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  1. got a caution and to pay back money...thaks everyone for you're advice xxx
  2. still waiting for the outcome...there was a query on my wages as it was part time and all over the place and they are working it out on an average, which apparently works out better for me. just wanted to keep you update...i'm terrified and feel sick constantly.
  3. they told me that there is a delay so going to be nearer two months when a decision is made :o(
  4. still waiting, trying to get on as normal but got it in the back of my mind xx
  5. i will do, they were reading everything out to me, just shows what a state i was in at the time, can't remember half the things they mentioned x
  6. thanks life goes on...it'll be a 'suck it and see' will be needing a nice cold drink tonight x
  7. it went better than i expected, because of the mess my head was in the dates were all wrong to what i though initially. will have to pay back what has been over paid which i will find out in a few weeks, and if there is any caution or anything like that ill find out then.x
  8. i have to leave for it soon, feel so sick and nervous. Hate what i did, not just because i got caught but because thats not who i am. but they won't care about that, will let you know how i get on. keep everything crossed for me x
  9. thanks for that jadey,ill just go and ask why i have been asked there.have to go back to work after.how long does it take?x
  10. sorry i meant initially august 2008,got a job feb/march time then had accident.shouldnt have been claiming from march to oct 09,it was a mix of part and full time.im sorry its a bit confusing it was a messy time.
  11. its at 11am, i start work at 8.30, have told my boss of my indiscretions in a ' past life' been very supportive. Because it is all a blur I can't remember dates of when i was working. It could be over £2000 i have no idea, and i'm not being ignorant. I've done wrong, I'm hoping it won't be too drawn out. Sat at work now feeling very sick x
  12. thank you jackieandwayne....my heads a bit in a spin at the moment. just when you think life is on the up. i came out to being gay in august 2005 and got kicked out of home. Since then i was digging deeper into debt and seeing no way out. 2008-2009 were my lowest points. dreading tomorrow but I shall soon know.
  13. i don't know what to expect regarding charges or over payment or anything if i'm honest.
  14. thanks very much, I'm glad you sorted yourself out. To be in Debt is such a drain on you mentally as well as financially. I'm in a good job now,doing well and just have to pay for the mistakes I made in my past. I got kicked out of home in 2005 and until 2010 life was very much a struggle in all manner of speaking. I've been sick to the stomach thinking of friday, I don't know what to expect, never done anything incriminating (apart from this) in my whole like, so its nice to speak to people that have come out the other end. Did it go through the courts?
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