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Everything posted by losingmymind

  1. Helps greatly, thank you. You must be a mind reader - although I sent it the week before your example, it was in fact signed for on the 5th! 2 days to go. I do hope I don't receive a reply...lol
  2. Hi all, I sent the CCA request, but just need to clarify, does the 12+2 working days start from the date of the letter sent, or from the day they signed for it? Thanks.
  3. Hi, exactly the same thing happened with me last weekend and Natwest, but with me it was The Money Shop. It would seem that these payday loan companies choose Sunday to hit your account. I'd be interested to see what Natwest say to you about the situation. They took me £250 overdrawn on an account with no OD facility and had a nil balance to start with. Exactly the same tactics, several transactions of £25 and £50. Interestingly, the explanation I was given for the reason the payments went through - that it was a non-banking day and so smaller transactions will be authorised regardless, was put to the test by me yesterday when I tried to use my new card with only a few pounds in the account. I attempted to use he card for a transaction that would have taken the account overdrawn, but it was declined - twice! So how come these paydays loan companies can get away with it?
  4. Thank you. What about the actual agreement I signed? Is that a CCA request or just a case of nipping into TMS branch where I took out the loan?
  5. I wasn't given one. I remember the guy in the shop keeping it. I remember signing something and was told it was a direct debit mandate should I default on the loan, but I didn't realise that their idea of direct debit was to use my debit card! And because I've been rolling the damn debt over from month to month by phoning and paying the interest with my debit card I've never been given any other bits of paper telling me what would happen if I defaulted.
  6. I think banks are 'more connected' to the CRAs now than they used to be. For example, a few years ago I had an account with OD facility and even managed to apply for a loan with the same bank with some dodgy stuff on my credit file because I'd held an account with them for a while and I was approved on my internal credit score with them. It's a different story with my current bank - Natwest. I got the account, a current account with debit card but no guarantee card about 2 years ago. Had a not so perfect credit reference, and was told that if I ran the account well I could soon have extra facilities, like the guarantee card. Two years on and nothing has changed. Every time I ask about a card upgrade or OD they say the system's not allowing me yet, and I've run my account impeccably until this week. I'm assuming they're picking something up from my shot to sh*t credit file.
  7. Thanks ihateyes. I have already written to my bank manager and laid it on thick about the fact they they have pushed me into debt with them when I didn't even have an OD facility, irresponsible lending etc. when I couldn't pay it back. Have already threatened them with FOS, and have said if anything goes out of my account from this day forward to TMS then I am holding them liable. Don't know what good it'll do, but am awaiting their response to take from there. If it's not a satisfactory outcome, then the FSA it is!
  8. Hi, I owe TMS £750. I've been a customer for 10 years (dread to think how much interest I've paid in that time) and took out a 'fresh loan' last October. Since then it's rolled over every month and I've paid somewhere in the region of £120 a month to keep this going, but due to the fact that my income has declined each month for the past few months, it just got to the point where I couldn't afford to roll over this month. As I had used cheques that were not guaranteed by my debit card (as a longstanding good customer my cheques had always gone through previously), I was able to stop my cheque book with the bank on the grounds I had 'lost' it, andso when the cheques were presented they just weren't paid. Consequently, 8 cheques now have TMS charges added making the original debt £200 more! Last week I received a letter from TMS stating that as the cheques were returned unpaid they would be taking their money using my debit card. I transferred any money I had in the account over to another account I have with the same bank, leaving the balance on that account at £0. Yesterday morning I checked my bank accounts online as usual, only to find that my current account was £250 overdrawn, on an account that has no OD authorised on the account, from a £0 balance. The overdrawn balance was made up of multiple withdrawals for £25 and 2x £50. I immediately contacted the bank (Natwest) to report the transactions as fraudulent and to stop the card because at that time I had no idea what they were for. Then the bank told me it was TMS. I demanded to know why these transactions had been authorised when my account balance had been £0, and that if I had tried to use my card in a shop with a £0 balance it would have been declined. The person in fraud told me I would have to take that up with my branch. So during the afternoon I went to the branch only to be told that there's nothing they could do about the transactions and that the bank is obliged to authorise them because they are guaranteed payments (since when?) and because I owed TMS the money there was nothing they could do about stopping the