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Everything posted by watchinginvestigation2011

  1. Friend had phone cover I liked and saw on direct that it was half price so ordered a while ago. As was nice and half price ordered another style as well and they arrived by recorded delivery. I opened them after a few days as poorly and the cover identical to my friends was fine. Couple of days later I thought better check the other one as did not prior as well what can be wrong with a phone cover? Glad I did as it did not fit properly. Same size as the other but on the top left the rim was different a little bigger in that the iphone could easily fall out when turned. Think this is more likely to be a bad batch, so rang them up asking for either refund or replacement. Told no replacement as would have to pay again and wait for refund of item as well, so thought well the one I wanted before I got greedy was fine, so just return the faulty one for refund. Here is gets exhausting. They tell me it has to be through their supplier, fair enough. That that supplier will contact me via email and collect the item from me. Now I thought this was great especially as only a phone cover at half price 12.49 and as not well thought excellent service to not have to go to post office. Nothing happened and i gave it a few more days, no email etc....and today got a prepaid first class envelope in the post with letter enclosed from tesco stating to send it back recorded delivery to protect myself to get a refund. Now I know with ebay anything not sent with tracking if goes missing you get no refund etc.....so was suprised to see that the tracking had not been paid for. I rang tesco direct who indeed told me if tracking was not kept and it went missing I would get no refund, so I asked her why was it not paid for. She fobbed me off and kept refering to their supplier and how I would have to wait again and I asked her why I was told it would be collected etc.....and that I was reassured then the chitty given me by the courier would be my proof of collection, and was told it was totally wrong information. So I asked her to refund me please and then I would happily wait for new contact to return it via tracking and told as sent by supplier no refund given by them. I said but i ordered it from tesco direct, you are responsible for wrong information and of processing the item back, she then was talking over me so I said I am recording the call, could you please listen to me then I will happily let you speak as she was just saying it was not their responsibility but the supplier and I was trying to get over I trusted tesco with my order not a supplier. She then lectured me at the fact I was not allowed to record her without saying so. I said I could have chosen to do so but do not have to by law and as I thought there would be no issue other than them sorting it swiftly I did not see the need. I told her as she was repeatedly talking over me and would not let me finish. She said you are not allowed so I said could you quote the law which says so and she said well I dont need to talk about that!!!!!! So back to the issue and I said how long will I have to wait to sort it and told down to supplier basically so I said tesco need to sort it for me. I then said how any caring company hinting at the need especially for tracking for the guarantee of a refund if an item goes missing, would at least send you a prepaid recorded delivery or special delivery package/envelope and she agreed and that it was not fair to in my opinion risk a customer thinking oh okay it will be fine if no tracking enclosed, just send it to find refund later refused etc.... Told the letter issue was with the supplier and i had to say why does the letter say tesco on it with no mention of any supplier http://www.tesco.com is all that was on it and it did refer to my specific item !!!!!! She was confused that it was from tesco with the envelope having suppliers address on it and then offered to pay 5.00 to my bank account to allow me to send tracked and i agreed at this as a solution which would save time, as it was obvious not on. I personally suspect a lot of people just send items back and mostly they arrive but some probably get caught out by this and lose their refund. So I think the overall service from tesco direct has been shambolic and when ordering for them I did not expect to go on a tesco virtual supplier dosey doh to get the refund. I am hoping tesco read this via their twitter link as i am very disatisfied and happy to accept sometimes items are faulty, but anyone ordering from tesco should be warned if it comes via a so called supplier re sending it back. NIGHTMARE !!!!!!! Order number 59611629 and they are welcome to email me re this complaint which I would then happily reply as resolved because why would anyone want to order from them if realise how such a simple purchase can cause so much silly hastle.
  2. Will come back later as cant get out of a dark place at mo, sorry.
  3. Tip if you are epileptic. Dont watch the you tube clip I saw of showing the real time travel of the space station cruising over the earth. The way it was shown was to speed up the whole journey of the channel tunnel train form start to destination at speed to show that whilst looking like slowly cruising it was going like a bullet. I was not very well put it that way............ Moan over xx
  4. I look in the mirror and the person looking back does not look like what i think I should. She looks baggy eyed and older than her years. Who knicked my body?
