. I've spoken to the finance company, they've opened a complaint and are going through the process. They said that the car being worked on already complicated things but didn't say it was a massive stumbling block. The problem with the strip down is that the garage did compression/leakdown tests and diagnosed faulty rings, correctly. The warranty covers rings so they then requested the garage to strip the car to confirm the problem, and also said they wanted an engineers to visit and see the faulty parts. At this point we all assumed they would cover the repair cost. As it turns out the garage were correct in their diagnosis but it wasn't a broken ring, it was seized rings that caused it, something that couldn't be known until the pistons wee taken out. Thats when the engineer decided, probably correctly, that it was a long term issue and wasn't covered. Its a Ford Smax 2.0 petrol.
  3. But the car had to be stripped (at the request of the warranty comapny) to find out what the fault was. I agree they are right to reject it as they clearly state pre-existing conditions are not covered. I had no way of knowing there was a fault with the car until it stopped working, and then taking it back to the dealer wasn't an option as they are a long distance from where I live. Given that I have an independant engineers report stating that it is a long term fault do you think I have no come back at all on the dealer under the Sale of Goods act?
  4. Its on HP. Engine management light came on and it started to run like a bag of bones so I pulled over and stopped it.
  5. Looking for some advice please. I bought a second hand car just under six months ago, it is on HP. I also took out an aftermarket warranty with Warranty Direct. The dealer gave a 3 month warranty but I know the company they use are rubbish so I decided to get my own. A few weeks ago it broke down. Had it towed to my local garage (didn't take it back to where I bought it as its quite a way from where I live and they have any proper workshop facilities). To cut a long story short the engine has been stripped right down, and the diagnosis is seized oil control rings. Warranty Direct sent an engineer out who has reported back to them ( I am getting a copy of his report) and they have refused to pay out as in his opinion the fault has been present since before I bought the vehicle and has just got worse over the time I've owned it. The car only has 77000 on the clock and has a full service history so no one had expected an engine of that age to have this fault. I'm now left looking at at £1300+ bill. Given that I have something in writing to say that the fault was present when I bought the car do I have a claim against the dealer and/or finance company? And if so how should I proceed? Thanks for any help
  6. Ok, to update the thread, I finally got the car back last Wednesday. Not really had the chance to drive it properly until today. Sadly (but probably not surprisingly) its far from right. Its running like a bag of nails, smoking and belching. I'm wondering where I stand legally with the garage now? I don't particularly fancy taking it back to them given that it seems they really don't know what they're doing, although I'm guessing I probably have to give them the opportunity to put it right before escalating things? I paid for the repair with a credit card so I assume I have some protection there? If it helps its a Ford Smax 2l petrol with 77k miles
  7. Thanks for the reply. I'll see what happens this week when the head comes back from the machine shop.
  8. To cut a long story short, my car broke down 4 weeks ago. Took it to my local garage who, after 3 days, diagnosed burnt exhaust valves. This shoudl take less than a week to fix and put back together. However they still have the car, in bits, after making various excuses about things going wrong, the latest one today is they need to take the head back off and send it to a machineing shop for some more work, and I 'should' have it back early next week. This will be over a month since I first took it to them. I've completely lost confidence now in their ability to fix my car. Do I have any rights re; taking my car back in its current state, would I be liable for any repair/parts costs? Thanks for any help
  9. NO, got a letter back saying they had no records going back that far and would need account numbers. I don't have any due to the length of time.
  10. I don't remember the details, given how long ago it was, but I was off occasionally for periods of over a week and was never paid less than full pay.
  11. Hi. I've been trying to claim PPI refund on a barclaycard I had in the early 90's. I SAR'd them and got a copy of the original application form. I put the reasons down as it was not sufficiently explained to me and that my employer at the time had a sick pay scheme so it was useless. They refused my claim on the grounds that they couldn't confirm the sick pay scheme (the company ceased trading some time ago so they wouldn't be able to) and that as it was an application form they say I must have taken it out in branch so the PPI would have been explained. I countered their arguement as at the time I was working 9-6 6 days a week and would not have been able to visit a branch, therefore it was clearly a postal application, and the explanation on the form was not good enough as I wouldn't have taken out the insurance if I knew it would be no use. I've received a point blank reply today saying they will not change their decision with no further explanation. Is it worth trying a recovery company? Or go straight to the Financial Ombudsman, is it worth even persuing? Thanks for any help
  12. Thanks yes, I have sent them an SAR a couple of weeks ago but haven't received it back yet.
  13. Thanks for the help so far. I wrote back to them saying 'refer to the questionairre'. They have now responded but have denied my claim on the grounds that I made the application 'in branch' and the sale of the PPI would have been made clear to me. This was not the case, I applied by sending off an application form, there is no way I would have visited the branch as the nearest one was miles from where I lived at the time. Also I would likely have ticked the box for PPi as it I thought it would make it more likely to be accepted. Unfortunately this was back in 1996 so there is no way I can prove any of this. Is there any other way forward, should I just refer it to the FOS? Thanks again
  14. Thanks guys. Yes I am/was a taxi driver (who would have guessed! )
  15. Hi, I'm going through a claim with Barclaycard at the moment which dates back to the mid 90s. Ive sent back the original questionnaire but they have written back asking me for proof I was employed at the time. I wasn't, I was self employed so I think they may be trying to trip me up, also due to the length of time I have no proof either way. Could anyone advise me how I should proceed?
  16. Thanks. Looking at the template letters you need an account/agreement no. I don't have that information available. Does that make it a non starter or can old addresses/vehicle reg no.s be used?
  17. Hello, I've started chasing BH over a couple of car finance agreements I've had with them over the years, one was with Chartered Trust it goes back a while. I've written the standard letter to them giving as much information as I could (vehicle reg, previous addresses) they have come back and said that as the agreements have been closed more than three years they can't find anything on their system and so they can't do anything unless I have an agreement number, which I don't. Sounds to me like they are just trying to bat me off. Surely a financial institution has to keep records for more than 3 years? Can anyone advise on how I should proceed?
  18. Well just to update, the cheque for the full amount arrived yesterday!
  19. Hi, yes the estate was insolvent (I was the executor). They wrote back to confirm the debt was written off and they would take no further action to collect it. IS there any time limit or would the debt exist indefinitely?
  20. Thanks, yes it was the original lender, no collection agencies were involved.
  21. Hi, not sure where to post this, apologies if its the wrong place. My Father passed away a couple of years ago and left a fairly hefty credit card debt. After a bit of to-ing and fro-ing they wrote the balance off and closed everything down. I knew that he'd had the card years so while I was sorting out my own ppi claims recently I fired one off to this company just out of interest to see what would happen. They have come back to me straight away with a large offer of repayment. In the enclosed information it does state that any outstanding debts, iva's etc will be paid from the refund. Is it possible they will just keep it now (its less than what the balance was) or is it written off so history now? Thanks in advance.
  22. I can't really comment on dates as I have moved house since this all happened and as the matter was efectively closed, or so I thought, I threww all the paperwork away when we had a moving clear out. What I can tell is they have smashed my credit file by showing me as paying lots of payments in red as over three months late, when in fact I kept paying them every month, just not the amount they were demanding as I thought it was breaking their own t's + c's. How should I proceed with a view to getting these entries removed?
  23. Sorry to drag this up again over 2 years later but I have just had a look at my credit file and this account is showing as a default. Given that I carried on paying them every month, and that they admitted they made a mistake and paid me back a lump sum is there any way I can get this entry removed as its messing up my otherwise good credit profile? Thanks
  24. Anyone else able to help? Thanks
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