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Posts posted by Kyosanto

  1. Same company that tried to get us to pay 6 months worth of Utility bills after we had already moved out of that home.

    Turns out they just searched the phone book for the name of the previous tenant (us) and decided to threaten us, because why not! British gas were useless and it took a S.A.R  and 4 separate live chats to get them to stop the threats.

    I advise you do not deal with BWI at all and completely ignore them (unless they send a letter of claim, which they won't). NEVER call them, the number is premium. Go via british gas only. Get them to confirm in writing that you do not not owe them anything, and get them to stop BWI letters. It will probably take multiple attempts.

    Finally stop worrying here and now. You paid your bills, this debt is not yours, and there is no entity in this world who can make you pay what you do not owe.

    This is nothing but a mistake by incompetent and greedy BG and their idiotic DCA.

  2. There's a thread somewhere about someone sending the baillifs against Wizzair that is quite hilarious. I would love to see someone do the same to Ryanair. Question is, should you be the one to take that role.

    You are entitled to the £220, if your flight was from the UK. If it was TO the UK I suppose it is more of a grey area... though the airlines I know have been using £220 as standard.

    Not that surprising for Ryanair, the worst cheapskates in the universe, to go for the lower amount, and if you forward this to the CEO he will probably have a jolly good laugh and give his accountants a verbal bonus. After all he's the one who said and I paraphrase "F*** our customers, they'll fly with us again anyway".

    While we would all love to see Ryanair get wooped in court again, I have to join my fellow posters in thinking it's not worth the hassle for (hypothetically) £7 and not sure it will expedite the payment either.

    It's already an achievement that you got them to accept to pay.

  3. That's an awful lot of money, so you must have paid for the premium cover?  Do their T&Cs state anything about the time frame that they have to respond to calls that you can use to your advantage?

    Did you ever have to use their services before now? Like the car health check, or other breakdowns?

    If you never made use of your membership, and considering they were totally useless when you tried, hopefully you can get the contract terminated and all the fees refunded, which will fully cover your claim, but someone knowledgeable will be able to advise.

    I'm deeply sorry about your medical condition, but it is irrelevant to the matter, RAC don't have your medical record, and it wouldn't change a thing since they should treat all customers correctly regardless.

    Also, no use to you now, but don't refuse a refund offer: you are free to accept the £9 for the Uber without considering it final settlement.

  4. not a legal opinion, but there are a couple of bits that sound overly verbose, making your letter come accross as contrived. 
    Sounds more like someone trying very hard to use complicated words, rather than the real you. Am I wrong?

    Apologizing deeply and repeatedly is fine (and I'm sure some ppl working at TFL get a kick from it), but I think it can be done in simpler words to come across as more genuine. 2 examples:



    Since the incident, I have been diligently utilising my personal Oyster card, with card number xxxx, and have adopted a more conscientious and ethical perspective.


    A pespective on what?!? On the use of Oyster cards? Does this need to be viewed via "more or less ethical" lens?  Best to delete bit in red entirely.



    Though my intentions were born out of love and a desire to shield her from further worry, I have come to realise the gravity of my actions.


    Bringing love into the tribunal may sound a bit cringy. How about something like this?  "My intentions were to shield her from further financial worries, but I have now come to realize how wrong that was"



    • Like 1
  5. I liked your email disputing the CCTV evidence, but I guess just like with most companies they don't even read emails.

    How did you pay? Hopefully by credit card and you can S75 the missing items worth of money back. Then let them worry about taking you to court, rather than the opposite.

    Good luck!

  6. I can recommend TorFX for transfering funds from abroad to UK accounts. Very good rates, and it's a legit business so no added risk of going through someone dodgy you met with a student currency exchange club.

    Student currency exchange clubs are still a great thing. Enables direct trade between folks and skip the middleman's greedy fees. Just stick to exchanging cash.

  7. Hi there, have you taken this further in the meantime?

    Sorry I notice I never replied to your last post, but there was nothing to add really. BA have given you their "word" and to be honest I trust that the story about the damage and inspection is true. Again it will be up to you to challenge the logistics aspect with the ADR / SCC. It's very common for airlines to refuse to consider logstics because why admit claims when you can deny them, right? If you have evidence of you pointing it out and them blanking your questions, it will look better on you I'm sure.

    You still need to answer whether they paid for your transportation costs, because if they didn't, then you really will win your case, for sure, and need not worry about the ADR fee.

    I would also contact the ADR body in writing and ask them to clarify whether you'd have to pay if you lose, or if it's only for complaints that were made in bad faith.




  8. @jenexx  Only advice would be to NOT write anything else to TFL.

    What you have written up to now was not good and could have made things worse for you. Just don't repeat the same mistake. Stop writing.

    You have accepted the offense already, no going back. 

    You provided a clue in writing that you might have been doing this for longer than one offense, which TfL did not know at the time. No going back.

    You were asked to provide exceptional circumstances, and you did not do that. You actually do not have an exceptional circumstance, from what you have told us (which is very little).


    Wait to see what TfL propose you, a fine, a prosecution etc... Hope for the best. Come back here either when you get further news, or when you are ready to give more information.




