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Everything posted by Draconian

  1. I have No sympathy for anyone who comes on a Help Forum and openly admits to Fair evasion on so many occasions He’She has lost track of them ?? Your making a mockery of Innocent people who are prosecuted with Genuine Reasons of Innocence . My Advise is ‘Pay up your long over due and you have been caught out’ .
  2. Awesome story ‘House made of sleepers’ could be a Dickens novel . ‘Men risking there lives through their of sense of duty’ . Now that’s what the railways were about , dedicated people with pride and passion for their work who were doing their duty for the country and supplying a public and national service . The railways were never designed to be a major prosecution company , in those days you paid for your ticket or got off the train ! period , and of course if criminal damage took place you were prosecuted . Any losses made from “fare Dodgers” ( unknown) today are theoretical and Guestimated to justify these huge amounts of revenue made from fines . I fully understand however that you feel you are protecting the railways from petty criminals in your work but there comes a time when the situation of over zealous TOCS becomes out of control and should be brought to account. I think with your vast knowledge and experience Old Codger a book is a very good idea with your paintings perhaps .
  3. Sweet RIP . You lot could bore the pants off a Supreme court judge , It would be so Dull without my wit .......
  4. Your comments should be directed at those who claim or advocate this and not those who discus the subject on a Forum . A bit of humour is much needed to lighten a stuffy self indulgent section .
  5. So there You are Honeybee you can get away with fare evasion claiming your "Special Needs":lol::lol:
  6. ??? To unlock your Pc you have to register security shied with them and Pay by credit card for their supposed software . I got it on old Desktop but removed it , but I expect untold amounts of people have be conned into paying
  7. Hi all caggers . not sure at all what section if any this should be in . How many PC users have had the nightmare Security Shield virus download itself on your PC and take over ? Just interested to know if anyone know if any action is being taken against the company. They are taking credit card details and money but from how many , I can imagine older Caggers being conned by these Ba****** .
  8. Should just add its not all Southend customers , that could be a build up over the whole day as far as toilets are concerned .
  9. Being a C2C user I am well aware of the ‘Fenchurch St ‘ Line , Southend now being a University town coupled with the Bar/club couture means that late in the Evening you get the Drunk brigade descending on Southend central , any customer. will be aware and dread being aboard late at night and in many cases feel very uncomfortable if not fearful . On many occasions I have found the sliding Door jammed and the inside area of the toilet in a disgusting state with blocked toilet with Excrement , sick and all manner of nasty objects ( please note I avoid any usage if entirely possible ) .Its not just about ‘Day Travel’ people travel late at night home from work so expect the same conditions as day travellers .
  10. One Good thing about trains ???? Being able to take your bike on board . C2C used to have special sections with straps . These straps have since been removed after abuse and passengers allegedly attempting to hang themselves . These sections were adjacent the toilets which offered the stench of blocked toilets as the grotesque sliding door failed and remained half open , The joys of modern travel ……
  11. Actually I referred to Showing the Prosecutor up as a Nasty Draconian Little Man, and Throwing the case out or a Discharge and that would be worth the Solicitors fees. But Thank you again SRPO for informing us you believe no defence Solicitor gets any client off on this charge. “Don’t you agree England?”
  12. Hi Djonn Both I would say E-mail and letter; a letter always has more weight providing it arrives that is. If you go through any threads on here regarding Penalty Charges/summonses you will see that you have two options, One if you are unable to afford Legal representation then you must of course first off write to apologise for this event explain you case in simple terms without admitting liability which could be used against you at a later date. And the bottom line here is that’s all you can do. The ball is then in the Toc’s/Prosecution dept hands. I think there is a very good chance that they will drop the case as long as you have no previous with them on any issues. I would also not advise you calling the Inspector a coward lol or any form of address at all, just refer to him in third party sense. Option two would be (If you could afford it) hiring yourself a good solicitor/Lawyer who would deal with the matter for you and hopefully giving the Prosecutor a “Good Kicking” in court , and of course the more people that did this the less of these cases we would hear about . Unfortunately the Tocs are well aware that the average citizen cannot afford the costs involved for ‘Legal Battle’ or indeed have the will to proceed with court action, thus the easy option is to pay up...... Then of course you could represent yourself in court, if you believe you have the confidence and deportment to do so? But please remember the ‘Prosecutor’ is a professional person who will know his business. Good Luck Djonn and remember there are worse things than ‘Pot Noodles’ ?? Listening to the waffle and back slapping Ego’s of TOC employee’s on here comes to mind.
