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Everything posted by hhh_88873

  1. Exatcly wh yIve changed to a more aggressive solicitor.
  2. That and the fact that her arrogance is such that shes desperate to maitain the 'wounded martyr routine' You know, the whole 'Im a single mother, look at her dad hes not arsed but Im actually throwing up every single obstacle I can'
  3. No. Her family and I hate each other due to the allegations shes made, and the subsequent rollocking shes had fromt eh police and courts when shes been found to be lying.
  4. If you have the one where admitted cancelling the cheque to get back at you then that would be better. If you have deleted it, you may still be able to get it recovered by your email service provider.
  5. Martin2006 its not exactly a new thing, Ive been with my new partner since the beginning of the year and its not goint to be a situation that Imm gonna allow my ex to dictate how I live my life with my new partner. Shes frree to see who she wants, but when she has her new partner staying over, going to my local where I work with her new partner holding my daughter (My mates have actually told her to sling her hook before when she was pulling this stunt) Then why should she be able to say who my daughter can be with when shes doing this?And Danielle I think that her mother has known from day 1 that shes in the wrong, but as shes currently fighting aggressive cancer, I dont want to put any other issues on her plate when shes definitely got enough to deal with as it is.
  6. I know, and I have tried everything, official and otherwise to get that fact through to her, but this has been the only thing thats made even the slightest bit of progress.
  7. The CSA have said that they only use 'their' dna testing place and if Im denying paternity, I should say so. My reply was I have never and will never deny paternity, but if they want me to pay maintenance then I want to be on the birth certificate. If Im not, then they can go whistle until they do put me on it. (Wrong attitude I know, but Im just so furious that they are happy to take from me but she doesnt have to giver anything in the way of access in return)
  8. I really wish that your suggestion could be taken and used, sadly not a chance in hell. Not that I havent tried, please believe me on that, but when you think shes in a trhird generation of a family without a father figure youll start to see what I fighting against. The grandmother was a single mother, the mother was a single mother, now Im fighting against a woman who has had it drilled in all her life that the father isnt needed. Before my daughter was even born she was going on at me that I would need to be getting a solicitor.What makes it worse is the fact that my new partner is being totally supportive, but my ex is intent on making sure my daughter never gets to spend any time with me at my home, mainly I imagine through insecurities over my new partner, despite her new partner getting to be with my daughter all the time.
  9. Thats exactly what the csa have said, but theyve said the only one that they recognise is the on where I have to pay them £300 first. Despite me putting in writing that I am definitely my daughters dad, I still havent been able to be recognised as her dad yet.
  10. First off it was pretty daft to bury your head over this since you hadnt actually done anything wrong at the outset. Still never mind, moving on.Please tell us you still have the emails where hes admitted cancelling the cheque? Cos if you do, then your in the clear. The cheque cashing place will have a record of the regular transactions youve made and you can show youve not had any problems until this situation.Im not gonna ask why youd seperate yourself from so much cash on a regular basis in charges for cashing a cheque rather than putting into a bank........................Attack this head on, show that all you did was get your wages which you have every right to do. If it goes sour, then go for an et claim oin breaching your statutory rights to be paid for work. Simples.
  11. As for the birth certificate, I made her send the paperwork to add me to the certificate 3 times, and through her solicitor. 3 times it turned up having been done wrong or not notarised by her solicitor. All of this took her over the 12 months that I had the automatic right to be put on the birth certificate. Now its gonna be fight to be recognised as my daughters dad, which was her intention all along.
  12. Unfortunately my ex has never made any attempt to be reasonable. The horrific allegations she has made show that. Take this as an example, my daughter was 1 on teh 24th August. I ran into my ex in the town where I live on that day. I knelt down to speak to my daughter, the first time Id seen her since last november and she started getting snappy demanding to know where my daughters card and present was. (I had already dropped them eariler in the day incognito at her mothers house) and she then tried to grab the pram and wheel my daughter away despite me only having had about 30 seconds to see my daughter. Unbelivably, her mother actually told her to stop and to give me some time to see my daughter so when the exes mother can see shes wrong, what does that tell you?And the solicitor Im with now is pretty hardcore, but obviously hes only just started on the case so he hasnt had the chance to see how bad my ex actually is.
  13. The retail value of everything I asked for back was just under £4000. I didnt list anything in the property that was bought jointly such as major appliances, furniture, or anything else that she needed for my daughter.And as for supporting my daughter she was getting all the benefits for both of us, ie income support, child benefit etc even though she had thrown me out, I was getting nothing. Literally, not a single penny so she cant exactly say she had to sell my stuff to support my daughter.She was also getting tax credits etc and saying I was still living there, even tho I wasnt, theyve only been told I wasnt there recently as I fouynd out what she was up to.And no, I have no acess whatsoever to my daughter. I arranged contact at a contact centre, she turned up once and refused to go again.My old solicitor didnt do tiddly squat, so Ive changed and am starting again from the beginning, but as I now have a safe home and a stable relationship Im taking a run at joint custody.Sick thing is, she hasnt and wont put me on the birth certificate but I am still being forced to pay csa.Hopefully youll get the picture of why I cant keep letting her get away with this now.
