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Everything posted by hhh_88873

  1. Heres my advice that holds true in all these situations and has been posted before.Heres how it goes. 1)IGNORE THEM!!!!!2) Have a cup of tea and wait for it all to blow over. 3) Go to the winchester, have a pint, and wait for it all to blow over. 4) refer to number 1.Simples..............
  2. Ive just moved house with the wife and weve been looking at the tv licence for when we get the freeview hooked next week at some point.Ive looked onlne and was about to arrange the DD payments when I notice they are trying to charge me for a full years licence,(£145.50) for a licence that will expire in Febuary of next year? They are trying to take £24.25 a month then in febuary it will go down to £12.18 for next year.Is this legit? can they really make you pay for a full year when your already hal;fway through the year? does that mean if Id moved in january Id have to pay £145.50 for one month of tv?
  3. Im not really prepared to entertain any offers now, unless they really push the boat out. Theyve f**ked with the wrong person too many times, and the more I look at the above health and safety case, the more convinced I am Ive got them by the short and curlys, specially with the recent developments in criminal cases and the emphasis on 'natural justice'
  4. The offer was low 3 figures and still no acceptance of a reference. As if I was ever gonna accept that.
  5. Well Well, here we are a week before the tribunal and the first offer to settle has been recieved and duly told to render itself forward and multiply. Seriously paltry offer, I think theyre just yanking my chain........................
  6. Will they take it seriously tho being that I will have my wages going into the account from this friday? Theyve already said since I can use paypal to get baby stuff, I clearly arent in as much hardship as they say.My partner has also had her part time earnings going into my account even tho her earnings arent anything to do with me even tho she uses my account?
  7. Hi guys.Ive been getting battered by charges from nationwide due to a few paypal transactions going out later than I expected.Weve been picking up a few bits and pieces as cheap as we could as myself and My partner are on income based JSA.Weve applied for a refund of charges under the social security administration act 1992, but the bank has ignored this request and said due to the level of transactions (ie, stuff for baby, a few transactions of between £5 and £10 each) on the account they dont feel we are suffering enouigh hardship to qualify for a refund.They recently took £95 out two months in a row despite accepting that ssa act applied in our case and we shouldnt be getting charged. Im now at a crossroads of what to do next. Im about to start a new job so will be earning money again, but strongly feel we are being hammered by nationwide and ignored when we raise an objection. Can anyone help?
  8. Ok, theyve said in reply that they arent prepared to remove anything from their bundle, which says to me theyre being unreasonable as the whole point of agreeing evidence bundles is to state what you are and arent happy with.Theyve also said the reason they took so long was to source the human rights legislation that I quoted. Since I quoted the exact terms of section 6.2 of the european HR act is total twaddle that it took them 2 months after the limit to source it when they have a full HR department to deal with it.Looks like Ill be going into it with objections under rule 7 and the above acts to deal with before Im gonna be happy to proceed with the tribunal itself.
  9. Its exempt if it can be proved an employee acted in order to protect his own health and safety in the face of serious and imminent danger. It is exempt from the 12 month rule as its a statutory right. The only questions would be as to what may or may not constitute serious and imminent danger. The threats I was facing would certainly convey such a threat if they were to be accepted on face value.The criminal law act then applies in that I can use reasonable force or even 'a pre-emptive strike' (even tho I didnt) in the face of a threatened attack.The bad thing is, the stills of the cctv theyve selected show me removing the youth PAST the base of the cctv pole (lampost size) and they have chosen a shot where I am taking the youth past the base of this post and they are trying to say Ive shoved him into the pose even tho I didnt and it definitely isnt mentioned anywhere in any statement because I didnt do it. they are so clearly trying to pull a fast one with selective photos.
  10. That is pretty much the same sort of line Im gonna be going down, but as to whether using this will prove that they breached a statutory right, ie my right to defend myself and thus circumvent the 12 month rule is another matter entirely.
  11. No they wont. They can try, and they will get laughed out of the building.They wont take you to court though fear not.Theres a chain to these letters.Im sure one tof the site team will be able to correct me if Im wrong but Im pretty sure Roxburghes will send you 3-4 letters, ie, letters of intended action, notice of litigation and so on, and will then become a firm called Graham Whites Solicitors who will then say the same things.They are the same firm, probably the same guy at the same desk in a builiding. DONT BE INTIMIDATED!!! use the letters as free firelighters.
  12. I dont have it on me at the mo, but basically explains he viewed cctv, nicked me and interviewed me. Also says I went for the youths throat in the incident, despite him conceding during the taped intervied that I actually hadnt, and admitting this at a later date as well.Says he identified the youth but was unable to get him to make a complaint against me.Says that the behaviour of the youths in question admittedly was threatening.I really dont think its relevant one bit. He wasnt there. He cant comment on it when he didnt directly see the incident.
