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Everything posted by Queens_king

  1. Hi I have today registered with the new FREE Credit Reference Agency "ClearScore (Equifax)" and have some problems with it I have a few debts (okay a lot) with companies but the report shows that there are no open accounts apart from my current Bank Accounts Under the "Closed" accounts there are all of the debts that I owe. After looking at them all I noted that nearly all of then have not reported since October 2013 and the the two Lowlife ones since 2014. This does not tally with Noddle where every month it is reported the same balances, same defaults but under the current month even though no payments have been made One example is a well known Spanish bank who are reporting to Noddle a default each month, balance does not move as nothing gets paid but with Clearscore nothing reported since 2013 I also note that what has been reported is under my old UK address as I am know an expat and have been since May 2013. At the time of emigrating I wrote and told all my creditors of my new address so there is no get out for them in that way As I am no longer resident in the UK and not resident in the European Dictatorship I have two questions ... 1 ... Would Clearscore be in breach of the data protection act by allowing me to register 2 ... Are Clearscore responsible for ensuring that they have the correct data I ask question 2 for the reason that Noddle has my address correctly on all creditors. Thanks in advance
  2. HB No taxation for people aged 65 and over no matter that the money is from the UK unless pension is more than 4m peso (about £50k) pa hence the question Not really willing to telephone tax office at a huge cost. Has anyone got an email address for them.
  3. Hi As I am about to claim my UK government pension I have calculated that I will be well over the UK Tax Allowances for the next year. As I will not be entering the UK at any time in the future with the exception of a short holiday I would like to be taxed in the country of residence, that being the Philippines I have visited the HMRC / Gov web sites but it seems to be deliberately garbled to bamboozle people. Am I correct that in assuming I am required to submit the "Residence, Remittance Basis" form. No point in submitting the R85 form as the banks here would not know what it is As for the current tax year I would have overpaid by quite a sum due to PPI claims interest being withheld. What is the form for reclaiming this issue please. I understand that the refund is not made until around May / June next year but trying to get5 things sorted before it happens Thanks in advance for any help provided
  4. king12345 Thanks for clearing that up. I thought I had already done this one but it was something similar dx100uk I know that Electrolux do the individual bits as I have been to thier website but unfortunately I seem to have purchased a "Wild Card" ... British built and exported with no support from the manufacturer (A little bit like Brighthouse rubbish, new items but factory rejects). However not to much difference between Electrolux prices and eBay
  5. >king12345 ... Unable to use their online form, not in UK and Post Code (which is a required field) gets rejected .. Thanks anyway, appreciated >silverfox1961 ... Again as above, but many thanks for the CEO which it may look I have to go through, again appreciate the reply >dx100uk ... Great idea ... nexer thought about it that way. Will try. Many thanks much appreciated Moral of the story ... never buy British white goods in S E Asia or you could be in lots of trouble
  6. Hi all Urgent matter here with a white goods (not in warranty). Require an email address for Electrolux. I am unable to use the online form due to me not being in the UK but I have a UK model and can only get what I want from them in the UK. Door handle has busted and need a replacement but cant find it anywhere Thanks guys
  7. If as you say has been watermarked with the words copyright and her name write and ask Google to take them down from the search then issue the UK equivalent of a DMCA
  8. Why shy away from Windows 10. Can I assume that you have a touch screen?? Once you have managed to iron out the Microsoft spying (which is quite easy or you can use a small software program to stop the spying) it is 100% better than Windows 8 and 8.1
  9. I had problems with Chrome under 8.1. ? Tr downloading Chrome Canary a 64 bit Chrome browser or upgrade to free Windows 10
  10. May ask if non payment of Council Tax is Civil or Criminal?? If it is civil then surely HMRC would be in breach of the Data Protection Act by the disclosure and the local authority would need to obtain a warrant from the court to obtain the information
  11. *** UPDATE *** Thanks to all who subscribed to this thread. I had some good news this week that Bank Of Scotland (Sainsbury's Credit Card) have agreed that I was mis sold PPI As the account was closed in 2009 they had only retained one year of transactions as required by law but have made assumptions for the preceding years. Altogether not too bad considering that I could have lost everything with little chance of success through the court Only two to go now ... Marbles (with the FOS) Citi Cards (Ex Associates)
  12. Hi Robb 1977 I am in the same situation as you with CapQuest and 2008 Marbles CC I was paying Marbles through Payplan until it was sold on to CapQuest. I sent Capquest a CCA request and they did not have it and would have to go back to Marbles for it. I immediately asked PayPlan to suspend payments to Capquest. This was three years ago However I have been an ex pat (outside the EU) for 30 months but Capquest still think they can collect money from me without a CCA. In reality I am 99.99% certain that CapQuest will never get a CCA from Marbles as I have recently done a PPI claim to Marbles who state that they are unable to find any record of me on files, current or archived
  13. If you are after a Criminal Records Bureau check then you need a Disclosures Scotland certificate. This can be ordered from the link I have provided. There are two types that you can get 1) .. the Basic Check or if you are working with young people 2) .. Extended Check. There is a third one but as civilians we cannot obtain this one for ourselves It usually takes about seven days. Be aware of the documents that are required though. https://www.gov.uk/disclosure-barring-service-check/overview Don't use an agency because that will cost you almost 2 to 3 times as much
  14. One question. Why are all the young men running away, they are deserters, they should be fighting for their own countries survival not just giving it away If our fathers, grandfathers and relations did the same in the first and second world war where would we all be now, what nationalities, Language Don't mean to upset anyone but this is becoming serious. I have no problem with TRUE refugees and asylum seekers but many of these men should be fighting for their country
  15. TheDaBara HSPF add the interest to the loan before they release it and with the amount outstanding I anticipate that the interest is around £13,000 or more as mine was £8,000 on half of what yours is. Unless the rules have changed there is nothing that can be done about the front loading of the interest. So be aware of Lowlife adding interest.