  5. Waking son up to get f off for doing so. Asked him to stop being so rude when Ive been poorly and really he should be able to get up on his own now at 16, for him to reply i didnt say f off I said p off. Well looks like I got through there didnt I:!:
  6. Right trying not to get stressed. Odd ammount went into bank account this week only noticed today. Worked out it was about a quater or normal dla award that was not due for a while, so as had not received the new award confirmation and form was sent in end of november, thought I should ring them. Got lovely woman who told me the award had ended and that it was payment to end of award and well I thought first oh no, then at least thought had noticed now rather than in three weeks time, where I would have been none the wiser and more worried. Any way told I have to re fill in the application with a covering letter as my claim has ended and its up to descision maker wether they back date or not. I am not so panicked at the delay but more that they might not backdate it when I did send the form in. I am hoping it turns up and they find it, but as sent it two months ago hold little hope. Is it likely the descision maker will backdate and at least link it to old claim for detail wise as was awarded high rate care low rate mobility? Do I have to do anything else as get the severe disability payment on my income support, should I just leave that side alone as will be reknewed or do I need to ring them and tell them I plan to reknew dla. Or am I still entitled to severe premium whilst reclaiming it appears. Been odd day as surgery wants me to go in for asthma and epielpsy clinic and flu jab as kept putting them off due to cold after cold knocking me for six, and will see my doctor as well afterwards in a few weeks, so at least can ask for some support. I aqlso since sending the form off have more details re my condition mental side so at least I can add that. They are pretty good with me and told me not to worry, just wish my sence side was able to listem, at least can talk to mental health worker who comes out next week so will try to switch off till them, hmmm xx The idea of my form going astray and someone not relevant reading it gives me the creeps as so so personal:| Trying not to stress over it, but hey thats what I do:roll:
  7. Ordered food online for first time in an age as a bit bruised by asda hastle and it all arrived fine and they gave me another ten pound voucher, thanks sainsburys. And they arrived twenty mins early (sticking tongue and blowing fat rasberry at asda home delivery mk)
  8. Just the name betterware, arrrrrrrrrrrrgh:mad2: Should charge for baby sitting catalogues. Wheres the bin?
  9. I put the catalogues in the bin as they have a naughty habit of ignoring door signs saying no catalogues or sales at door, sorry:mad2: So tip is dont do what one rep said to me, that they were told to ignore the signs and you might protect your catalogues from roads like mine who have lost count of how many betterware reps work on our road:jaw:
  10. That cruise ship was four miles off course when hit the rocks !!!!!!!!!! How did they miss that?
  11. Would have thought should have been declared as income,even though not regular income. Best to ring them and explain rather than worry as better you tell them than they find out.
  12. A new memory card thats all, for you not removing it or backing up to computer, prior to sending phone for repair, sorry.
  13. Imagine this: Black angry bird speaker, playing quietly the lullaby version of lady ga ga next to parot cage. he nods off to it, though its got some filthy looks of him, haha Thank heavens for lady gaga, hes asleep All quiet in the mad house finally xx
  14. Finally worked how to disable btfon. Its not supposed toa ffect your broadband but for some reason hubs been freezing adn we keep noticing unknown user etc..... Any how got peed off of easternders interupted every three seconds, so switched hub off. Next get knock on the door from what I think is a rather late sales agent, asking if I am bt such and such, would I turn the hub back on please:jaw: I mean she did knock a few doors hence me thinking she was selling and I said no dont want to buy anything, no she said, its just the bt fon hotspot has just gone off and i was using it. She noticed bt vans outside next door and mine a few months ago apparantly, nosey bugger. She didnt even say please, just that it going off had interupted her.......... Argh............... I wouldnt dream of going door to door asking that, so heres hoping internet stops freezing in about 48 hours......
  15. Hi look up freecycle, near me someone was giving a working one away a while ago. So poss you could get one for nowt near you. You could also look into certain charity shops as they are allowed to sell leccy equip now in some places. BAYV near miss, glad you saw the thread as they are a stress deffo not needed, I have never used them but after reading some threads on here they are best avoid It seems Best of luck with the baby xx
  16. Sorry youve not had any advice yet. Have you tried the job centre re poss of start up grants if available/ council offices re housing benefit etc... and told them of your plans, they might offer you help of what you can claim, what you need to provide etc... Do look in here again now youve bumped it up, you never know someone might answer when about if in the know.
