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Everything posted by losingmymind

  1. Yes, I only had the one account with nationwide. The default amount showing is the amount MKDP are now trying to get out of me.
  2. I don't have up to date credit reports. The last ones I have are 18 months old and they have the defaults marked by Nationwide. The default date is November 2010.
  3. Hi all, please can someone advise? I opened a Nationwide current account in January 2009. I had an overdraft limit of £1000. By June of that year I was in financial difficulty and the overdraft went over it's limit. I think it went up to about -£2K. I've always been scared of confronting debts and did my usual burying my head in the sand. Nationwide closed the account and demanded repayment and I ignored it. Since then every so often I get letters from various DCAs demanding payment but I've ignored them. More recently a company called Redhill and latterly MKDP have written wanting me to set up a repayment plan, which I've chosen to ignore. This week MKDP wrote to me saying they've done searches with the CRAs and other databases and have reason to believe I'm still at my address and they are instructing their pre-legal dept to review the account blah blah, with a view to CCJ. Help!! What can I do? I'm a year off this being statute barred. Is there a way to delay things by putting it into dispute? The debt now stands at nearly £8K - mostly made up of charges put on by Nationwide before they sold it. How can I legally challenge this? If someone can point me in the direction of the letter I perhaps need to send to stop them in their tracks it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  4. Must admit I do tend to ignore any attempts like this. It's just that with MMF pursuing me over something else I was hoping it wasn't another MMF rearing it's ugly head and needing dealing with pronto before they start visiting. Mind you, no Notice of Assignment has been received and they're already phoning and emailing... sounds very much like MMF tactics
  5. Thanks, will do. Just to clarify, is OC the original creditor by any chance?
  6. Sorry, only just seen this. Thanks for your answer. I need to know exactly how they've arrived at the figure they have before going any further. I do have the original contract on the original email from CG, but should I ask MMF to provide it and a breakdown of charges/interest first? In which case, do I need to request a CCA first? Thanks
  7. I took out a Minicredit loan some time during 2011. It wasn't paid back and in no time at all increased from about £80 to over £800. I emailed them on numerous occasions using the info I'd gleaned from this forum and didn't receive one reply. They passed the debt on to someone else (can't remember who now) and then on to Opos. I was receiving emails from Opos for a good 18 months - 2 years asking me to contact them. Apart from the emails there was no other correspondence and no phone calls. And then quite recently it went quiet. Yesterday I received an email from a company called Allsquare and this was followed up with a message on my landline voicemail. This is a number I never even gave minicredit, so heaven knows where they've got this number from. The phone bill isn't even in my name and we're ex-directory, so I'm mystified (?) Does anyone have any experience with this company? I need to know what I'm up against as to what tactics to adopt in my approach, if any is made. I did a search on 'Allsquare' and 'Allsquare Law' in the search box on here but it throws up nothing. Just wondering if it's a new DCA on the block. A google search of their phone number 01628 200215 didn't enlighten me either. Thanks in advance.
  8. Can anyone help please? In order to challenge/dispute the amount they are trying to extort in interest, do I need to go down the route of applying for the CCA first? If not, is there a template I can use to challenge the interest? I've checked through the templates thread but can't see anything directly relating to my problem. I'm more than happy to clear the original debt immediately. I'm now in a position to do so. It's just the other couple of grand I'd have a problem with, which is all 'interest' since the original loan was taken out so I am told. I thought they couldn't do that. I thought that because of the type of loan it was they could only charge the original loan + one month's interest (?) What Act/section would I need to quote to back this up? Thanks in advance.
