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Everything posted by Shelley181146

  1. Well, the mediator has given me the F.D full and final offer and I sense a feeling of 'the old pals act' between the consilliator and the F.D. Something the consilliator said to me on a previous telephone call didn't sit right and hey presto, the final offer matches! Has anyone been through a consilliator situation and been happy with the results? I won't be taking their offer. It's an insult and certainly no where near my expectations or those which some members have suggested.
  2. Mr P & Rainbow Tears, thank you for your messages. I am truly grateful that someone recognises the hurt and anxiety this has caused. I am in talks with Consiliation service so the matter is still not yet resolved. They talk of winning as if it were a day-to-day transaction but I swiftly explained that there are to be no winners in this matter but a settlement which, in months to come I would feel able to sit back and say "I managed justice and I can now move on", with a headstone in place and the dreadful images fading from my memory. Thay talk about a confidentiality clause which I rebuffed immediately. The whole experience has been dreadful and I would not want anyone else to go through this. I struggled because I had no idea what to do, where to go and came here.
  3. Roaring mouse, I thank you for your kind words and supporting message and I know you mean well. Please don't take this the wrong way but this was a life changing sum of money in a sensitive transaction which has had devastating consequences attached.
  4. I was getting that impression ericsbrother, but I try to think the best of people in the hope that they might not come into that category, lol. I've got my own thread but was just wondering how this turned out. Thanks anyway
  5. Basketballs, just an observation, on #32 post you say in PIC issue date 14/08/2015 is this a typo error by you or them? It is extremely important to proof read any documents in legal scenarios or get someone else to, to ensure you are submitting accurate information.
  6. Is there any update on this matter? Be very interested to know how this is progressing or if resolved please
  7. I called them hb but the person I spoke to didn't tell me anything I didn't already know or plan to do. I intend to call them again next week and hopefully get to speak to someone different. What's frustrating me is everyone is suggesting I provide details of my current circumstances - an appeal is about the circumstances at the time of the application! They can't have it both ways. I feel damned if I do and damned if I don't
  8. I notice that Honeybee13 has posted a website for me to look into - you wouldn't believe how many things I have googled and not found this one but I will certainly be calling then tomorrow, thanks hb13.
  9. Well, finally received a reply having chased this matter up again in April and here is their reply: I am writing further to your email dated 16th March 2016 and your telephone call on 8th April 2016. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding. I understand from both your telephone call and email that you wish to appeal against the 1994 Pensioners Section Pension's Committee's (the committee) decision to decline your application for the early payment of preserved benefits using the preferential reduction factors. The Committee considered your qpplication on xxxxxx2016, in line with the legal advice received. The Committee noted your finacial circumstnaces and that you were ty=he main carer for your daughter, however, it did not consider that sufficient evidence had been provided to support your claim of financial hardship, and it was noted that no information had been provided regarding your savings or other assets. The Committee resolvewd that a compelling case had not been made that oyur circumstances were exceptional and therefore declined your application for the early payment of preserved benefits using preferential reduction factors. As such, before any appeal can be considered, you would need to provide additional evidence in support of your application which has not previously been considered. If you cannot provide additional evidence, then any decision previously made would remain unchanged. I hope the information provided has clarified the situation, however, please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. Yours sincerely.......... Now forgive me but considering they asked for all relevent supporting documentation together with income and expenditure (without providing an example listing) I provided my own version of income & expenditure detailing ALL relevent information and attached copies of most recent bills/expenses. As I have no savings /investments or any other assests I had none to declare. Having spoken to the writer of the above letter today it has left me feeling more frustrated because they cannot offer me any guidelines on their polocies or procedures to how the committee make a decision on 'exceptional circumstances' and I am bereft as to how to respond! The writer, sounded young in years and inexperienced suggested I explain my reasons for wanting to appeal based on the original evidence I submitted but then also suggested I submit my current circumstances for consideration.........Is that not not moving the goal post somehow? If that makes sense? Why should they consider my circumstances as NOW, when I am already in receipt of payment from last year? Surely, they wouldn't consider moving the goal post in my circumstances have changed in 5 years time, why should they consider them now? I am trying to appeal their decision from time of original application when clearly I had a monthly deficit in exces of £900 per month - words fail me..............Can anyone share an opinion/ advice or guidance as I believe I have to fight a 'Committee's' decision who are not governed by any other financial organisation i.e FOS :jaw:
  10. And so the saga continues......... I received the refund finally! However, even though I have it in an email from DaveCD ( I pressume Lee's cover) that the account is closed and there is no outstanding balance I have returned home today to find a letter dated 13th April stating that the account is closed but there is an outstanding balance of £43.11. I am currently on hold to their credit and collections departmentfor the past 20 minutes and continue to hold......i'm connected a lady who cannot help me because she does not have access to the 'old' system and she is trying to put me through to someone else and they're hanging up on her, laughable if it wasn't so infuriating. She tells me they're open until 9pm so I will try again later. Both invoices are dated the same day, bazaar! Off to finish the VF formal complaint.............