  16. DX HSPF is not a catalogue, it is a loan of cash (I have one from HSPF of five figures as well with Lowlifes, and, like here, I am also living in SE Asia). I also have a UK bank account but no property any longer but that has not stopped them trying it on by sending me letters, posted in the UK, pretending to be sent from where I live telling me that they will do this and they can do that. I have spoken to the Justices Department here and they vehemently state that not one judge in the SE Asian countries will take it as they know nothing about English Law Bank account cash is transferred to here the day it is banked in the UK to stop any sticky fingered trying to freeze or take it.
  17. Unclebulgaria67 & the oldrogue Many thanks. Emailed all info today to FOS
  18. Theoldrogue Thanks for the info. The reason that it has been left so long is that I was using a claims company (12%) for more than a 12 months. During that time I made arrangements to marry my fiance and emigrate to her country. I informed the claims company of my new address and set up a 12 months mail redirect with the post office. However, after a mammoth job of obtaining mt Credit Report I realised that the claims company had not notified me of either a claim or a response after all I had received all the others that I gave the company so I decided to make a claim. Lo and behold I was informed that the claim had been rejected 6 months before I emigrated. Now if I had been given that info at the time of rejection I would most certainly taken it through the courts but now as I am in SE Asia I find that it is impossible to do (now retired and would have a fee reduction due to income) and I am not prepared to fly 8,000 miles each way to have it settled at the court doors. Solicitors on a No Win No Fee require a fee insurance ranging from £75 to £150 which is out of my range due to retirement.
  19. Hi Maroondevo52 Many thanks for the reply, so Marbles (HFC) have been telling me porkies with the six months. Time to ge the FOS involved me thinks. 2013 when I became aware. Two years ago Again, many thanks
  20. Good day all Just had a snotty resoinse from Marbles Credit Card concerning my PPI. I had forgotten about a company called xxxx who were dealing with my PPI claims early 2013 and I recently sent Marbles a complaint. They sent quite a snotty reply stating that I made a claim in 2013 and provided a barely legible copy of thier final response on Mar 2013. I have never received this response frpm Marbles or xxxxxxx However that also made it quite clear that I am no longer able to use the FOS as it has been in excess of six months from thier final response . Is this correct as being an ex pat I* could not get to any court hearings i9f I wend down that route and therefore require the help of the FOS Many thanks to all
  21. Has anyone seen the comment at the end of this story : re paying the coucil direct
  22. You are only an employee if your pay goes through the payroll, you are not classed as an employee if you take cash or anything else via the Drawings, Expenses or any other accounts
  23. Hi So any of you have the address for claiming PPI from Sainsbury's Credit Card please I have the SAR, done the spreadsheet and the CQ all I need now is the address to send it to Many thanks
  24. Hi Back for a little more excellent help and advice. I am an ex-pat who requires a Credit Report from both Experian and Equifax but as I have no bank account in the UK I am unable to obtain the report. I have no family left in the UK and most of my former friends have now disappeared therefore unable to obtain a £2 PO and my current bank no longer issues cheques. The other problem is when I try to do this on line it requests a UK address which obviously I do not have. I contacted one CRA who say that all I need to do is send a £2 PO, but when I inform then of the problem all they say is that they want a cheque or PO. One actually told me that I could not do this as it breached the DPA (but they were quick enough to send a report to one bank in my new home land) Any suggestions to be able to obtain a Credit report would be welcome as I know there are six credit cards all with PPI and charges. Regards
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