  9. I am being pursued by MMF for a payday loan taken out during 2011 which wasn't paid back. The original loan was taken out from Cash Genie, and when it wasn't repaid, Carter Forbes sent numerous emails and phoned occasionally asking me to pay or set up a repayment plan. I did neither, buried my head in the sand, hoping it would go away. (My circumstances over the last 3 years were abominable and I haven't been able to face up to anything, but that has changed now). The last I heard from CF was in November, and then they did as I hoped, and went away.... until now. Two weeks ago I received an email from MMF asking me call about my account. I replied, words to the effect, what account? Please elaborate. I didn't get any reply. From last Monday onwards my land line was ringing out every 3 hours from either a number beginning 0113 (Leeds) or 01482 (Hull). As I don't answers numbers I don't know and because they didn't leave any messages I checked them out online and the Leeds number was highlighted as being MMF. They finally left a message from their doorstep collection team on Thursday evening asking me to call them to arrange an appointment. Like hell I will...! Anyway, I've had dealings with this outfit before, and know that to ignore them usually provokes a response in the form of a visit, something that I am anxious to avoid, so I did call. Between November (in my last email from CF) and Friday (now the debt is with MMF), the debt has increased by almost 10 times. We're not talking a couple of hundred pounds owing any more. MMF have said it's over £2K !! I said to the MMF person that I didn't know the debt had been transferred over as I hadn't been written to by either CF or MMF to say they'd taken it over as should have happened. The guy said we have that letter here and he can send it to me if I want it. I told him that it was irrelevant now as they were already pursuing the said debt. I told the guy that £2K was extortionate given that CF were prepared to accept £260 in November, and that I would come back to them when I have sought advice. I also told him that I wasn't going to arrange an appointment for their agent to call, and that if one did turn up uninvited there'd be all holy hell on. I know I shouldn't speak to them on the phone, but I have had dealings with them before and they're a nightmare to deal with in writing/email (if and when they can be bothered to respond). I'm trying to collect my thoughts together as to what I should do next. I'm now in a position to pay back the original debt, but this extra 'interest' has really thrown me and I'm not sure how to handle it. Any advice would be welcome, thanks.
  10. Hopefully I don't count as a big case. The overpayment would be over £2000 and my solicitor says it could go to court. I've seen big cases reported and I really don't think mine is in that league. Are you saying this only happens for big cases, or all cases that go to court?
  11. I have seen this in my local press although if someone has moved they tend to express it as "losingmymind of NEWDISTRICT, TOWN formerly of OLDDISTRICT, TOWN" missing out the "formerly of OLDROAD, OLDDISTRICT", which might have the effect of distancing me from the exact location.
  12. This was what I was hoping for. Is there any way I can influence this or ask for this instead of prosecution? Or is it entirely down to the Decision Maker making a judgement irrespective of what I'd like to happen?
  13. Thanks very much for your responses. OK, so changing my name is a bad idea, and I've taken that on board. What about if I was to move house? How would that be reported in the press? Would there be reference made to the address where the crime took place? It's just that my local press has a habit of putting the road where someone lives in their reports, and because where I live there's only a handful of houses it would be obvious who the report would be about. Thanks in advance.
  14. Thanks for your input. I'm only dealing with a local authority, not the DWP. I have a business, so is it possible for the solicitor to apply to the court if that is to be harmed in any way? Thanks
  15. I've done something pretty stupid. I claimed benefits (housing + CT) to which it would appear I wasn't entitled. The overpayment exceeds the threshold for prosecution in court, and I have been told that in all likelihood it will go to court. I've already had one Interview Under Caution and I'm due a second this week. I'm trying to limit the damage in the future to my good name, which won't be so good when this becomes public. I was thinking of changing my name so that if this does come to court I will be prosecuted in my new name. Is this a good idea? Has anyone else done this successfully? Or when you say your name in court do you have to say your former name as well, even though to all intents and purposes that name has been given up as a result of the deed poll? Or is likely that my local authority will make my 'old' name public anyway? I'm ready to face any punishment given to me. I feel so awful and stupid. One small ommission on the original claim has ballooned into something and I'm scared of the consequences. Unfortunately I'm not prepared for the public shame and humiliation of a court appearance and subsequent reporting in the press. Thanks in advance for your thoughts/experiences.
  16. Does anyone know if they carry through the threat of the doorstep visit? I received a text a few days ago saying they were going to be in the area before the 18th. Nothing just yet though.
  17. Update: I am still receiving the same old same old from this bunch! Every so often I am emailed saying that the account is going to be legally vetted in 14 days time, as well as receiving the accompanying texts to the same effect. 14 days come and go, plus some, then it starts all over again. In 6 months they've never even written to my home address, just emailed and/or texted. I've never responded and nothing different seems to happen. Apart from the fact that I did receive an email telling me in big red letters that they were adding a £50 charge to the account for my non compliance. Big deal. They can whistle. What's £50 when they've already made up the other £2400!