  11. Well Silverfox, it is as you predicted.......this matter is still not resolved!!! Received a further email from 'Davecd' at VF who has stated that he can see the refund amount which apparently was to go via my bank account on 5th April 2016, no adverse credit file history and the account is closed. However, NO FUNDS received and when I attempted to 'chat' on VF website last night they said I still owed them £43.11 I have sent a further email to Davecd at VF and now await another week no doubt for his response and heaven knows when I will get the refund!!! If they call this Customer Service it's a joke :-x:-x:-x:-x:-x
  12. I was online with VF web chat and finally, someone has used common sense and emailed the bill to my registered email account which confirms I am actually in credit. They have provided a reference number and processed the refund to be sent directly to my bank account within the next few days. I wait with baited breath to see of this happens........ I subscribe to get my credit file checked monthly so will be looking in on that later also. I will write snail mail complaint and see what response I get from that because I have no idea who 'Dave' was and he hasn't had the courtesy to reply either. I'm lost for words about VF. I had no idea they were this bad.
  13. I have today received an email from VF advising that my BILL is ready for viewing............... I have attempted to go on their website to view said bill but it will not allow me to. When on earth exactly am I going to be able to sort this mess out with VF? If Lee is able to contact me I would very much appreciate a moment of his time.
  14. I had no idea that Vodafone were in such a mess. In all honesty, I had always been extremely pleased with their services but when something goes wrong they just don't know how to resolve it, either quickly enough or efficiently enough to a customers satisfaction.How do they expect to retain customers when their customer service is this bad? The staff in store are unprofessional to say the least........ With that said, yes Silvefox, the voicemail and email were in connection with this matter and asked me for my CAG username which, I thought was in order to reply to this query. I haven't heard anything since from anyone. If this matter affects my credit rating I won't be best pleased and that will be another matter to resolve!!! Is this what you were looking for? Lol
  15. I have received a voicemail call from someone at Vodafone followed by an brief email. I have replied but have not heard anything back. Just wondering what the position is and how long it will take to resolve?
  16. Hi Lee, I have this morning received a text message from Vodafone regarding the use of 087 & 084 numbers - to opt in 97886 or STOP SMS 9774 at 11.48hrs. As previously explained, I moved suppliers on 17th March 2016 and do not understand why I would be receiving this type of message. I'm sure you have this matter under control but thought I would just give you the heads up on current situation. Kind regards Shelley
  17. Hi Lee, Thank you for your kind offer to assist with this matter. I have submitted my email to the 'contact us form' as requested and the following reference has been provided; #12923834 I believe that I have approx 12 days rental, plus pro rata amount of '08' add on and a picture message charge which I am happy to pay immediately upon receipt of bill. Thank you Shelley
  18. Aww bless, thank you silverfox1961. I am no longer a Vodafone customer as my services have been transferred to my new supplier (services connected this morning). My bank have finally refunded the direct debit amount under the indemnity scheme so I accept that I will still owe Vodafone approx £12.00 which, I am more than happy to pay once they produce the bill. This will only be for 14/15 days service at my old plan rate. So I sit and wait.............
  19. I have attempted to speak with the contact name who dealt with my application but to no avail. I have now sent an email to them (ex company pension scheme) requesting why my application was declined and furthermore, what constitutes 'exceptional circumstances' in order for their committee to award the higher rate. As this decision was made August last year, I have explained circumstances following the death of my sister which has only added to my 'exceptional circumstances', and naturally a delay. I will of course post back asap.
