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Everything posted by terriersaregreat

  1. That's great news for him he now has to tackle his trustee to obtain the right of action. He had been told by the council's barrister that he was out of time to go for judicial review, which I believe is true, but if he is able to appeal the enforcement notice at any time because it shouldn't have been issued this will be his way forward. Am I right do you think in this, I'll be seeing him later tonight. Will check the planning portal. Cheers!
  2. Sorry can't agree, I'm a lot older and can assure you that we had fantastic fair opportunities and guess what, no student fees! No fear of being £50,000 in debt before we even start in employment. There were such things as grants and the lower paid received grants but this was for living expenses not tuition that was FREE. The fact that young people don't realise how things have changed with regard to equality in education has made me swear today.
  3. Interesting isn't it? Think we all need to do a lot of thinking and worrying about our future. That is the kids of today. Some of us will remember the Peace Movement and marches to "Ban the Bomb". They were described at "beatniks" who didn't wash, didn't work etc. Mostly they were students who cared about the future, their future. Yup as an oldie I could go on and on about life experience and propoganda which was not evident to me at the time. Don't know what happened wasn't there wasn't involved. It just makes me soooo angry when people take the quickest solution and yup what happens if the looters are fined, imprisoned who is going to pick up the tab? Are we escalating this into "let them eat cake?" Sorry I'm old and have a tendency to think!!!!!!
  4. Thanks for that advice. The Enforcement Notice and the Stop notice were issued together. He certainly did hold a valid tipping licence and in fact the council had tipped there together with the environment agency, he has shown me the tipping tickets they go back nine years. I have googled the Town and Country Planning Act but it appears that the only right he had was to apply for a Judicial Review within 3 months of the Stop Notice. Your comments re not being out of time are interesting and I will follow this up for him. Thanks
  5. Don't know what's going on really. We're dealing with hacking, well the old words for it would be spying, bugging. Links are made Mr Cameron goes away on holiday and suddenly the country is rioting! We really do need to address the underlying cause. The great divide is getting greater and people are not happy. I have always lived by the truth, brutal as it may be, unfortunately it has been my experience that so called professionals etc for what ever reason seem to think that the truth is not important what is important is winning at any cost. Unfortunately even through the legal system it is one law for one and one law for another. But I'm sticking with the truth, there are no come backs. Think we need to be careful at this time about over reaction could be what is planned by the powers that be. What if we lost the freedom of speech on this wonderful site? The loss of democracy is what makes me want to swear, it was hard fought for by our ancestors.
  6. Council who can not accept simple facts- commercial rates due on shop on 15th month, was about to pay July's, they have now demanded whole year as I am a month in arrears. I said, but today is the 11th they said yes you are a month in arrears. I said well I would be on the 14th they said no you are a month in arrears because the rates are due on the 15th of the month....................what?
  7. Thanks for responding but a Stop Notice is immediate, no warning. Understand that a Judicial Review was the only way forward but due to OR and Trustee not doing anything out of time for that. Basically the Council ruined his life by wrongly issuing a stop Notice for which massive damages are payable. Needed to know for him if OR or Trustee could be held responsible?
  8. Apologies before I start, don't know where to start this thread. Neighbour requesting help. In 2009 the Council issued an enforcement notice and stop notice preventing him from tipping. He had a license for tipping but neighbours were complaining. Just before the Notice was issued he had been made bankrupt. He was therefore unable to make an application for Judicial Review. The council have got away with wrongly issuing the Stop Notice because they were not challenged. Neighbour needs clarification of Town and Country Planning Act. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. Good to hear that things are getting sorted, sorry to have responded re WTC. It can be arranged via Jobcentre and I would go there for help. You can check how much you may be entitled to on the WTC website with their calculator. You're entitled to claim and need help with stability after all this upset and trouble. Good luck! Best wishes TAG:-)
  10. Well a little bit of good news, you are entitled to WTC. You will get more money as it will be calculated as a couple and your wife is on long term incapacity. Also if you came off benefits and over 50 there used to be a small lump sum, not sure if this applies now. Jobcentre could have helped you with this, get down there and ask for an appointment. WTC entitles you to free prescriptions and free court fees. You will also be able to work out your income as the WTC is a payment every week. However WTC is taken into account for Housing Benefit and Council Tax although there is an allowance. It is accepted by WTC that you will earn zero for the first year by WTC but make sure you keep accounts. Hope this helps, not sure how you could survive going it alone to begin with without WTC. Anyway check it out properly so you are aware of your rights and obligations, it's worth it! TAG:-)
  11. Hi! came across your posts. Can't really understand from your posts whether now that you are self employed if you are claiming Working Tax Credit for the self employed. TAG
  12. Being able to walk is a reward, still in lot of pain though from the op. Thanks for your comments HB.
  13. Thanks HB it has been a nightmare for my daughter and all of her family, but she's tough and determined. TAGx
  14. Hi All! Just a very brief note to let you know that daughter has had her operation. Can't go into detail but wanted all well wishers to know. Will post when able with full story. She has suffered so much pain for far too long, it was inhuman. I am so proud of her and her ability to behave with such dignity. One heck of an op 6 hrs! Rang me about 3 hours after the op, very shakey but very relieved that it was over. Believe me I've shed a few tears. Best wishes and thanks to you all. TAGx
  15. Grandson, "Do you know Nana slugs actually Eat lettuces!" Oh yeh they do!
  16. Sorry, I understand now. LL is retaining your deposit money as she says that the carpets were damaged and you want to take her to court for not returning your deposit. You've now got great advice. I would add that if you do go to court check out the fee remission availability to you as fees can be expensive. Courts sites are helpful too. Best of luck TAG
  17. Hi, welcome to the forum. Can you explain? You say you've had a solicitor's letter for you to pay for the deposit of new carpets. sorry don't quite understand it.
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