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  1. No there were no steps in either place. Well in the first place there was but I used the disabled access which was ramps
  2. It does definitely , went through it yesterday with my GP. They disregarded what my GP said and what I have put in favour of their ATOS doctor so because I stood for a couple of minutes in the examination they conclude I can stand for 30 minutes unaided. I was not tested for climbing stairs but thay conclude I can climb stairs without stopping or holding on to a rail. My main symptom besides my diagnosis is a *very* fast heart rate, this happens when I stand or climb stairs or walk more than a few yards. My heart rate is never below 100 When I went to see my doctor yesterday (I chose to go to is upstairs room) he could not count my heart rate it was going so fast. The ATOS doctor apparently got my heart rate to 62???? My blood pressure has been really low for the last 10 years sometimes unrecordable ............She (The Atos Doctor) took it by inflating the balloon and deflating really quickly ,(as a nurse I know there is NO way she could have got an accurate reading she did it so quickly) told me I was severely hypertensive and needed to see my GP she recorded by BP as 140/90 I am lucky if the top figure is above 90 at any given time. The doctor in the tribunal said he preferred the ATOS doctors readings to my GP readings. I so wish the medical had been filmed and voice recorded as there are so many discrepancies. I took a hand bag with me that I place on the floor but it had rigid handles that came up the side of the chair hence I just picked it up from the arm. The ATOS doctor recorded I bent down to the floor to pick up my bag. I was NEVER tested to see if I could climb stairs and my heart rate was not recorded after walking or while standing .......this is when the heartrate goes up as it is a Orthostatic problem I am at my wits end with all this nonsense. I feel I have had the report of somebody else back It states over and over again we prefer the findings of Dr C The Atos doctor
  3. Because that was the last time I had a medical and they were more concerned discussing that time? I have no idea why I was asked specifics from these years which I could not remember
  4. I was not asked about a typical day I tried to tell them and I was told it wasn't relevant at that time and they would ask me later they never did. They never asked me re holidays or socialising. I had already written in my appeal letter that I could not og shopping alone as I cannot stand for longer than a minute thus cannot queue at checkouts. They asked me about things from 2007 and 2008 which tbh I could not give answers to.
  5. Thanks Leemack, just they never discussed these symptoms and restrictions with me, even though they were all laid out in the appeal
  6. Great stuff even though my GP thinks I could end up seriously ill or worse because of something ATOS refuse to look at or even test
  7. I went back top my doctors yesterday , he states I am definitely NOT fit for work and gave me a sick note again for 3 months The main diagnosis on my sick note which has been the same since I have been putting them in , ever since I was on IB has nver been discussed either with ATOS or the Tribunal and this is the thing that stops me working Is that a point of law that has been erred?
  8. Thank you so much Erika, sorry for the delay, I am just feeling pretty much put of it
  9. Thanks for that answer I have made an appt to see my GP on Friday I am wondering how he will feel when he reads it. Is he allowed to send any further evidence?
  10. No it just keeps repeating over and over again that we do not find the client a reliable witness , we think the client exaggerates her limitations
  11. I have a long standing fluctuating illness. I am also an ex nurse doubly qualified (RGN,RMN) with 26 years working experience, so yes I too feel it is defamation
  12. Yes I did poke holes. They said they preferred their own doctor as I was unreliable and my GP did not have full awareness of my condition. I had not see my GP for some time although I had been to emergency GP on call but this was not registered on any documents so they didn't want to know Yes they sent transcript of proceedings. Unfortuantely we have no experienced welfare rights caseworker on this area to read through...........
  13. I'm absolutely shocked and horrified at the statement of reasons I have received today It states I am an unreliable witness that I exaggerated my condition and that my GP wrote a report on what I told him to write? I'm so confused re the point of law. What exactly should I be looking for to appeal on a point of law? I can't think straight , sorry ....
  14. Exactly what they said to me and that I am in no fit state to be actively seeking work Seems I'm not the only one that had entered the Job Centre here with my diagnosis and in my position benefits wise
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