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  1. they did exactly the same to me, had to wait forever for my chair and then asked for an extra £200. at this point my house insurers started legal proceedings and at the last minute the delivered my chair. i was in contact with a man called Ian Bell from Worcester trading standards who were investigating Yes Sofa for several reasons, i think you should contact him and let him know whats happened. well done for getting your refund, i also paid by debit card but left it too long so had no choice but to take the legal route - was well worth it though!
  2. check your house insurance, see if you have legal cover, if so give them a call. they were prepared to take yes sofa to court to get my chair that i waited over 6mths for, i also experience bullying off the manager, and believe me i heard every excuse under the sun as to why my chair was not made until 6mths after i paid for it. they even had the cheek to ask me for extra money 6mths after i paid for the chair, which was in breach of contract and so i reported them to worcester trading standards. the man there was very helpful and he says they have had plenty of complaints about them and they are being investigated under the enterprise act. my advice..... stay away !!
  3. Hi, we tried to cancel our order as it was still in production but with no joy, but we got legal help from our house insurance who were prepared to take them to court on out behalf. Worth a try if u got legal cover? It def helped push things along once they started receiving letters from our solicitor. We paid debit card so this was the only way we could get a refund, eventually we just got our chair delivered. But if they have stated a delivery time they are legally bound to deliver by then otherwise they are breach of contract.
  4. If u paid by debit card like I did you will find it hard to get your money back, it is worth checking your house insurance documents to see if u have legal assistance. Without direct line I prob wouldn't have seen my chair so I would def recommend checking. It still wasn't easy and took months to sort out but I got there in the end, good luck!
  5. If yes sofa have nothing to do with els, then why did my credit card receipt have els on it? The same applies to people who purchased from the b-ham branch they have another alias on their credit card receipts - if you look through the history of this thread I believe its on there
  6. Just thought i'd let you all know that my chair did arrive last week, it only took 9 months and a lot of hard work. Glad we got a result in the end but I will NEVER use this company ever again. Best of luck to all you other people having problems
  7. Dont mean to worry you any more but if you search for the thread on here called 'exclusive leather sofas winding up order' you will see more horror stories
  8. You should be ok some of these people successfully got credit card refunds and those that purchased from the droitwich branch had 'els' on their credit receipts (another alias which went into administration last year) . Unfortuntly I paid by debit card so as u have probably read our house insurers are taking them to court for our refund. I hope u don't have the same bother as the rest of us !
  9. They keep ignoring the letters our legal team and solicitors are sending about going to court, they'll prob go into administration by time I get my Money back at this rate!
  10. We heard that excuse as well about not being able to get the material we ordered but I'm sure that was just a delay tactic, sounds a bit dodgy to me. I wonder how many customers have actually received what they ordered? j
  11. Hi Renton I also contacted Ian bell my complaint was recorded but he said not much he could advise as I'm already taking legal action. Just wondered how u are getting on? Has your new sofa been delivered? I can't believe how many other people are having problems with this company!
  12. Mine also had a saggy cushion in the corner piece, Oliver told us that when our chair would be delivered the driver (who is apparently a qualified upholster too) would check it out, but seeing as I still don't have my chair it hasnt been sorted. Problem is now I have had it over 6 mths I can't do anything about it. Still awaiting court action over missing chair though!
  13. The snow affected delivery of ours 2 weeks before we had any snow! I have heard every excuse possible off these lot
  14. They are in a habit of falsey selling goods I am taking legal action for selling me a chair they cannot provide and now want me to pay an extra £300. I have been waiting 8 months for this chair to be delivered. I have also been in contact with an IAn Bell at Worcester trading standards he is also looking into this company. I agree they are bullies and very rude!
  15. Done watchdog heard nothing back, got an email address for trading standards off another person on here who has complained about them but i not got round to emailing him yet but I will! Currently claiming on my house insurance for a solicitor to take them to court, it just ages with all the paperwork to go through ! I'm getting there
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