  13. Roxburghe are a mickey mouse firm specialising in chasing and intimdating people into paying fees that are NOT LEGAL OR BINDING.Heres what you do.1) Ignore it.2)Have a cup of tea.3)Have a biscuit.4) Refer to no 1.Youll get a few snotty letters. Ignore them. Stay strong above all, they WILL go away when they get the hint that you wont be intimidated by them.
  14. Well isnt it so very fortunate that your opinion means tiddly squat to me. At the end of the day, If you had someone cleaning your house, cooking for you, doing repairs that youd caused in a drunken state and had them paying you for the privilege, would you really do what he did?No, I didnt think so...................
  15. Ive no idea about the rules. as for michaels prophecy, nearly but not quite. I decided against using the ncp car park, and have been using the loading bay over the roasd. This was a council ticket and not a private one tho, so itll have more legs if it does stick.Im sure that theres something about appealing on the grounds of the CEO's misconduct in taking back the ticket if I do get a notice.If I do get a notice I think Ill not stop him getting a kicking next time.....................
  16. And as for the whistle blowing yadda yadda, Im gonna be going with that as one of the lines to exempt my case from the 12 month rule as I have a statutory right to protect myself from harm. This means I can use reasonable force to defend myself and under the criminal law act 1967, this can also include the threat of attack, which is mentioned in statements from my former colleague. If I cant get the coppers statement withdrawn then his line mentioning the threatening youths will further back up what Im saying.
  17. Right, the judge has said she isnt interested in the cctv of the incident, hence my requirung the removal of cctv stills of the incident in question.The police officers statement should not be included (in my opinion) becaus ehis job was to make an arrest, and put the evidence before the cps. His personal opinions etc are not relevant and have no bearing on the case. He wasnt a witness to the incident, there fore he should not be providing a statement.
  18. An update on this, as Ive moved house and they dont have my new address, apparently they sent a couple more letters, but the guy living at my old place hasnt heard from them in ages now. So Im guessing theyve got the hint.
  19. An update for those that chimed in on this, some helpfully, some not.The mrs and I are now 5 weeks away from the birth of our child, weve been given a house a little bit out of town, and its actually really nice.We spent several months in a hostel which wasnt overly pleasant. However, we got on with it as best we could and things are now looking up.Lets just hope the work situation improves in the not too distant furture and al will be rosy in the world.
  20. Thats what I was getting at yes. I looked into that and told them it was self defence to start with but they didnt listen.The statement from the police officer that arrested me (which Ive applied to have removed from the evidence bundle) states quite clearly that the group were behaving in a threatening manner and making threats, and the self defense stuff that Ive researched says quite clearly I can act in my own self defence even in the threat of an attack.
  21. Wasnt it 'I love it when a plan comes together?'(80s child here clearly.........)
  22. Thats exactly the thought I had Dave. Its a council one too, so itll stick too. Wonder if Ill have grounds for appeal on the basis that he took the ticket and said hed get shot of it?
  23. Ok so my partner and I have been on income based JSA for a few months now.Shes nearly 8 months pregnant and until last month had had a part time job that just paid over the limit for getting actual payments.I was still required to go in and sign on though, and was still classified as in reciept of income based JSA.My partner stopped work due to it being too much strain about a month ago and when wefound a house to live in rather than the hostel we were in, we applied for a sure start grant (yes its our first child, no other children so we do qualify) a budgeting loan, and a community care grant as we literally had NOTHING in the way of furniture at all. (weve since been loaned some thankfully)We also applied for a budgeting loan and a community care grant.We have been knocked back for all 3 on the grounds that we are not in reciept of income based JSA.We have received written proof from the delivery centre that we actually are in reciept of it, but Im a little worried that because my partner temporarily worked over the limit to receive actual JSA that we will be refused again.W applied only after she finished work, and I have been job searching all along and been signing at the job centre every two weeks like theyve asked.We are now looking at putting her on maternity allowance since she doesnt qualify for maternity from her old employer, (with any luck the job that Ive interviewed for will come through and we wont need it tho) We have appealed on the grounds that they are wrong and we are in receipt of income based JSA, but Im worried theyll ignore us.Any tips on our next move please people?
  24. To be honest, I have no idea. I make no pretense of being an expert in the ways of parking wardens. He did say he had to be careful when to took the ticket back to do it off camera (theres a cctv right where I was parked/working) and he said hed just put in the machine that the driver returned and showed him a blue badge.He assured me that I wouldnt be chased for the ticket, but whether I do or not is still yet to be seen.If I get a notification through Im gonna go ape, but I have witnesses who saw himtake the ticket back off me at least lol.Who knows tbh, I might get a notice through which would mean hes lied, Ill just have to wait and see.All I know is he took the ticket back and that was the last I saw of it.
  25. Ok, I put spacing in and it hasnt worked, but youll get the gist anyway.
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