  17. Shes getting a pounding in the comments section. Must admit if real experience was gained in pound land and you say were working an agreed appropriate amount of hours not akin to slave labor and there were many opportunities of where you could work, that were say full, you could argue one stint there might not hurt. But we know the truth, there is unlikely a job at the end of the experience. For instance why are people not given a choice about where they work, for instance a person might want to help out at hospital feeding the elderly for something to do whilst job hunting, something worthwhile that hospitals are struggling to do. You never know a new breed of carers who would not consider the idea of it prior might think I want to become a carer or train as nurse for instance........... Not likely to work in poundland and think, hey I would like to help out here and get a job stacking shelves, those are jobs that can be filled if genuinely have a job, quite easily without slave labor. I also do think some degrees which are quite specialist should prepare the students that they might have to do menial or other jobs prior to getting their dream job. Weve seen on here caggers volunteering for worthy causes beign told they have to interupt that with a stint doing something which will not get them a job anymore than doing a worthy volunteer role. In fact volunteering with a choice over where you can give whilst job hunting, surely gives person a feelign of worth. TThere ends the lecture from a ranter struggling to sleep tonight, haha:wink: My meds need upping
  18. Record all your calls with orange, that way if later they admit or you get proof they were selling speeds they had no definate way of giving you, then your contract is miss sold. If you can get them to confirm on tape that you were promised a certain speed and they then add certain issues which could be a problem, then you could surely ask to leave the contract and go elsewhere. Bit like their unlimited internet usage on mobile phones, that was uuummm, hhhhmmm, welll limited, but they still were happily selling it as unlimited and they sort of neglected to mention fair usage, wonder why? Told me they have a right to describe it as unlimited when definition of the word is without limit, haha. If they are awkward with you and dont let you go if they cannot improve for you, you could ring their sales team for the service you bought, say you want to hear what they can offer for the monthly ammount, and if they say a speed ask I will be able to get that once set up, if they say yeas, gotcha............ You see at a guess they might argue 'up to' was said and its your word against theres. Brill when drop to head office you have them on tape confirming your argument, they dont like it. Got to be clever to record them as once they say no we will not let you out of your contract, they can get horrible and its up to you to prove you were miss sold. If up to was said in the sales pitch, they pretty much are covered I notice the other thread you posted on suggests they might have said up to, they only have miss sold if neglected to say that in the sale, even though I agree it is frustrating that these fast figures are quoted with them not knowing what you can actually get dependant on cables and cabinet etc....... Best of luck, its up to you wether you stay and give them a chance or want to leave now. You might gather I dont like orange Some love them, havnt a clue why:madgrin:
  19. If new supplier were not ready to take over your service on the agreed internal date with old supplier via engineer appt, they should have cancelled the automatic cancellation ( they have to actually make an effort to contact your prior supplier so you are not inconvinienced, but seems they are just another in the group who leave user in the dark) they would have sent talk talk till they were ready to provide you with service. If they did not let old provider know they were taking you over at a possible delayed date after they told them to cancel, it is poor show of your new provider. I went through this with sky. Trouble i learnt is due to them not being able to remidy it quickly due to engineer constraints one will blame the other for a while till you are ready to bang your head on concrete, but seems the prob is new provider to me if they cancelled your prior service before setting up new. I suppose it is possible old supplier cut you off early, but only they could confirm that. It happened to me twice, with phone and broadband just going dead and was a nightmare. i eventually got compensation due to having to pay for mobile dongle, mobile phone calls and being left with medical alarms not functioning as a result, go them to pay my out of pocket expenses and give me free sky tv for a year. Tesco broadband did not have a clue what was going on, but in the end they were not at fault as sky twice sent termination to them prior to setting up my new service. Hope yours is easier resolved on 19th as they promise Heres a tip, if they do not resolve the issue properly on 19th, run a mile from them. I went to bt, but they are not the cheapest !!!! (I am answering just on what I learnt in my experience of similar sittuation re two providers, does not mean I am totally right, just your scenario seems familiar. In my case engineer was openreach working for both parties and when one provider messes up a booking you can wait an age for another appt due to them being well busy and if no provider considers the customer, your service can dissapear with no help or customer service at both ends having a clue what the issue is supposedly)
  20. Tell the credit cards you can only afford 1.00 a month. You could open a thread also in the debt forums and list each debt and they can advise you how to get going on managing it.
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