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Everything posted by taximan45

  1. I don't know to be honest. Its not perfect, ive had a few late payments over the years, only by a few days at most, and a few charges for busting the o/d limit, again only for a day or so and never more than about £50. I don't have any ccj's or anything like that.
  2. Hi, I currently have a £3000 overdraft and a credit card with £2500 outstanding, both with HSBC. Neither are overlimits or behind with repayments etc. I have approached HSBC for a consolidation loan, as it will obviously be cheaper for me in the long run. explained that I wanted to pay off what I owed, I was happy for them to do it directly and to close the credit card and o/d off, however I was refused. I have written to the head office to appeal their decision but am still waiting to hear anything from them. My question is, do they have any kind of obligation to approve a loan if its just a case of paying off existing debt, or is it ok for them to keep someone paying more than they need to for their borrowing? If they still refuse after an appeal do I have any further action I can take against them? Thanks in advance
  3. Sorry, that was the response to the lba, after they completely rebuffed my preliminary letter.
  4. OK, got a letter back offering to refund me £175, which considering the full total is over £600, I find pretty insulting. What do I do next? Is it worth sending them a counter offer of about £400 to settle? Or should I write back to them at all and just issue court papers? Thanks again for the advice already recieved.
  5. Thanks for all that. I sent a letter last week asking for the charges to be refunded, and stated quite clearly that I do not believe the amount of the charge is fair in the actual cost to them for a late payment. I got back what I guess is a standard letter saying they don't uphold my complaint as the charges were for paying late and they are in the terms of the agreement, and I was welcome to take it up with the Ombudsman. No where in their letter do they attempt to justifiy or explain the amount of the charge. What should my next move be?
  6. Brilliant, thanks very much. With regard to the dca, do I just write to them and tell them the account is in dispute, will that be enough to put them off for a while?
  7. Thanks for the reply. The dca is Nationwide Collection Services, in Edinburgh, which seems a bit odd if BH are in cardiff. The letter states 'Your agreement with BH has been referred to us for collection...' I can't actually see a signature on your post, probably just me being a bit thick
  8. And as if by magic with this mornings post comes a letter from a debt collection agency they have already passed it on to. Any ideas how I should proceed?
  9. Hi, I had a car on finance with black horse that was recently voluntarily terminated. When I first phoned to enquire about doing this I was told there would be nothing to pay. Now after the car has been sold they are saying I still owe them £200. I know its not a lot but its more the principal that is annoying me. I've have asked for a full statement, which they have supplied. There were quite a few late payments, for which thay have added a £25 charge each time. Is there anything I can do about this? I was quite happy just to let the car go and let that be the end of it. There was no ppi so far as I can see and the account was not in arrears at the time of termination. Thanks for any advice.
  10. Thats superb, thank you so much. One quick question, is it worth writing to HMRC before going through all that to explain that there is no money in the estate and given that would they accept approximate figures based on previous years returns?
  11. Hi, Doesn't seem to be any sort of invoice syatem or cash book. From what I can tell most of his few clients paid through paypal or by cheque. I think this was all paid into his business account that I am still trying to gain access to. Unfortunately I don't have the passwords to his paypal account either. He didn't employ anyone else, and as far as i can tell all he used was his computer and Sky tv. AS far as benefits go he was getting a state pension, and about an extra £45 per week which I guess was DLA, he was also getting some housing benefit since my mum died 18 months previously, this was roughly £450 per month.
  12. Thanks again. He ran a sports betting membership service, only very small but I guess it kept him busy. As far as I know he had a state pension and I think was receiving a disability benefit. he was 70 when he died. The missing returns are for tax years ending 09,10,11, he actually stopped working in April 11 when he became too ill, but clearly didn't inform HMRC. His house was a private rental so it was cleared in double quick time, I have no paperwork at all for these years.
  13. Unfortunately not, which is why the crap is landing on me according to the rude cow on the other end of the phone.
  14. Thanks. My dad was self employed up until last March when he became ill. He always did his own self assesment returns, and as far as I thought was up to date with them, clearly not.
  15. Hi, I am currently in the process of winding up my alte Fathers estate. After a phone call to HMRC about another matter it turns out he has not filed a tax return for three years, and they are now demanding I do it. Unfortunately there is no way I can do this as I can't find any paperwork relating to this, it seems he wasn't that good at keeping records, or just couldn't be bothered. can anyone advise me as to where I stand and what I can do. There is no way I can afford a solicitor and I am the only executor of his will. As a side note there won't be any money anyway, he owned no property and had no savings, his funeral was paid for by a small over 50's insurance policy but after that there is nothing left. Any advice is gratefully recieved.
  16. Thanks mate, going through it all now. Obviously they aren't going to take my first answer, so do I have any legal responsibility to supply them with bank statements etc if they start demanding them, or can I literally tell them to swing for it?
  17. Hi, I am currently in the process of winding up my late Fathers estate. He had been living in private rented accomodation and had been receiving housing benefit for about 18 months. I have just received a bill for £1520, for the period 13/9/10 until 3/1/2011. Can they still try and claim this back, surely they have hd more than enough time to realise their mistake and adjust it in his later payments? How shoud I proceed, given that the estate is pretty much insolvent anyway? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  18. Thanks. Had a reply from his biggest creditor (RBS credit card) today. They have asked me to fill in and return an asset/liability sheet and return it with evidence. They also hint that I will keep receiving monthly statements until the debt is settled. Can they ask for this, and am I obliged to provide them with anything like this? The sheet is asking for things like funeral costs, solicitors fees, tax position as well as bank/other credit details. Conversely two of his other card companies (Barclaycard and Santander) have written back and written off the balances without even being asked. Both balances were relatively low but in fairness to them they didn't even try to reclaim anything.
  19. Hi, I lost my Father recently and am named as sole executor on his will. He owned no property and has very few assets that can be liquidated, and no insurance policy/pension other than a funeral plan that will thankfully cover the cost of that. Basically after the funeral is paid off there will be very little left, well under £1000 at a rough guess. I'm in the process of writing to his various creditors, the worst of which is a credit card with about £6000 outstanding. Clearly there will not be anywhere near enough to pay off everything he owed. My question is what kind of proof are the creditors likely to ask for that ther is no money, are they entitled to see bank historical bank statements or suchlike? I realise this should probably be handled by a solicitor but I don't have that kind of money and neither does the estate. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  20. Hi, thanks for the quick reply. The real amswer is I don't know. I wasn't even aware the money existed until mu Mum died 18 months ago and Dad asked me to go on the account in case anything happened to him. All I can say is there is a 'paper trail' that shows where the money has come from.
  21. Not sure if this is the best forum to post this so please feel free to move as you see fit. Sadly my Father passer away this week. He leaves a very small estate, the cash part of which I have already recieved prior to his death. In fact he owes far more than his estate will be worth after what remains is liquidated. However my Grandmother (his Mother) is still alive although struggling badly with dementia. My Father has a savings account which I am a joint signatory on, which contains my Grandmothers savings (quite a bit of money. This was opened when my Father took over dealing all of Grans finances). My question is after I write to Dads creditors to tell them there is nothing left can they go sniffing around the savings, even though they are not my Dads? Would it be best to get his name reoved from the account asap? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  22. Just a quick update. Never heard another dickie bird from Newmans, and the refund from Amex turned up, albeit a week after they said it would. Thanks for all the advice offered on this thread.
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