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Everything posted by steve1963

  1. As part of my effort to get myself straight I subscribe to CreditExpert, I feel it give s me a sense of control, not sure it does in reality. Anyhow I logged in yesterday to see that my 'credit score' had gone from 'fair' last month to 'excellent' this month. As far as I can tell nothing has changed, my two default have not miraculously disappeared either. I'm beginning to think that score ain't worth the pixels it's written in.
  2. Thanks, will get the ball rolling tomorrow.
  3. The RBS one is a credit card, the limit was 4.8k and I'd started to get it down to near 4k it's now back up to 5k and that's all charges because I haven't had a valid card to spend with. This is more about getting me on the right track, so my thinking was that at least anyone who considers me for credit in the future will be able to see I am making the effort to get my affairs in order. So stick an SAR in on RBS?
  4. Hi dx100uk, thanks for the quick reply. So if I start paying the RBS one does it not start to show green status as opposed to the red 'd' on my file? This account hasn't been passed to any DCA yet as far as I'm aware.
  5. Hi All, I'm not new here but also not a frequent flier, in the past the info and advice I have gained from this site has stood me in good stead...... so I'm back again, sorry. I have 2 defaulted (delinquent) credit card debts on my file that I would like some advice on, apart from these my file is good with loans, mortgage and mobile phones all perfect. The defaults are from a time shortly after a difficult period in my life, I'm now in a much more stable position and would like to get these errand debts at least under control. I would like to point out I am not looking to avoid my obligations but I'd like the odds to be in my favour where ever possible. The first is for approx £1800 to Cap 1, the default date is Aug 07. I sent CCA request which was not satisfactory so I told them the account was in dispute and just turned my back, since then I've lost count of the amount of DCAs the debts been through, all the usual supects. It's now with Low ells. In light of the fact that next Aug the default date will be six years ago am I best to leave this well alone? The second is to RBS and is at almost 5k, default date on this one is 2010. I would actually be willing to start paying this off, there are charges on the account but I wondered whether it was best to start clearing the debt first before sticking in a SAR. Also if I start making payments on this will it's status on my credit file change and start looking favourable again? I'd really welcome any advice on this matter as next year I'm looking to expand what has been a one man band working out of a single garage and get proper premises and I'm guessing I'm going to need the banks help. Many thanks in advance.
  6. Hi thats taken care of I have a deposit account that has sat for a few years with a couple of quid in should the worst happen. Not sure if it's my turn of phrase but have I done something not to warrant attention or help in this thread, if so I appologise.
  7. I have also found out today that if the mortgage account goes to the recovery dept and a default is issued that will automatically close down my business and personal accounts.
  8. I have now been paying my mortgage on time for at least 5 months, although obviously I am six months adrift. With the interest rates being so low (it's a std variable rate mortgage) I am confident that I can pay off some extra every month however not the 450 they requested, probably half that. Are you saying that once you got past the collections dept and was placed with recovery they started to get a little more pro active and not so 'computer says no'
  9. Can anyone advise on a plan of action for this, is there a way of approaching this that would make RBS more amenable or is default really my only option in this case.
  10. Thats not an option I'm afraid. I offered to pay the 2.3 over 9 months in order to get to a point where the balance could be put on to the term of the mortgage but there was absolutely no room for negotiation.
  11. Hi, Although I have been a regular in other areas of the forum this is my first visit here, nice innit. Anyhow I have a problem with my RBS mortgage. Last year I got into trouble through lack of work and ended up missing some payments on my mortgage (6 months) the bank never contacted me and being the typical male I did the typical male thing and ignored it, last week I decided to try and get a grip of things so rang the mortgage dept to try and sort out my arrears. I got put through to the collections department who were unaware of the arrears but said once the files had been transfered they would be able to help, today I got a letter to contact them so I did. The chap basically told me that because I was more than 3 payments in arrears I couldn't capitalise the amount and put it on the mortgage, unless I was able to find a lump of 2.3k (total arrears 4.5k) the only option they offered was to spread the sum over 9 months which works out at about £450 extra a month, I can't meet that amount. So he said the only option open to me is for them to issue a default against me and then the Recovery dept would deal with it and they have more options available. What does this mean to me and am I now on a slippery slope?
