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Everything posted by gatecrasher007

  1. Self employed income is taken into account for HB/CTB also the severance monies that your Mum will get is taken into account. I would suggest a claim is put in for HB/CTB when she makes a claim for JSA.
  2. I agree Lilred no fun we waited for about 3 weeks to hear that they had made a mistake, we knew they had, it was just a case of someone being very nasty. Still a worry but I wish you the best and please let us know the result.
  3. That is very interesting, I was recently reading the book and I know its for kids but it won prizes, The Curious Incident of the dog in the Night time, I read it as my brother was diagnosed with AS some years back but he was in his late 60's! I had alot of emphathy for the book and funnily enough thought to myself could this be me? reactions etc, then I thought no girls dont get AS so very interesting.
  4. I am very interested in this post primarily as I didnt know that girls could have Aspergers Syndrome, I was led to believe that only boys had this! I learnt this some 10 years go and was told then that only boys had this. You would need to get someone to help you fill in the DLA form someone like CAB who are used to this. I would also be interested to hear if you got it and if ADHD had any contribution towards the DLA award.
  5. If you have failed to obtain ESA because of a medical, you should be claiming JSA as they think you are capable of getting a job. I note that JSA© or JSA (IB)is also means tested and it looks like ESA © or ESA (IB) is based along the same lines. As memory servces me JSAIB was based on savings as for Conts based Erika please put me right. From what I understand you get a bit more on ESA than JSA as ESA is classed as a sickness benefit but whereas Incap was not means tested the government (this and the last) have now decided it should be means tested. I would gather that if you cannot claim ESA because of your savings then you will not be able to claim JSA either until they are reduced. I would definitely check that out though as you would need an awful lot of savings not to be able to claim JSA along with HB/CTB. Please Erika am I correct.
  6. I dont understand your last para? Who told you that a doctors sick note means nothing anymore? Have you tried to claim HB?CTB?
  7. Flippin eck didnt read the second page so sorry all. Yes we went for an IUC which lasted about 15 mins with the lady doing all the talking we just listened as we thought this was best. Benefit was reinstated and I must say the DWP were very helpful with this although, the local centre that had done the interview were not very quick in returning the paperwork to the central office of Newcastle but once someone got on the matter they could not have been more helpful saying they didnt know what the interviewer was up to and apologising for the fact. I hope this poor person has his circumstances taken into account they clearly need to be. I also think it is brilliant that his new employer knows, this must be a real boost to confidence.
  8. Sounds like mitigating circumsances so get a solicitor asap, just listen to what they say at the IUC you dont have to answer remember "you do not have to say anything" if you dont have a solicitor, I think the solicitor will go for mitigating circumstances if it gets as far as court.
  9. I worked briefly for the DWP in the late 1990's. They were just "unscrewing" the chairs and tables from the floors. I did ask about this and was told a change of government + a member of staff had been killed as I remember in Somerset so up went the screens etc. I was told that succesive governments believe that an open approach makes the client calmer. This was not the finding of a friend of mine who worked briefly in HB when someone went beserk in their office throwing computers etc, she just upped and left, she told me that it wasnt worth the money and that people who sit in their cosy desks making loads of money dont realise how difficult it is at the other end of the spectrum. Its true, I dont think they understand that if you have a disease for example like COPD which I believe Kelcou has, its difficult to breathe let alone fight for money to keep you going. The stress with COPD can make life difficult dealing with agencies. I must say in our opinion except for a small hiccup this year we have had no probs.
  10. Flumps is correct you can claim Carers because yoh is getting mid/high rate care in DLA at present about 220£ 4 weekly. You can also work up to £100 per week. I dont know about ESA thats another kettle of fish and maybe someone who works for the DWP can update us in that one. Flumps is talking about the underlying entitlement to benefit in HB/CT which could be additional monies. Actually Flumps I thought underlying entitlement was mainly for HB/CT but put me right if there is u/e with DWP benefits as well?
  11. Hi Chloe I am interested in your outcome. For my own personal reasons, I was recently interviewed under caution as the DWP claimed I was living abroad. They stopped paying my LTIB but have since told me they are going to reinstate it, because even if I was living in an EU country they have to pay it. The same with DLA (care component only) they would pay that as long as you are in receipt of a taxable benefit ie LTIB, SRP etcthey will not pay the mobility component it is the ruling from 1997. The people in Newcastle have told me that I can export if need be. I do not know about claiming whilst you are abroad, however, if you read the Direct Gov site it appears that you can claim ESA from abroad if you are still insured from the UK ie if that is the country that you paid your NI's. Many people think that people are scrounging if you live abroad and claim from the UK, but if you paid your conts say in Spain then went to live in the UK, Spain is where you would claim your monies from. It is also a myth that the UK has a generous system, for example, the unemployed in Portugal receive a proportion of their income which is far more generous than the UK, it is just the UK press that seem to stir and blow things out of proportion without looking closely at the facts. The French and Italian system are quite generous as well I believe. Many people do not realise, it is the country where you last paid your contributions. I look forward to your reply.
  12. I agree Flumps, I worked with the DWP for a brief period in the 1990's. Whilst training, I was told that it was government policy whether there were screens to protect or not. I think there had been a problem with someone being killed in the West Country so the screens had gone up. I was told that a change of government or someone thinking that people would be less aggresive if the screens were down and the death was forgotten. I had a friend who worked in HB offices who had had a claimant come across the desk and throw not one but several computers before being restrained. I agree with Flumps because who for less than 15k per annum would put up with this. Certainly the bankers that caused the crisis would not, but I doubt if they would read a site like this as they are too busy lining their own pockets, meanwhile the rest have to carry on its a shame that their isnt a national strike and that people are not more militant as they used to be. Today people are more afraid.
