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Everything posted by terriersaregreat

  1. Being new to the forum not quite sure if this should be posted here but last week a member of my family attended magistrates court as a result of losing against the council 2 years ago. The claim was a civil matter however council had it changed to the Magistrates Court. He was fined £750. However there were costs of £11,000. He was subsequently made bankrupt and told by OR he would have to pay the fine but not the costs. He was discharged from bankruptcy in January. Last month he received a letter with a Warrant for his arrest. He rang the council who were of no help. Eventually with help from family it was agreed to hear the matter in magistrates court. He was fortunate to have family who paid for advice. However first advice was he would go to prison as the costs are added to the fine. Paid for barrister who went to court and claimed that the fine and the costs were in his bankruptcy. The Home Office became a creditor as it was in his bankruptcy. This was agreed by the court. We were all so worried and didn't expect this outcome so thought it might help someone else. My point is that people that work in the courts are not allowed to give legal advice and yes the law (or persons looking for payment) is there to be questioned.
  2. I agree with Dougal and Regan. I'm sure I'm right that police can only be called if there is a breach of the peace. Are you positive it was a policeman?you didn't have to open the door to such ****. Try and think straight, don't let yourself be bullied. Where's your determination when you have so much support. I've had some really nasty things happen to me from banks, bailiffs, and believe me they thrived on their lies. I'm still fighting for justice and I'll get it. When the going gets tough the tough get going!
  3. I thought that the police can only become involved if there is a breach of the peace and the police have to be neutral. Mind you I've experienced similar when reported a bailiff for repossessing my property instead of the one next door! Also when mortgagee for the next door property, G E Money erected a fence on my property. Criminal damage? No just a mistake and are you sure you are right was the comment from the police. What is happening to this country?
  4. I've been following this thread and it's making my blood pressure rise daily. Jacqui please listen to Dougal you have to stand up for your rights. Come on girly look at the logic and argue the logic, they hate it! If parking in a car park without paying a fee is a criminal offence there must be a heck of a lot of criminals about. Who' getting the compensation and for what?
  5. Yes, it was a CT debt for the period before the repossession. Part of the time claimed we were in receipt of Income Support but Council said we hadn't informed them. I think I did. Have you been to talk to the Council? Did you pay cash? Can you remember the dates approx. I'm going back to the Council now that I've paid the amount that was due but not the amount when we were in receipt of IS. I will keep paying but make it plain to the council that what they did in obtaining a liability order when they were fully aware that we had been evicted was wrong. If no luck :|I'm going to the Local Government Ombudsman.
  6. My husband suffered with severe depression. I recall that if I hadn't cooked for him and encouraged him to eat he would have deteriorated rapidly. This poor man has even more going on medically. Seems to me that he should have been entitled to middle rate DLA which I think means that you could have claimed carers allowance. My husband never claimed DLA but believe me he should have!
  7. We had a property reposessed in 2002 (long story, still ongoing litigation, one for the forum in future). The Council did not contact us until 2009 through debt collectors. Went to a solicitor who tried very hard to sort it out, also National Debt Helpline. National Debt Helpline advised that the claim would never be out of date, basically it follows you like a fine as the council had obtained a liability order in our absence! The answer was, sorry to tell you, that we had to pay. Don't despair I negotiated a very small repayment over a number of years. In your case surely all of you should get together, expect you know this.hope someone can advise differently and I'll claim our money back!
  8. I agree with Glitterlady. I attended a tribunal with a friend. Lovely lady on the panel, ex nurse, askd him if he could cook a main meal and whether there were risks of dropping pans etc., had he dropped any pans etc. He was living with his wife at the time but she wasn't interested if she could cook for him. He was granted lower rate DLA. This was a recent decision.
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