  14. Unfortuanately while I do see the points you are putting across Im not gonna be doing that. When she threw me out I spent weeks on the streets, and have spent the last year putting up with the false allegations she has levelled at me and stopped me seeing my daughter. This is the first time Ive been able to mount any kind of fightback and even attempt to clear my name. That and the fact is it had taken me years to save and get the stuff that I had, so why should I allow her to take it from me when she has done nothing to earn it?Fact is, petty as it is (and I know it) payback is a b*tch and its finally coming around for her, and if she winds up with a theft conviction, its a damn sight less than what I would have ended up with if I hadnt been able to disprove the allegations she made against me.Its a shame shes forced my hand like this tbh, but I genuinely wish Id had another option because just giving up isnt in my nature.That and winning this case and proving her lies can only help me in my fight to get my rightful access to my daughter in the long run.
  15. They arent ever gonna enter into a civilised discussion to settle. Seriously, the arrogance of this HR woman is unreal. Im just hoping that the one witness they brought (the HR woman who made the decision to dismiss me originally) has disappeared off on her jollies again when its rescheduled. Theyve tried to get both the security guys who they have reports from (both of which say I did nothing wrong) theyve both said they wont help them, the police officer who didnt turn up at the jearing this time (I think they know they cant ask him to attend) and this HR woman. Theyve ended up with just the HR woman, who now works out of the country and will be off on her cruise ship again when its rescheduled so they are gonna be going into it without a single witness which means (from my research) that thery cant rely on a single bit of evidence that has been provided by any of them.
  16. Id be very wary of going straight to ET without exploring all the avenues open through standard procedure first, ie the appeal process.I know the statutory laws have changed, Im using a case of a statutory nature myself at the moment. Even so, Im pretty certain (from a purely neutrak standpoint) that an ET would at least ask the question why an appeal wasnt filed, and any employer worth their salt in a legal standing would probably allege vexatious litigation by rushing straight to ET without trying to resolve it in an internal manner first.I could be wrong, but thats what Id be wary of first. For what its worth, I hope you batter these nasty cretins!!!!
  17. Im just gonna tell em Ill take a years pay and walk away. Ill never get it, but somewhere in the middle would still do.
  18. No, theyve seen to that by scuppering the offers I have had and the ones I havent I cant get cos theyre hours away.
  19. I put on the claim form I wasnt interested in financial resolution, but I was forced to put an estimated value of goods on. I was hoping that when I proved she had my stuff when she threw me out and then when she admitted shed sold it that she would be charged with theft or something similar, no idea how realistic that is.
  20. Hmm, well lets put it this way. I like your car. Give it to me.Are you likely to do that?No. Your notes are just that. your property. Youve made them for your job role. Its their job to provide training, not yours.
  21. No just that I had been advised to at least offer to open discussions regarding reolving the matter. I said I knew that they had no interest in doing so, but was advised to at least make the offer. Said that the tribunal were not intending to resummon me for at least 4 months, and I doubted whether their directors would want an inevitable tribunal loss hanging over their heads for that long (snigger)
  22. Tell them tough b*ll*cks!!! Just cos their mums doesnt mean tiddly effin squat!!!! They are clearly trying to squeeze the system and are relying on fear of the employer being branded as discriminating to get their way!!! pair of stereotypical users!!! Im a working dad but I dont get any preferential treatment and if a woman used a trick like this ie her gender to get her own way and I could prove Id cause merry hell!! Equality is equality, regardless of gender or anything else!!!
  23. Well Ive sent the other side a seriously snotty email, really with the intention of winding them up more than wanting to actually get a settlement out of them. Said Id taken advice from my union (them and acas actually who still cant believe the case is still going on) to at least go on record of attempting to resolve the matter amicably and without prejudice. Ive not had any reply yet. not surprised tbh.
  24. Ok so my ex threw me out of her flat that wed shared for nearly 8 years last year. It had taken until thursday last (25th August) to finally get to a small claims court to try and get my stuff back that she had kept. (several thousand punds worth of my property)I absolutely tore her to pieces in court, discredited her witness, (her sister) proved them both to have lied in their statements, produced evidence that the property was mine despite her statements to the contrary and so on.The judge finally had enough and eventually told her to stop piping up when she was conitnually getting up to try and spout more rubbish.He has closed the case and has said he has reserved judgement until he sits again this week.Im 95% sure Im gonna win, so heres my actual question.Knowing she has already sold a large amount of the property that I owned what are my options for enforcemant after I win?Being Im not really interested in a financial resolution as she has full custody of my daughter and demanding financial resolution would just be taking food from my duaghters mouth.All I ever wanted is just to get my stuff back.Please advice if this is in the wrong place btw.Ta folks.
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