  9. AI will do a better job at ruling the country than any PM in recent years, so personally I welcome skynet too.

    ...and when some British-born citizens get deported to Uganda, an extra digit gets added to mortgage rates, Britain leaves UNESCO, or an old folks home gets exposed to Covid-59, it will be because of an accidental bug, not because of deliberate neglect, incompetence, greed and/or pandering to xenophobia.

    • Like 1
  10. Ahaha, I already have problems explaining to my friends that a speculative invoice is not a fine, I'm not about to try explaining that to a customer service rep who is probably already dead inside from the daily abuse they get from their customers and boss in equal measure.

    Your advice is good advice, but I'm lazy and for this one, am happy to take the email at face value. Will update if I get into further trouble.

  11. This is verbatim from HolidayExtras:

    We have had a reply from the parking company explaining that the fine has now been cancelled. 

    I am sorry for any inconvenience caused on this occasion.


    The last communication I received from ParkMaven themselves was a letter dated 9th January called "FINAL REMINDER", nothing since. Cautiously optimistic about it.

  12. Hey there. It seems that BA have already provided their side of the story here, so you are not likely to get anything further from them.

    It does indeed seem that the ADR they are using may charge £25 if your claim is unsucessful... that's not very clear language to say the least. At least you were offer a voucher that pays for half of it.

    However before going further can you clarify whether you did a duty of care claim for your transportation from Washington to Baltimore? How did you travel there and do you have supporting evidence? 

    IF you claimed for this but they refused your claim then I can all but guarantee your ADR claim will be succesful (at least in part) so that's the fee not to worry about.

    If you decide to go to court for this you will need to do some research on past similar cases. You won't be arguing that the damage was not exceptional (it was, and there's no arguing here), but that BA should have been able to source another aircraft. There's the Dunbarr V EZ Jet I linked above where the passenger was succesful, there is also one case V Lufthansa where the German judge found in favor of the airline, however with a big caveat that the airline must be able to prove their logistics were on point. I'm pretty sure I linked this one in one of the other threads around here.

    Someone else will be able to confirm but the worse you can lose from SCC is £50 I believe.

    Re: your wording from above, a good frequent advice from these forums is to leave "distress" and other emotional factors out of your claim, as they are not claimable damages.

    Maybe sleep on it and see what you feel like in a few days! That's what I'm doing (I'm in a similar predicament as you with KLM right now, I was recently delayed by close to 18hrs as the aftermath of a weather event, that was no longer occuring when my flight was scheduled to take place - they paid for hotel and £60 but declined my EC261, I am wondering whether it's worth taking them to the next step, but in my case it's only £220 compensation so a lot of hass for not much further gain)

    • Like 1
  13. "It's common practice" for spreaders of fake news to start their sentences with "it's common practice" or "it's well known that", followed by what ever they believe without a shred of evidence. Apparently it impresses the gullible.

    Airline delays are regulated by UK261/EC261 which determines what length of time is reasonable or not. In the case of OP, 4 hours.

    "Turbulence" is irrelevant. There is wide jurisprudence available for what does and does not constitute exeptional and unforeseen circumstances that can mitigate right to compensation.

    It would be positive to the thread to see you contribute with sources to back your claims, otherwise, it's just turbulence....

  14. Hey there. You should take this further.

    We will split this in two, first your Duty of Care claim and then your compensation claim


    Duty of care

    Regardless of the reasons for the delay or anything that happens. BA owes you the following, and this is 100%, no arguing their way out:

    -Your transportation from Washington to Baltimore (they took you to wrong airport)

    -Any meals+refreshments you may have had in JFK while connecting, or in LHR while waiting (if your departure was delayed too)


    Compensation claim

    I think their excuse is bogus. On first glance their excuse looks impressive, but it's irrelevant as we are not talking about a plane coming to pick you up at an outstation and that had an unforeseen adventure. The plane affected by the cancellation landed at 16:59 on the 16th December, arriving from Mexico. BA had 22 hours to find another aircraft, at their hub, and failed to do so.

    You should tell them that you know the problem flight they are talking about happened the day before, and that their bad logistics isn't your problem. This is not an "unforeseen" issue as they had a full days warning, so the EC261 claims stands. See if they budge and come back and tell us.



    Edit: I use flightradar24, to check flight history, but it requires a paid membership to see more than 7 days in the past.

    G-ZBKC - Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner - British Airways - Flightradar24



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  15. The reasons why scammers, hackers, tax evaders, and mafias around the world love crypto so much is that it's untraceable. And any money sent to a wallet that's not yours can be considered lost. (Remember that song about democracy activists using crypto to escape evil government oppression? A nice tale... your average crypto user is a crook)

    Hopefully there will be other ways to find the international organised crime network behind your scam, but that will be for the Police, and it's a slim chance. Have you been to Police yet? (not sure what Action Fraud counts as, they seem pretty powerless)

    If anything thank you for telling your tale so that others can be warned.

    A real employer in the real world will never, ever, ask its employees to send it money (other than petty cash). It just doesn't work that way.

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