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Everything posted by terriersaregreat

  1. As per usual you have great advice from great people. So pleased no lasting effects. Isn't it amazing that professional people think that saying sorry after making a major, major mistake will make it all better. But on this forum we read of people who have made mistakes claiming benefits, they are interviewed under caution with fear of a prison sentence despite being very sorry! NHS etc not my favourite people at the moment.
  2. Oh my god Tilly you must all have been terrified. An absolute nightmare. I hope all is well now and there are no lasting affects. Are you doing anything about it?
  3. Hi, yup a had a similar problem because I overpaid a council tax payment by 26 pence. The computer couldn't recognise the payment and I was sent a red reminder for the whole year's amount which made me very cross. Difference was the council employee recognised the problem and readjusted the payments. She also told me not to pay until I received the new payment shedule. Have you got the receipts for your payments. It looks like you've already totalled your repayments. Do not let these bailiffs in and do not speak to them. Contact the council with your paper work in front of you and try explaining again. There are plenty of posts on the forum about dealing with bailiffs. Check them out. A visit to your local CAB office would probably assist too.
  4. Hi and welcome to the forum. I expect someone who can help will be around shortly. I'm not fond of LLoyds, past history!
  5. Great news, so, so, so pleased that things have turned out this way. You need professional advice on this and CAB have the names of the solicitors with experience who can help. Take a bit of a breather please now Annie. TAG x
  6. See what you mean. Oh I do hope Annie will be OK tomorrow. TAG x
  7. Don't quite know who DD is referring to. I know I am very sympathetic and just hate to think of you on your own. Best take someone with you for company. Just wish you had been able to contact someone experienced in this to advise you. I have no idea about what can be decided or not decided. At the end of the day you must do what you feel is the right thing to do.
  8. Not sure what time your interview is but would you have time to contact CAB before attending the inteview?
  9. Several years ago found myself in a position of being wrongfully investigated. Well I must be ever so lucky because I found a solicitor straight away! Look on legal aid websites for solicitors who specialise in benefit fraud. Also ask for a copy of the tape.
  10. A solicitor will attend whether or not they take you to court. In the event that they do at least a solicitor would be able to record what you said and what they said, and legal aid is available if you qualify.
  11. Any chance of contacting CAB before the interview? They may have someone who can help. Just thought that you might qualify for legal aid. Check with CAB what they can do if you can. I know that it is a very difficult time for you but try and stay positive get the interview out of the way and come back to us so that you can receive great help on organising your finances. It'll soon be over and what's done is done evidently you have accepted that the truth is the best answer to all the questions. Just survivnig sometimes is hard. You're a survivor and you are going to be OK. TAGx
  12. Update- still waiting confirmation letter for confirmed dates of surgery. Daughter now sleeps most of the day as she is drugged up to the eyeballs to keep her out of pain. She has now received an appointment for interview at Jobcentre. This should be interesting! I am getting more and more angry about doctors, surgeons, nurses who have trained on NHS and have transferred to Private health care in part or in full. It appears that many surgeons not only attend their Private clinics but also lecture, are expert witnesses and advise various private clinics. Where do they get the time? Obviously something has to suffer. Since this has started I have researched more and more about how much time surgeons give the NHS. The figures are worrying to say the least!
  13. Have been reading the posts, can't help much. From experience a solicitor (should get funding) or CAB are the best persons to take with you to the interview. They will know how to handle the interview and advise what not to answer etc. Also keeps the other side in check. Wish you well and will be thinking of you.
  14. Sorry don't agree as far as I remember I asked for a reconsideration, which was done with the same annoying/upsetting answer and then appealed and was granted DLA by the tribunal.
  15. Hi again. You have the right to appeal which I think is the best way forward. As I said previously having had experience of appealing it really is the best course of action. You will receive all the info DLA relied upon and will now have benefit of hindsight to explain exactly what are the probs with your daughter. You will also be able to obtain any reports you wish to rely upon. I'm very much afraid to say that apparently this is the norm today. It appears that first application are usually refused. You have nothing to lose by appealing. CAB may be able to help with this.
  16. Thanks for the thoughts but this is not the case though we all seem to think it is. Different areas have to fund you for going to another area. My daughter was eventually funded by our local authority. She has been referred to a specialist unit. GP is fantastic and is doing all he can to keep her out of pain. He feels we must not now change to a different hospital as list will probably be longer. It is awful seeing her like this, there is a promise of the operation in 4-6 weeks. It really is inhuman and it is affecting her family too. At present she is almost a zombie with all the medication she is taking. it is quite frightening the number of hours she is sleeping. I am so angry as are our friends and neighbours that see her.
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