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Everything posted by watchinginvestigation2011

  1. Although would not stop affect benefit, 4k has to be declared. I declared less than 1k. If you do not declare it and they notice, they might think, what else has he/she not declared. Declare it, you will be okay as long as whilst on benefits it was not higher than allowed whilst on income related.
  2. Nearly pooped myself !!!! and wish I had not screamed. Postie arrived so window was wide open with just net. A bird think sparrow, flew under the open window and up and sat on the window frame inside my bedroom nudging at the net as if wanted to come in. I screamed unfortuntaley adn scared it off, now wonder if it was hungry? Will place peanuts on front of house just in case has not found the birdy table yet
  3. Thats what I thought woodbine, they dont have to offer the three months if no error on their part.
  4. You can always ring the switchboard of the hospital, quote the consultants name and speak to his/her secretary to see if there is any way they can help you re notes, letter etc.....
  5. Cant see it happening, if it is not their error. Three months is the norm.
  6. Spooked. Son comes home and goes on how we need an extra fire alarm for front room due to next door being over loaded with lights on the window near their nets etc.... I tell him dont be silly, then mins later wooh wooh fire engine turns up, but for house across road, poor families xmas tree caught fire. Think I will get the alarm OTT or not and put it above the tree Sofa being damped down etc.... Lets hope they are all okay xx
  7. Best of luck and come back if need support. Answer honestly and your on the right track, thats about it
  8. Just put your experience re your illness and if find certain aspects do not fit within the questions or you want to say more, then write a letter and add it in putting note on form that letter is attatched. You coudl also ring and make appt with cab for help re filling in the form if feel need help or an eye looking over it. Some of the welfare rights officers moved to cab due to lack of funding, but they can offer help still. Give them a ring and tell them how nervous you are ps. when comes to medical, try and take someone with you who knows your illness and can speak up for you/ speak for you if you are nervous/ make sure you are not talked over etc.....
  9. Can tell the weather is dropping, table looks like it has been mugged !!!!!!!
  10. Watching the birdies on the garden camera eating from the bird table. Mr and mrs magpie are piggies:lol: At least noticed the smaller birds seem to follow the magpies
  11. Haha, you always chear me up with your posts, haha Quite a guy:-)
  12. They probably have compared sig on any forms you filled in re benefits etc.....to that of the isa which they probably have obtained copy or plan to get. Bit odd to have sig that similar I have to say, although if came down to it could always go to an expert. That said the money was there in your name so overpayment will appear if you knew or not due to your mum trying to protect it and not telling you.
  13. Deffinate concern that he is paying to your household re the insurance and that still has not changed address work wise. When claiming as single it is very important to keep finances separate and any monies from ex would come as maintenance or csa and such like, all checkable etc.... That said you can only tell them that you consider yourself not living together and why. There might be a problem with them suggesting you are a couple financial wise, as it is a misconception you are classed single soley on having two addresses. Does he pay maintenace, csa etc........... You will need to give them details of how you manage your finances to show what he contributes and why. Do you claim any other benefits as in council tax and housing etc as there is the issue of single person council tax discount if found a couple? If you can get any proof as in his separate in any way as in council tax in his name elsewhere or electoral roll it would help.
  14. Really down today. Wonder wether my major depression came out of trying to protect myself rather than being a nut.
  15. Had seizure as in swear thread, but what made me smile, came round to my dog sat by my bed. I have suspected before she tends to some how know. She tends to use hallway and sons room but avoids my room mostly and today she is sat by me when come around. She also woudl not go downstairs and soon after I had another smaller seizure. She sat their watching me and had moved closer as if guarding me. She some time ago when collapsed was found naked on the front room floor and house was broken into to get to me. My dog was laying on me keeping me warm and would not go, had to persuaded away by next doors kids who used to be her mums owners when a pup. Wonder how they know when such a thing is to happen. I think she is a clever girl. I do love her xx:-) She is alsation cross labrador and beautiful.
  16. Had seizure this morning and another smaller one later on. Son came home from college to me saying someone had chopped off my legs, where that came from I have no clue apart from my leg muscles feel as if ran a marathon right now. At least did not bite my tongue and apart from small headache are okay sat in bed on my computer. Feel shook like a rag doll. Probably got of lightly today.
  17. You need to have totally sperate finances and any single person needs to keep their adress protected as in do not allow another person to use your address as even then when not married and perhaps just a friend, you can get the accusation that you live together even if maliciously. You married her, she is having your baby and you changed next of kin and pension, along with you saying you pay dds or bills was it on her behalf and she returns monies to you. That seems a partnership to me. Often people think that if they make sure they have a tenancy in their name somewhere that they will be able to prove they are not partners as in above liklihood of for benefit purposes living together, it is not true. Single claimants should not link finances and official records as in pensions etc.... to protect themselves if genuinely not together. I think you genuinely may not consider yourselves a couple for benefit purposes, but seems that you are from what I read, however you have right to appeal etc......
  18. Poor atos I could cry NOT:!: As soon as employers find out true extent of illness and risk of going sick due to ongoing issues, they as much as got to supposedly consider you to not discriminate will just return, sorry too many applicants or lets see, not bother to reply even !!!!!!!!!!!!and thats on top of not being fit for work in the first place but told the visit to atos lourdes as quoted prior xx makes you well again. Their computer programme should have been called lourdes Op hope you are appealing
  19. They are debating on five live the strike now and affects of the kids being off. One man said if we decided when suited us to take a political protest day for some particular reason the schools would have us up before social services for keeping the kid/s off. Daughter told me today her academy will be closed. I do feel for the people travelling who will be delayed xx
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