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Everything posted by lasek22uk

  1. Hello all, So yesterday I recived letter from Lewisham demanding payment of £120.00. http://imageshack.us/g/807/letterfromlewisham.png/ To give you idea what happened let me put everything again. We went to Deptford Bridge in London. Parked in a area when you can park for 30 minutes. We knew that there is time limit so we returned to the car 25 minutes later (Still 5 minutes left). I was surprised that there was a guy from council walking around and taking notes. I said to him that we still have a plenty of time but he refused and he start taking my pictures and he also commented that is "To late..". We drove off. The ticket was not even issued yet..not even attached to windscreen - nothing.. What shall I do next? Many thanks for an advice... lasek Well they claim that he ISSUED ticekt but we actually left the place and he never gave us a ticekt! He was just taking pictures of me!
  2. Hello all! Latest update: Recived copy of Allocation Form from by best friends @ Cap1. Here is they story. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/allocationformfromcap1.jpg/ I have already filled my Allocation Form and paid £40. Lasek
  3. Hey Folks! Here is the latest: On the 4th of June 2011 I went to do some shopping and when I returned my car was clamped. What a great surprise! This happend at TESCO.. and my car was clamped by a 'gentelman' who intruduced himself as a "North Hampton Court employee'. I almost had heart attack however I explain all etc and he said that he needs to check wit his office.. This office turned to be a Bailiff Office.. Here is lovely picture...Finally he unclamped me and he left... Check this out: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/16/img00338201106041204.jpg/ Yesterday I was so happy as I recived letter from Northamton Courty Court Please see below: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/34/penalty.jpg/ So thanks for help as I you all rescued me.. around 490£ (190£ penalty + 300£ Bailiff costs). Looks like now need to wait for Lewisham response.. I just wanna say thanks in million to all of you.. and once this is all over I will make honest donation to this forum. lasek
  4. Thanks silverfox1961! Here is amended scan: http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j364/lasek22uk/P1130028-1.jpg
  5. Hi all, I hope all is well. Just recived some bad news from our Cap1 friends. http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j364/lasek22uk/P1130029.jpg http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j364/lasek22uk/P1130030.jpg http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j364/lasek22uk/P1130031.jpg http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j364/lasek22uk/P1130032.jpg http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j364/lasek22uk/P1130033.jpg Where I am at the moment? Many thanks, lasek
  6. Hello all, Just an update: Claim History You submitted a claim on 04/05/2011 at 16:24:10 Your claim was issued on 05/05/2011 Capital One issued an acknowledgment of service on 17/05/2011 Capital One notified the court of a change of address on 17/05/2011 Any idea what will happens next? Cheers! lasek
  7. Dear all... Just had a conversation with people from TEC. They recived my paper work and they notified Lewisham Council. I shall hear back from TEC withink 4 weeks. That means that almighty bailifs need to stay away from my car and me? Thanks to all: Jamberson cream70 tomtubby Fair-Parking lasek
  8. Thank you so much. I wrote to them as I was so upset about it. Here is response. They guy who toke a picture of me never gave me a penalty. We just drove off and that was it.. Moved to another place and bingo! The story was we parked for few minutes. When we arrived guy was taking pictures.. I can recall that no ticekt was even printed off! http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?b2afd83bbb.png http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?2ce0b03044.gif I was told that if there is no evidence of ticekt on the windscree PCN is not valid? And I was leaving... I need to fill in those forms. Thanks all.. Shall I attach this to the Out of time application? What sort of arument I can use... As I said again. He had not a chance to attach ticket to windscreen.. Until today I havent seen original PCN.. Thank you again... lasek
  9. Many thanks Jamberson, Shall I also send a letter to Bailiffs and informed them that I challenge the warrant? Cheers! Lasek
  10. Hello all, Could you please help? Since 2009 I have an battle with Lewisham Council. In 2009 I parked First of all I have left parking when the Enforcement officer issued a "penalty"... Well they claim that he ISSUED ticekt but we actually left the place and he never gave us a ticekt! He was just taking pictures of me! Since then no further letters communication. I thought no ticekt - no penalty but it looks like this is not the case. I moved in 2010 to another property. Then they tracked me down. I have replied and asked for Evidence but they have only provided me with pictures etc. No copy of the ticket or not even a report from Enforcement Officer. When I contacted them again they told me that I need to pay otherwise they will take me to courts. And here is now letter from Bailiffs... I dont know what to do next. I was not even a chance to see the evidence or defend myself in court... Please help... lasek
  11. Hi, Many thanks for all your input. I'm not an expert but I'm looking forward for a honest Court decision. I just filled in claim for £3,053.86... As you can tell I am foreigner. Never was in court before. Not sure how this will end up. Also my main concern that my english is not good enough. But lets see what happens. I want to thank you all again and if all goes well I would like to donate to this forum as well. Take care, Lasek
  12. Thanks a lot all! Still_surviving great post Lasek
  13. Thanks Mike770, Bazooka Boo has chosen not to receive private messages
  14. Cheers! Can I go to court and claim contractual interest instead of 8%? I'm not sure now Lasek
  15. Hello friends, After 10 days I have recived final letter from Cap 1. "Final response of complaint and whilst we will acknowledge future letters from you, we will not enter into further negotiation or correspondence.." Attached copy is here: http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j364/lasek22uk/P1100711.jpg I'm speechless. I have send letter and asked to refund all my charges along with contractual APR but it look like is a never ending battle. I have also quoted "The limitation act 1980 s 32." The list of charges is here..not sure now what to do next..the list of charges is quiet old and APR was very big too.. http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j364/lasek22uk/cap1vslasek-1.jpg Lasek
  16. Hello all, Success story now.. recived in post letter and offer of return of 135£ as a "good will gesture" hehehe Thanks for help! lasek
  17. post ignored.. while smoking a fag...
  18. Many thanks! Letter send over to Cap1... lets see what happens next.. Next update 2 weeks time.. or maybe sooner. Have a great week ahead all!
  19. Hello there and hi Still_surviving, Indeed it is very interesting. Having said that my next will be to send a final letter before action? How can I use s.32 limitations act 1980 - is there perhaps a template letter that I can use? Thanks in million! lasek
  20. Hi DJ, Thanks for information. Will keep you all posted on progress. All the best, Lasek
  21. lasek22uk

    NHS Dentists

    sounds and look like a very painfull bed time story thanks v much!
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