transactions or refunding my money. I was also told that because TMS had tried to access money at the weekend the bank would automatically authorise payments under certain limits because on non-banking days (Sat + Sun) the system has no idea whether or not there are other incoming funds pending so they authorise it. That's on my current account. I have been told that this wouldn't have happened on my Step account, but current accounts are different. I told the bank that they have now left me at £250 overdrawn, with charges racking up daily until I can pay some money in next week. I'm absolutely fuming with Natwest because they have allowed this situation to arise regarding the unauthorised OD, but they don't seem to be willing to assist. They wouldn't give me a temporary OD to cover it for a while until I can bring the account back into good standing. Natwest are sending me a new debit card for my account, but even without the new card details can TMS still access my money? The woman in the bank said they couldn't, but I've read on here where people have had money taken from new cards and even new bank accounts, so don't know what to think. I have paid all rollovers bar one with the card that has now been stopped. I used my debit card to my Step account once, back in November. Could they try to use this one to raid my accounts further? That account now only has about £10 in it, so I'm hoping they can't run up an overdraft on that account, even though the bank clerk told me they couldn't, but when my money goes in in a couple of weeks they could have a field day if that's the case. Can I threaten Natwest with if they let any more payments be authorised I'm holding them responsible? I realise I may not have a leg to stand on regarding getting Sunday's transactions refunded, although if anyone knows any ways around this, your advice would be much appreciated. Still in a state of shock at having an overdraft run up and want to redress this in some way if I can. Sorry if I've rambled, I've done my best to be as concise as possible. It's been a long frustrating day! Any help/advice very much appreciated.
  9. Just been reading through all the posts again and am confused. Where do I go from here? I'm thinking I need to write to MMF now and definitely not call. Are there any legal challenges I can make based on the info provided by you all here? Does requesting the CCA apply for something taken out in 2009 and does it work for an internet application, which hasn't been physically signed? I've read so much on this forum generally that I got the impression the important date for CCA challenges is pre-2007. I may be wrong and have got it confused. So, what heavyweight legal jargon can I throw at them to push them away, if at all poss? Many thanks.
  10. The small print at the bottom of the letter says "MMF is a trading division of Motormile Finance UK Ltd, a company registered in England with company number 006637307". So they're b*s*ting? Wouldn't surprise me, given the experience thus far.
  11. Dug out the letter from MMF again (sorry haven't got the facilities to copy this and put it online) and on closer inspection it says: " We will shortly be passing this account to our Field Collections team, but would invite you to contact us to discuss settlement of the account within the next 5 working days" Letter was dated 10th March 2011 Field Officer turned up 13th March 2011 (Sunday evening) Letter arrived 15th March Definitely goes against OFT guidance. Do I have a legal leg to stand on to challenge their practices? Thanks again PS. Only number on the letter is their company number 006637307. No other licence numbers.
  12. Thanks for all your replies. Before I phoned last week I did a little digging around the internet and got the impression I wasn't dealing with any old DCA like I've dealt with and fobbed off before. It is the Bradford outfit chasing me. I feel like I'm in a minefield. How do I deal with this?
  13. So all looks legit then It was a payday loan. The loan was taken out on 3 other occasions and repaid. The last time it wasn't repaid. This was in Nov 2009. In the meantime I'd moved away to take up a position overseas, but hadn't been there long when I was invoved in an accident and hospitalised for a while. I wasn't at all well, so a friend contacted Quick Quid about my situation in Jan 2010. Their idea of a payment plan was to pay it back over 3 months - yeah right, with no income coming in at the time and when I wasn't fit to agree to anything! Then when I didn't agree to their payment plan they sold it to Mack H some time last year. Both QQ and MH had continued to pursue me though my old address and were told several times of the new one, but they didn't take any notice. I was in no position to take up the post I had moved for, so came back to the UK when I was well again. Still not 100% and not in work, but trying to get my own thing off the ground. Then last week this Motormile outfit reared its ugly head and I've only had the one contact wih them to stop them pursuing me through my old address. They haven't been given any current contact details apart from email address. MMF did however give me a history of the account, including the 3 previous loans which were repaid, the one that wasn't, including dates and the bank account it was paid into, and that as it was an internet application they had my IP address etc. No payments towards the debt have been made. Any advice very welcome, thanks.