  18. My thoughts exactly Tartan Barty. The other letters were sent to the correct address, including a nice big yellow card (sent in a nice big white envelope) entitled 'confirmed resident' at the correct address, but since I didn't get back to them confirming their confirmation, they have now written to me at the neighbour's address as they believe this to be my 'new address' - not! I do believe it's a fishing exercise to elicit a response from either my neighbour (no, she doesn't live here but she does live next door) or from me. I'm thinking of phoning up posing as my neighbour's wife to throw them off the scent completely, lol (no she's not here, but she's not in this street either), just to see what happens.
  19. No, not a mistake by the postie. My name, neighbour's address. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but where DCAs are concerned I don't trust them an inch, so am more inclined to believe that Fredrickson's are trying to force the issue in a downright sneaky, below the belt kind of way. A bit like when one DCA phoned another neighbour last year asking if my housemate still lived at our address, and when the neighbour said "yes shall I get her for you?" they couldn't get off the phone quick enough, lol!
  20. I know it's about a debt with the Money Shop. Each time they have written the debt seems to go down (?), so I was just sitting tight to see what happened next - that is, was it going to reduce further? It's not that they're writing to me that's the problem, it's the way in which they are going about it now.
  21. Hi, I received a letter from Fredrickson International today addressed to me but sent to the house next door. The neighbour very kindly reposted it through my letterbox without opening it first (phew! Don't want DCA nonsense being gossiped about because he is a gossip!) Although it had my name and his address for sending purposes, once opened it wasn't actually addressed to me as in Dear losingmymind. It went straight into the letter: We have made enquiries for confirmation of your current place of residence. Information has been received confirming that your address details have changed to this address. Due to data protection legislation details of the account are not included in this letter. Please call us immediately on 0845 8396067 quoting the above reference for more information. Yours sincerely Fredrickson International Ltd. It's not the first time they have contacted me. They have written to me two or three times at the correct address, but I ignored them. Now they have written to me via the neighbour's. I'm inclined to believe it's a sneaky tactic rather than a typo. I suspect they want the neighbour to either open the letter and ring to tell them they have the wrong address, it's next door instead, confirming that they had the right address all along. Or they were banking on the neighbour doing the right thing by reposting through the correct door and then I call them because I wouldn't want them sending mail about debts to the wrong address. Has anyone else had this?
  22. Toshyboy, I've had the same email as you from a couple of days ago, and 3 texts since 'asking' me to settle by 5pm on the 31st before it goes for legal vetting - funny that, as they've said for the past couple of months each time I haven't responded that my file is going for legal vetting, whatever that means, and it never has. I've also been told in the texts that discounts were only available up to 5pm yesterday. Ho hum... let's see what happens now we haven't responded.
  23. Oh dear, have I ridden roughshod through forum etiquette? Apologies for hijacking, but I just thought that if all who are having identical experiences with CF came together to voice those experiences we could take some comfort in solidarity. All too often when you receive this sh1t you feel on your own. Also, if there is one thread dealing with a topic then it is better (imho) surely for our concerns to be dealt with on one thread rather than the people with the answers dealing with each thread separately. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong... just my thoughts. I'll stop rambling now. Thanks for all the help and answers received on this thread.
  24. And now for the next instalment.... Email received today entitled Carter Forbes Offer of Assistance LOSINGMYMIND You currently have an outstanding Payday Loan account with Uncle Buck account reference: xxxxxxx. It is essential that we come to an arrangement. Please call 0845 026 8042 to discuss our tailored repayment options, freezing any pending legal or enforcement action. Your current representative balance is £2,944.66, please do not be alarmed by this amount; this is purely what your account should stand at with monthly interest accrued at the rate set out in your consumer credit agreement. However should we be able to agree an amicable repayment plan, we may be able to reduce your balance down to as little as £96.70. Please reply to this email or call as a matter of urgency to discuss your account. Regards Carter Forbes Collections If I remember correctly the sum £96.70 was what was owing to UB after all but one of my cheques bounced + UB's £10 charge. It still amazes me how they can make interest on £96.70 total nearly 3 grand in just 2 years. Thing is, I have not contacted them, and it's only now, 2 months after their initial email (and the shock of what they were claiming) that they're saying don't worry about it because we can get it reduced to £96! Yeah, like they're doing me some great favour!
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