  20. I managed to get into the store today and speak with the deputy manager. I explained the situtation and stressed in no uncertain terms that I was not leaving the store until she 'returned' this agreement (apparently don't call it cancelled otherwise they will terminate my number as well) but even she got frustrated with the process I had to go through when she put me through to the relevant team. On the phone for 40 minutes and even gave a mobile number to call which was none existant! I did hand in a copy of my letter advising Vodafone that if any further charges are applied after today's return then they would leave me no alternative but to take the necessary action to recover my costs involved to resolve the matter and that should my credit file be affected I would be charging them costs for that also. Eventually, the deputy manager spoke to someone and got a 'call back' arranged. I strongly advised her that I was within the 14 days and that nno charges would be accepted following todays 'return' and duly requested the PAK code in order that I can take my business else where. I've utilised that PAK code and agreed business with a different supplier. Think I managed to get my point across today - loyalty counts for nothing today in business but 'girl power won today!
  21. Not sure if I have a case here but I know you are a great bunch with heeps of intelligence between you so I thought I would give it a go. I had a small private pension from an previous employer some 30 years ago and due to circumstances decided to access it last year when I turned 55. Now I know what they say about keeping funds in the pot until your 60, which is when they would normally pay out, but the option was always there and I needed it, so applied. However, there was also a clause which said the following; We will deduct 27% from your benefits if you decide to take your pension early at age 55 (to preserve the pot for those that stay in the pension until they're 60) This can be reduced to 11% if you are experiencing financial hardship and have supporting evidence (not verbatum, but that's what it meant) Anyway, as my husband had died and I was out of work, having been his carer for 11 years (on & off) I duly applied for the 11% deduction due to hardship and sent in supporting evidence of his death, my financial commitments and bank statements to prove funds available. I received a letter just to say that my pension would be paid at the deduction rate of 27% and provided me with the breakdown accordingly. I was desperate and my sister was terminally ill at the time so was unable to contest it at the time. My sister has since died and I just wondered what type of situation I would have been expected to be in, in order to have qualififed for the higher pension payout? I'm inclined to call them later today but would be very interested in what your thoughts are please peeps?
  22. I have been a loyal Vodafone customer for 28 years and have always bought my own phone and had either pay as you go and more recently SIM only contracts. My last SIM contract had run its course and they were offering Unlimited minutes/Unlimited calls/20GB data for £20 p.m for 12 months - offer valid until 3rd March 2016. On 2nd March 2016 I visited my local store and dealt with the assistant manager, who I have always respected and dealt with on many occasions and felt very confident with his experience. I signed up for the above deal and specifically asked for clarification that I would only be charged for £20 on my nect bill in addition to any 'extra's' I chose to add on and he confirmed that to be correct. The mobile app confirmed this but the website didn't so I called them on 191 but they were closed. I then went on their website 'CHAT' facility and 'spoke' with a colleague who confirmed that the store Asst Manager had NOT discounted down the contract and advised me to return to the store for them to sort it out. I did so on Saturday for 75 minutes and the female assistant emailed the relevant departments and told me they would credit my account as the direct debit had been taken - I explained that under the D/D guaranteee facility I am entitled to have that refunded because Vodafone were in breach of their T&C's and they had called for the incorrect amount. The female asst agreed and I confirmed that once I had received the refund of the full amount, I would call Vodafone immediately to pay the correct amount in order to continue my services, which she said was ok. Today, I have clarified with the bank that the D/D indemnity is in place and being actioned and they confirmed it was. An hour later I find I have no mobile services.............. I'M WITHIN THE COOLING OFF PERIIOD SO i AM VISITING MY LOCAL STORE TO CANCEL TODAY AND JOIN A REPUTABLE COMPANY WHO MIGHT JUST VALUE A LOYAL CUSTOMER!!! If Lee (Vodafone Customer Contact with CAG) is available I would certainly appreciate his urgent input to this matter. Thanks in advance.
  23. These bloomin financial organisations who beg you to have these things yet are too quick to mess up your credit worthiness and now I have to spend my valuable time to sort it out - be glad when I have paid it off.....ARGH!!! Thank you for your guidance
  24. Default is with a different organisation, nothing to do with Argos. I think I know what your thinking but Argos cannot and should not be reporting like this because it looks as if there is a query with the handling of my account with ARGOS, when there isn't.
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