  14. Just dug out the letter MMF sent. Says the debt is owed to Motormile Finance UK Ltd with the address for head office as being Hazelcroft House, 322 Harrogate Road, Bradford BD2 3TB. Interesting... in light of cerberusalert's earlier post which had this company at a different address, and Motormile Finance Ltd as a dissolved company at the Bradford address. Hmmmm... where do I go from here if they're operating illegally?
  15. Hi, I'm here! Just been catching up on everyone's contributions. Thanks all for your responses. OK, here's the lowdown ... I'll try to keep it brief, while at the same time may appear vague because I don't know if anyone from this MMF read these forums. They seem to have their fingers on the pulse in many ways. The original debt with Quick Quid was sold to Mack Hall when the account fell into default. MH tried communicating with me at my old address even though they had been informed of my new one, which at the time was out of the country. MH continued to write to the old address. Then it went quiet for a few months and in the meantime I had returned to the UK and am currently staying with another friend in the same town as where I lived previously. I'm of no fixed abode at the moment. Then last Sunday evening just as it was getting dark one of their field agents rolled up to my old address and frightened the living daylights out of my friend who still lives there. She denied all knowledge of my whereabouts, but the guy sat outside her house in his car for a while and she was scared. She rang me to find out what it was all about, but I didn't have a clue. All she could tell me was this guy had said he was from Motormile. So, with no other information to go on I found them on the internet and called them, using 141 to withhold the number. It wasn't an 0800 number, but 01274 for Bradford. I phoned on the off chance it was them and to warn them off appearing at my old address again. Told them my friend had mental health issues and field visits are out of the question as per the OFT. I also found the information posted here by DonkeyB, so learned a little of their tactics before speaking with them. Basically told them I was not at the address they have any more. They told me that my name still appeared on the gas and electricity bills. It materialises that my friend hadn't got round to removing me from the bills yet, so how did MMF find out that I was on the bills? More worryingly, when the guy asked my friend her name, she said her first name and he looked down at his paperwork and told her her own surname, referring to the fact that she was on the bills too, which freaked her out completely! They asked me if I had a number they could call. I said no, and gave them one of my email addresses instead, but they haven't tried to contact me by email, but somehow they've got the number I called from and tried phoning. Again, this is a friend's number, so I'll have to try and stop them using it. I do have a spare sim card I can use for this anyway, so will phone from that one next time. I haven't given them my friend's address where I am at present, so they only have the old address. I was told that MH and MMF had written to me to let me know that the debt had been sold on, as per what should happen according to the OFT. I told them I hadn't received any letters and that the doorstep visit was the first communication from them. Then both letters arrived at my old address in the same envelope 2 days after the field officer visit. They had only been sent on the Friday before the FO appeared on the Sunday! I have been told that no field officers will be sent to that address again, but seeing is believing! Anyway, my call to them ended with me saying I would call them back, but I haven't done so yet. And so they tried me first. No message left, just their number on caller display. Hope this sheds some light on my situation.
  16. Last week I had to phone a DCA (I know, I've read many posts about writing not ringing, but this was absolutely necessary). I used a landline, which we have only recently had changed and prefixed the DCA phone number with 141. Long story short, the DCA asked me if I had a number they could call me on, to which I said no, I'm staying at a friend's house at the moment and I can't give you the number. Went out yesterday and returned last night to find 1 number on my landline caller ID - theirs! How did they 'see through' the 141 to lift the number I had called from? The telephone number genuinely is in a friend's name and they did not know the address from which I was ringing, so it wasn't a simple call to directory enquiries that gave them the info. They must have some form of technology to disregard the 141. The DCA, btw, is an outfit in Bradford called Motormile Finance, which has bought a debt from Mack Hall. Although I've heard of MH, never come across MF on the debt collection scene before and I've had 'experience' with dealing with DCAs for a long time now, so am not familiar with how they operate, apart from the fact that they are extremely efficient with their tracing methods, and seeing through withheld numbers! Any help much appreciated, thanks.
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