  13. Well straight from the Horse’s mouth ‘A Ticket Toc Inspector’ confesses ‘He is Happy to give British Citizens a criminal record for putting their feet momentarily on the worn seats of a Train ‘ Whilst you may have my respect as a comrade I do think it rather Tragic that a Man can be reduced to sneaking about on antiquated trains seeking out the Public for such petty Misdemeanours as this. On leaving the Forces many lower ranks find employment in security firms where most are bored to tears and soon miss the excitement of former years, but surely this kind of Low conduct cannot compensate you for the career and comradeship you once enjoyed. My advice would be seek something which has more Dignity and respect of the Public, for this is not a Noble profession. One more Point if you had read my previous remarks you would have seen that I said people who damage or stain seats should be fined.... you don’t see what others have said only what you want to see, also I was not aware I was having an argument with anyone ? Surely your here to support the consumer otherwise what would be your point of being here if not some hidden agenda?.
  14. LOL ...Tell us do where you meet these 'Old Ladies' as you stated 'they do not go Out ' due to gangs of yobs spitting .... ?
  15. :lol:Oh Stigy your so right lol . Come on Wriggler Grow a pair . Be your own Man
  16. LOL, I see the little Clique are out to play , What kind of people could defend Court summonses for ‘feat on train seats ‘? apart from TOC Drones attempting some kind of Damage limitation and pretending all is normal .so the public want realise you’ve lost the plot with your greed .
  17. Pathetic . Small Minds , Small people . No ones comparing , Just stating One Noble and One Petty PC Crap which shames us all .
  18. For the Record I am Ex Forces and a High % of My family now and of previous generations have been. It would also be clear to any thinking person that I was Ardently Patriotic following comments on other threads . The discipline of Military life past or Present has no bearing On civilian life or indeed the conduct of a British Transport company who ‘serves the Public’ Treating your customers with such Harsh procedures is like cracking a Egg with a sledge hammer simply OTT and the only clear reason can be Revenue . A warning or fine if seats were damaged or stained maybe but this ‘summons ‘ nonsense has got to be exposed and stopped , what’s next No Old people in quiet Zone as their to Quite , No speaking on Platforms . GET REAL ENGLAND and wake up to injustice , lets be Harsh on those that deserve it and firm but fair on very petty small social misconduct
  19. Oh My Good God I missed this one didn’t I. Well I’ve heard it all now Court summonses for ‘Feet on Seat’ for once I’m lost for words but I will try how about sickening beyond belief that in 2011 these money grabbing parasite are sending people to British courts for ‘Feet on Seat’ . What Kind of Man who is a ‘Man ‘would be party or work for a company who’s conduct is so Low and Draconian it beggars belief . Any Magistrate who would debase themselves with presiding over and indeed wasting public money on such matters needs the Feet of the British Public Up the seat of their Pants . Do You Parasites who work for these companies know there are Young Men serving and Dieing for this country in Foreign lands and behind there backs in this once great Britain You Shame us with your Petty disgraceful abuse of power .
  20. Hi Alex A very unpleasant thing to go through for you and I hope you want take the ‘Outcome’ to heart and Keep it in prospective. The sad point is that the said Inspector is still in his position and able to continue that kind of Unprofessional and indeed Unlawful conduct . I do hope that some of the chaps on hear can give their opinions as to weather it is worth making formal complaints to National Express and other parties e.g. ombudsman ,dept of transport etc and asking why no reply to your original complaint was not forthcoming etc. It would be a fact that the ‘Customer Care dept would have liaised with the prosecution dept of National express therefore the inspector would be fully aware of your complaint . Also that you had stated that he had alleged you did not get on at your start location , its seams very odd that this was not picked up on by the Prosecutor that his facts had changed to suit his interest . It would have been a Red flag to most . Old Codja indeed ‘Knows his stuff ‘ and he has My respect for the work and effort he puts in to this site. A Forum like this can however get very Cliquey and to much point scoring or over intellectualising on points rather than putting the consumer first . So now and again it needs a ’Draconian’ to keep them on their toes lol . Good luck for the future
  21. What are you talking about? you have said yourself it's an open and shut case or 'Academic' so you have given thumbs down even before alex has even heard from court .
  22. OOOH Handbags is it RPI . I give My opinion and thats it .Like it or lump it pal .
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