  13. After several phone calls this week to DWP Newcastle, who telephoned my local office, they have decided on no further action. They will back pay my money. What is going on? Is it these targets that they have been given to hit! Its not the sick and ill of this country that has caused the disaster its the bankers who have just received another big bonus for failing to deliver. Shame on this government.
  14. I worked very briefly for the DWP back in the 1990s. The wage then was very low. I have since worked for LA's in HB where the pay is considerably higher, infact some of the claimants were DWP employees because their wages are so low. I am afraid the way society has gone today where jobsworth is monitoring his staff is a complete waste of money, the staff morale falls which then leads to jobsworth having to interview staff to find out "if there is a problem and if its work or home". Its all cobblers, a happy staff means you get more out of them, they are willing to give more whereas the way staff are treated now its just a slippery slope. Still what goes around comes around so hopefully jobsworth will get the push and happier times might be on the way. How can you tell if and when you want a wee!! I agree with them go out on strike,picket etc I dont think people realise just how low paid the AA's and CO's are especially for the amount of verbal they have to take over the phone.
  15. Hi Fitz thanks for that info, I telephoned them last Monday they said they would chase things up and phone again on Friday but didnt. I telephoned them on Friday at about 3pm they said they would phone on Monday they thought the case was somewhere between the office, the DM and Newcastle. No wonder stuff gets lost, but what goes around comes around and no doubt they will move it all back locally when they realise it doesnt work.
  16. Absolutely ridiculous, this is people's lives they are talking about. I cannot understand the government cutting back on staff, and they are front line all of them whilst people's lives are left on a string its not very nice. The DWP staff must also hate the situation as well. You are not asking for them to be up to date but at least not months and months and months. The government were quick enough to react over their expenses but of course we are only talking about people on benefits and they dont matter. Ohhhhhh I am mad.
  17. Sorry not to make myself clear Jadey and Erika. I telephoned around the DWP offices around the country to find out why my benefit was suspended. Eventually I was asked to ring a number which to my suprise was Fraud. They said to go in for "a chat" so I made the appointment. I received a letter the day before I was due to go in to say it was an IUC. I went on my own as I could not engage anyone quick enough. The interview only lasted 15 mins and the interviewer said it was up to a Decision Maker now so I am now waiting but have now engaged someone however I may ring on Monday to find out what is happening it has been some 6 weeks now. Sorry for the confusion. I have had no other letters other than the IUC one the day before and a letter to say I had been interviewed that has been my lot. Erika the suspension 4 week notice was what I had read in the suspension guides thanks for that under Section 17 2450. And by the way I managed to get into the Fraud postings that you inserted! It was quite easy really had I followed your instructions!
  18. Hi I thought that the DWP were supposed to advise you if they suspended your benefit? The info that Jadeybags has supplied seems to apply to JSA but would it also apply to Incapacity Benefit? I suppose it does as nothing can be found about Incap. Anyway some 3 months later and I havent received any letters at all except the one to go for an IUC which was supposed to be a "chat".
  19. Perhaps "someone in the know" can advise us? or at least lead us to the site where this info may be obtained, I too thought they were supposed to give a 4 week notice letter but I am not sure where I read this! Sorry!
  20. It has been 6 weeks since my IUC. I was asked to attend a "chat" which then became an IUC. I have received no letters to tell me why my incapacity benefit was suspended or indeed that it has been suspended. What is going on at the DWP where they can suspend benefits without informing you that they intend to do so, I rang them and was passed around the country. In an effort to make the DWP more effective, the powers that be appear to have made it ineffective, all post now goes to Newcastle they are currently 4 weeks in arrears + 2 weeks in loading it onto the computers what part of effective is that? I am sure that the people who work for the DWP must be most frustrated, I know I am as I cannot get any answers. Seems strange that this government can ask outside contractors to sort out their expense claims and when that contractor clamped down too hard they asked them to then lay off them not sure we could do this with ATOS eh! Sorry to rant
  21. Erika Have tried to view the aforesaid thread, but where it says click below, once into CAG cannot do so can you help?
  22. On the day of the interview, I received a letter saying it was an IUC which suprised me as the person said it was "a chat". I went on my own the interview lasted 20 mins the interviewer took my letter off me and did not return it. Apparently she said it was up to the DM what was going to happen. I have since contacted a solicitor who said the whole method of this was wrong and it would be up to the DM whether the incap is reinstated or not. Does this now mean that I will have to reapply and will they take me to court as they did an IUC. The interviewer asked a very strange question "what do you think we give you DLA for" People I have talked to said they thought it was a fishing trip I am led to understand that they are not allowed to do this.
  23. Oh yes then his mind will turn to food and that will be his life roaming and food and of course a bit of love from his owner. All males turn like this even the human kind!
  24. Yes Hightail I have used a dual wormer? he has a scabby back like small scabs not large ones although on his lower back half way down the spine they were larger I put this down to a mass together which the fur came off very easily when these were touched. He is now healing up quite nicely even though I used the sudocrem which I should not have but I have not used since. He has not attempted to pluck himself since the worming and he has been eating more. I hope this is a good sign.
  25. Hi Cannot say that the ringworm tablet is the be all and end all of his problems, I suspect not but he is very old for a black cat at 18. I stand to be corrected, but I have never had a black cat live more than 19. I suspect its more age related along with all the other things you kind people have suggested.
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