  12. Hi, Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I'm sure someone will point me in the right direction. Does the Data Protection Act apply to clubs and social organisations Reason for asking my 8yr old has been involved in a situation that looks like discrimination and victimistion by his football team manager and although the committee have found against the Manager they are not willing to give us details on his motives, so can we ask to see statements relating to the 2 hearings or that make reference to us or our son? Cheers all.
  13. Quick update and a fairly interesting one at that. I got a letter today from NCO saying they could save me pounds!! by offering a full and final settlement on the alleged debt at 75% a saving of 25%. Now why would they do that if they are in the right??
  14. Sorry for not updating this thread but there has not been much going on. The account was with Fredricksons so I CCA'd them and it went quiet, then I started to get calls from NCO but I refused to talk to them so they wrote to me, so I CCA'd them and it went quite again until this morning. The postie bought a letter from Cap1 (probably the first direct comms in 6 months) this is what is said. TERMS OF YOUR CAPITAL ONE CREDIT CARD AGREEMENT Thank you for your recent request. Please see overleaf for the current terms of your agreement with us. For the rest of your terms and conditions, please see the leaflet enclosed. If you have any further queries about the account please call our Customer Services Dept on the number below. The enclosed leaflet mentioned has a tear off strip to sign if I want to cancel the agreement. Bit confusing this, are they just trying to get me to make contact??
  15. Well I'm convinced! How should I proceed though is CCA request to Fredricksons the right way to go? Should I send a letter to Cap One stating what you have said or would that just be showing off.
  16. OK so nothing came back from Cap one but the phone calls have started from Fredricksons again. I have printed out the cca request to send to Fredricksons and written out the cheque, is this the right thing to do? Also are we 100% sure that the agreement is not enforceable, and can someone just outline why so that I can at least feel like I know what I am talking about.
  17. Got another letter from Fredricksons today. Dear Mr ******* We thank you for your recent communication Your account has been placed on hold for 15 days to allow you to contact our client on freephone 0800 9524914 for the information you require. We look forward to hearing from you. So what should I do now, Cap one have already sent their poor excuse for a CCA and I don't think they will come up with anything more.
  18. Ok but how should I deal with this from now on, do I need to CCA Fredricksons or SAR Cap One or Fredricksons?
  19. Sorry not been around much, got a lot going on at home with the little ones. Update is: Last week I got a letter from Fredricksons telling me to pay within 10 days or court action will be taken. I replied in writing telling them the account was in dispute and should not have been passed to them and suggested they pass it back at their earliest convenience. Then there was a message on the answer phone last Friday asking me to call back before 9pm. Anyone any advice on how to deal with this? ukaviator I will try and put up a pic but I still don't have a scanner so have to use my camera so it's not very clear.
  20. OK I have not heard a peep out of Cap 1 for about a month. They sent a 'application certificate' and then nothing. I don't suppose for one minute they have forgotten about me but I see little point in prodding them.
  21. Hi, Having read an awful lot about this and doing my own claim against Nationwide I would say that Cap1 are trying it on and to push forward with your claim. At the end of the day though it is your choice but I think you should start thinking of what you could gain instead of focusing on what you could lose. Just look around and see how many have won. Good luck. Steve.
  22. Update, Wrote back to cap1 telling them a copy of current terms and cond were not good enough and the account is now in dispute. Today I recieved a copy of 'Form 4405 Application Certificate' with 2 signatues at the bottom . It's a single sided A4 sheet with just a small section at the bottom which has the heading 'Credit Card Account Agreement' and the sig boxes. There is also a response from our Ellie (she's not just an office manager you know, she's an executive office manager) saying they have complied with my request and to supply the current terms and conditions is in compliance with section 78 (is it??) and that is her final response, so ya boo sucks!! Should I write back thanking them but pointing out that this is an application form and the account is still in dispute or just ignore them and wait for the 30 days to be up. Any help would be most welcome.
  23. Thanks uk, Form 1541 is a pretty specific document and I wondered if anyone else had been presented with one of these as a copy of thier credit agreement. The sheet is an A4 photocopy of a single sided sheet, they have also included a photocopy of another sheet that is headed as a Credit Agreement and has three paragraphs outlining 1. Monthly statement 2. Financial and related particulars 3. Use of Information. I am not sure if this is taken from the back of Form 1541 there is nothing to indicate that is the case. And they have also included a copy of their current Credit Agreement.
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