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Everything posted by Shelley181146

  1. Can anyone please advise what happens when a claimant dies and they have a vehicle paid for by the higher rate of mobility on the scheme? Obviously, the vehicle has to be returned but I would like to know the timeframe in which it should be returned. Thanks in advance
  2. I will just enjoy the day in court and claim losses and expenses
  3. UPDATE: Well as I didn't get a response to my CPR 31.14 request dated 31st January I sent a reminder as attached. They must read very slowly because they have only just decided to respond to it and they make no reference to my recent letter. All evidence is secure as they insist on taking this to court. Would appreciate your thoughts please.
  4. A friend has been involved in road traffic collision where they were hit by a drunk driver who left the scene of the accident. The police arrested the third party from his home address within the hour and has since been released on bail. My friend has tried to obtain the registration number of the third party vehicle but the police are being guarded as to what information they will share. The police who attended the scene are now on rest days. My friends relative knows the third party driver and the third party has made allegations which the police are not divulging at this moment. If the third party got home before being apprehended, can the police still prosecute for drink driving or will the third party be able to say in their defence that they only had a drink when they got home? Does anyone know how the law stands on this point? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  5. As the vehicle was purchased with finance they own the vehicle until you have made all the repayments. If you have spoken with Trading Standards they will have advised you that it is the finance company who are liable to get the repairs sorted for you. Write a detailed letter to the finance company in a timeline of events and give them 14 days to respond. Send it by ;signed for' post (old type of RECORDED DELIVERY) to ensure you get a signature for it's delivery/receipt. Personally, I'd be cautious as to what costs I incurred until I knew that the finance company were going to reimburse me, because they're likely to say that you didn't give them the opportunity to make a decision. I'd be very interested to know how you get on as I have a family member in similar position and we have involved the finance company and await their reply.
  6. I have come across the following article which I thought might be of use to folk. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2981794/10-minute-let-avoid-parking-ticket-month-new-law-let-overstay-meter-without-fine.html
  7. It almost makes me want to be rebelious and return to do it again, then highlight the error of their ways but I do have a life and have better things to do with my time
  8. Thanks Stigman and armadillo. I tweaked post 4 and it seems to have worked and all correspondence is safely locked away This forum gives people the confidence to challenge such things. Really appreciate my CAG family x
  9. I didn't know that at the time but it seems the seller was happy to help us which I am grateful for together with the advice and guidance from my CAG family
  10. I'd like to see what response I get from finance company please. Might help others in similar situation.
  11. Well no response has been received to my request for CPR 31.14 and the 14 days have passed - thoughts please?
  12. I was prepared to take the risk conniff because I couldn't prove that they hadn't put in a dodgy clutch plate anyway but I wasn't prepared to pay any money. They'd already tried the (half & half) contribution on the rear brakes so I took a gamble and it paid off. The service manager said it was a new clutch so I'll have to take his word for it but driving it, it feels like a new one.
  13. Caro, YES........the texts did start immediately after this loan application and the calls I received about the same topic were recorded and I still have them on my phone. Just listened to some of them and I had asked where they got my information from. It has settled down more recently. As I suspected, FOS have proposed a settlement in my favour and of a compensation nature. I'm happy with the result because the bank have also agreed to remove the search from my credit file and I should be put back in the same position as if I hadn't applied for the loan (and they hadn't messed up). I am extremely cautious as to who has access to my information, including FOS, for whatever purpose. Obviously a bank will do a search on someone's credit file before processing a loan so I don't see why they would need sight of it. FOS would know or at least have an idea of the level of impact this would do to someone's credit file, but hey, it's dealt with now. I do think it is about time these financial institutions sat up and behaved themselves and stop messing around with customers accounts and started treated us with some respect - at the end of the day, they can't operate without our custom and if they don't treat us fairly, there's always another one down the road. So, yet another positive outcome. On to the next Bank.
  14. UPDATE: The dealer has called yesterday morning and advised they have replaced the thrust bearing FOC and has asked if we want to replace the clutch/plate at a reduced cost of £80 whilst they have it up in the air. We have declined that. Went to collect the vehicle and the service manager asked to speak with me. He said they had 'found some money' and have fitted a 3 part clutch F.O.C It still leaves us with a blowing exhaust which apparently is the bendy bit, which he said would cost us £40 and he will throw in the labour F.O.C. Frankly, I think he couldn't be fairer and I was happy with that result. However, I still intend to write to the finance company under the 'Supply Goods' (Implied Terms) Act 1973 as they are wholly responsible for the repairs to the vehicle, to see if I can get a refund on the cost of my contribution to the brakes and inconvenience suffered and whether they will pay for the exhaust. Any thoughts?
  15. To be honest I can't remember but I know that some things light up on ignition and extinguish after a time, like the oil can widget. I have spoken with Trading Standards today and they have said that because it is partly under finance that we cannot reject the vehicle but that they (finance co) are fully responsible for it and we are to write to them direct and advise them of the position and tell them how we want this matter settled. The dealer had the vehicle on Monday and hasn't contacted us yet but I took a sneeky peek yesterday and it's up in the air high over a pit. I gave them strict instructions that I was not (under any circumstances) paying for anything that wasn't covered by warranty so they'd better not give us any surprises........ So, am I in a win/win situation here if the dealer repairs FOC or under warranty, and we write to the finance co and get partial refund on the money I paid for repairs last week?
  16. From a timeline point of view, we have only had the vehicle 3 months 12 days so I am certainly not impressed with this main dealer any more. From reading up on the finance company on here I suspect I will have problems with them also but we'll see.
  17. It is a Vauxhall Insignia 1.8 petrol and the warning light only came on when on an incline from what I can remember but I have nbeen sorting out my records and found my notes with dates and times of phone calls. The code was (03) but that was resolved when they replaced a thermostat they said. The vehicle is back with them yesterday and a courtesy car has been provided. According to the dealer they are removing the gearbox to check the clutch and they advised us last week that the exhaust has blown. To clarify, when the vehicle is picking up the weight (say on an incline) it makes a screaching noise and this happens in forward or reverse gear. I have done what I cal the clutch test in 5th gear and thats all fine.
  18. Thanks dx. That'll be a job for the weekend
  19. Purchased a car from a main dealer who in previous experience we had received good service. However, purchased a car almost £7k, low mileage, service history, 12 months warranty and MOT. Payment was part cash and part finance. On the original test drive we heard a noise and was told by the salesman that it was the brakes from being parked for awhile and would soon settle down. To be reassured, we took another test drive in it at different time of day on different roads and the noise was quieter, albeit still there. The dealer agreed to carry out a full service and MOT at no extra charge and we arranged the finance with their colleague. Within a week we were getting an engine maintenance light come on and took the vehicle back to the dealer. We waited with it and within an hour they said they had 'cleared' the fault. We drove half a mile down the road and the same warning appeared on the dash so turned around and returned to the dealer. We booked it in for them to investigate it further and once again they said it was 'fixed' but it returned again a few days later. Eventually, they managed to clear it. The fuel consumption is absolutely ridiculous but we put some of that down to the model and engine size not being sufficient enough to carry the load, as lots of owners reported similar. Last week they had the car again to investigate the original noise which hadn't gone and they said it was rear brake pads and discs but agreed to contribute half towards it having had a hissy fit in front of the service manager, lol. The dealership agreed the noise was still there after they test drove it having done the brakes and it was booked in again for today with a courtesy car available until they get it resolved. They attempted to charge me for the insurance on the courtesy car but I stood my ground. So, my question is this: as there is some finance on the vehicle and we've had so many problems with it, can we approach the finance company as they are jointly liable and if so, what could be a reasonable outcome? Not looking for crystal ball answers, just legally how do we stand please?
  20. Then I can't iamgine there will be any refund can there? I will have to re-visit the spreadsheet
  21. Here's an update: Having complained to FOS, I have received letter from them advising who my case handler will be and have spoken with them today. They are awaiting the records from the bank and indicated they hope to have them by the end of the week. They agree that the process wasn't dealt with correctly and that I had been unfairly treated, and agreed with me when I said I felt it was a breach of promise and trust. Based on the options they said were available to them I suspect this will be a compensation settlement. However, part of my claim was that my credit file had been affected by the banks decision and they will look into that and let me know what they are able to sort out - would be interested if caggers have experienced this and how it was handled please? Also, during my research I found that the banks Consumer Credit License had expired 2 months prior to my loan application and I have raised this with FOS. They have advised me that they are unable to include that element as part of my claim but informed me that there is an 'ongoing review' with the FCA over this matter. Has anyone got any information on what happen during a review of this kind and the implications it may have for the bank please? Just to clarify, I still get on-going texts offering me high interest shark loans from various organisations which naturally, I ignore and block. Edit: Is it usual for FOS to want a copy of someone's credit file in these circumstances?
  22. Thanks RayKay. It is in England/Wales and 6 months is more like it. Lesson learned I guess
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